The Rewritten World Burn : Part 2

Axel laid on the whole for quite some time. He started at the moon from the pit that he was in pathetically. He needed to get out of here alive and join the people up there.

But he felt like he could not move. It was too pathetic.

Axel could hear footsteps approaching him. Ah? Was someone alive down here? They must have been lucky.

The person quickly covered the moon from Axel's eyes, staring down at him with two worried eyes. She felt familiar.

Oh, wait.

Wasn't she the vice president? She might have fallen into the pit and bumped her head a little. There was faint blood oozing from her forehead. She needed treatment quickly.

"Are you okay?" She genuinely asked.

Ah. Was he okay? He got that a lot. He'd answer with him being alright all the time. He wondered if he ever felt okay.

A realization morphed in the woman's face as she cocked down her head at him a little. "You're..."