A Payment : Part 2

"You can't hear it. You can't see it."

A man with a blindfold hummed. He let the wind play with his torn cloak as he sat on a tree, hiding below the fallen leaves. He raised one of his knees up and rested his elbow on top of it.

"Yet, it's there. It's everywhere." He continued humming, enjoying the breeze of the afternoon sun. The blinding light of the world would soon vanish as a moon took its place.

"But don't you know? It's like a show." He darted as a leaf fell on top of his hood. The man stared at the sun despite having a blindfold over his eyes. "Where you go, it'll follow. Frequently than your shadow."

"It's in your room. It'll be your doom." He sang, haunting the graves that surrounded the trees he was on. "It's in your head till you're dead."

He stared down at the nearest grave to the tree. Lavenders adorned the tomb as if it was a garden instead of a dead one's resting grave.