A Friend, Perhaps : Part 1

"Who's that?" Zack dumbfoundedly blinked at the Vergessene family that had just arrived. The brunette put down the broom in his hand as he stared at the silver head soldier.

The said soldier's hands were being held by Cain as he walked in front of the man. Cain gripped Leo's shoulder tightly while forcing him to walk.

"Axel's friend," Kiaran answered nonchalantly as he ruffled Axel's hair. The latter was eating a cupcake with a paper bag in his other hand.

"If you're asking me, that doesn't look like a friend at all." Zack gazed back at Leo's face, which had turned into a white sheet.

"What do you mean? Leo and Axel are good friends." Kiaran retorted back with a sly smile.

Zack's face turned into a deadpan as he wrinkled his nose. "You are mad."

"Thank you." Kiaran grinned as he patted Zack's shoulder and went past him. Cain and Adreanna went past the brunette too, with Leo being held like a hostage in Cain's hands.