Chapter 17

A jury of three judges, fully dressed in a judicial robe. The accused were then paraded before them.

Rafeal, who has not seen Don Rocco for quite a while now was ecstatic to see him again; he was hale and hearty just like his old self, and so was Margaritta.

The courtroom was dead silent and soaked in tension that one could hear the heartbeat of the person sitting next to them. Others who have an interest in the trial and have been keeping tabs with it wonders why Deloria, who is a is also a suspect has not been treated as such. As a result, they roar in protest outside the courts' premises for the preferential treatment accorded her by the state, forcing the court officials to seek for reinforcement of riot Police to bolster the strength of the ones already on the ground for the utmost protection of the jury, the accused and other important lives within the building.

When the presiding judge was confident that the security situation outside was under control, he began to initiate the process of serving justice. He said to the audience, "After a prolonged and thorough analysis of arguments from the defence and prosecuting counsels, testimonies and evidence from witnesses; a verdict has been reached by the jury.

Lady Stefflon Don reached for her daughter's hands who is seated next to her for comfort.

First to be called upon was Lucius Labyrinth. "Chaplain of the Swiss Guard, Lucius Labyrinth, you were arraigned before this panel on January the 28th of the present year on a two-count charge of conspiracy and reasonable felony against the State of Vatican. After a close look at your case, you are found not guilty of the two-count charges levelled against you. Therefore, by the powers vested on me by the state of Italy under section 8609 subsection 44c of the laws of the state of Italy, you are hereby discharged and acquitted of the said crimes." He lands the ballet noisily to seal his judgement. There prevailed a suppressed jubilation among his loved ones, who because of the favourable judgement shed tears of joy, hugging and kissing each other passionately.

Judge Mark Angelo then called on the next persons who were Mr Epifany Rocco DeAngelo and his wife, Margaritta.

"Out of the three count charges brought against you for premeditated murder, unlawful possession of arms and ammunition and a reasonable act of waging a war against the State of Italy. You are hereby found guilty of all the three count charges and I hereby pronounce judgement on you as enshrined in the laws of the land, section 16 subsection 9a: You and your spouse, Margaritta, are to serve life imprisonment without an option of fine. Your sentence commences from the day you were apprehended. Now it was Rafeal's turn to be comforted by Lady Stefflon as tears trickle freely on his cheeks like raindrops. He scowls at the barbaric pronouncement and laments that crimes committed by his friend are not commensurate with the weight of punishment served on him.

Two more pronouncements to go; the atmosphere at the court retains its tensed feelings. All eyes were trained on the jury for the next line of action.

"Mrs Deloria Rafeal Massimo," said the judge, "a high ranking officer in the sniper forces of the Italian army. In a one-count charge, allegedly indicting you in a conspiracy to murder Alessandro Epifany DeAngelo. After a tough cerebral gymnastics, you are found…" the judge pauses and was like reconfirming her sentence before spelling out his conclusions. Other judges nodded in concurrence. "You are found not wanting in the one count accusation."

Deloria's eye that we're hitherto shut in anticipation of a hash atonement for her sins were snapped open after declaring her not guilty. "But," continued the judge, "for an officer of the law of your calibre to come down as low as dragging the name of the Italian army into the mores by involving in trivial issues of this nature, you are hereby sentenced to six months imprisonment with an option of fine the sum of two hundred and seventy thousand Euros to be paid into the coffers of the Italian government not later than twenty-four hours after judgement delivery."

Deloria sank back into her seat in a tamed mood of celebration. Major Constantine, dressed in a black suit, sitting at the first row near a passageway separating them seems satisfied with the outcome of the judgement, winked at Deloria. Rafeal and Lady Stefflon Don kisses and hurdles each other for their daughter's triumph.

Judge Mark Angelo clears his throat and calls on the last on the roll call of the accused: "Delima Hebdo, a commissioned cadet officer of the Italian Defense Academy working for the Svizzera Guardia Pontifica. You were arraigned before me on a four-count charge of money laundering, bribery and corruption, aiding and abating in crime against the State of Vatican, which is a treasonable act violating section 195 of the penal code of the laws of the State of Italy which similarly vested powers on me to pronounce penalties on crimes such as mentioned against you. I hereby sentence you to death by hanging. The judge concluded the judgement by invoking God to have mercy upon his soul. Judge Angelo then hits his gavel on the wooden platform and all three co-judges rose to their feet and walks out of the courtroom in a procession. Deloria broke into tears, wailing uncontrollably and refused to be comforted by her family members.

In their bid to get Deloria lynched, the crowd outside charged towards her as she emerged from the building but we're barricaded and disbanded by the Police with a water canon thrown at them. Deloria and the other important figures have to be evacuated and escorted from the irate gang that has sworn to take a pound of flesh off her body.

"What a thumping success that was," said Major Constantine.

"Yea," answered Deloria with a heartwarming smile that forms dimples on her cheeks. "Were it not for your brilliant antics, I would have been stripped off of my rank and position in the army and be sent to cool-off in the correctional home in the outskirts of the city. Therefore, have this: A hot ' thank you kiss' was latched on his cheek.

Maddened by the kiss, Major Constantine asked her if she would be at hand to go somewhere exotic at a moments notice, and her answer was, why not. "Wasn't I always there whenever you call on me?" Major Constantine knew that she has never been there for him when he wanted her desperately for marriage but decides not to talk about it.

"Well then," he said, taking her hand into his, "I am whisking off to my holiday home along the Italy-Switzerland fringes for an electric storm romantic fling." "I like it," she said, "what a wicked way to fete after a grilling session in the courtroom. Major, I wonder what you are going to do to me there?" "Everything!" He said, "everything capable of making both of us scream for pleasure, like the way lovers do when they are in a steamy affair.

"Woah!" She cried, "that wouldn't be so easy to achieve now that more embargoes have been ramped on parts of my body that could lead to that."

"And where could that be?"

"Part of me that is vulnerable to your pleasure-seeking manhood." Major Constantine sighs and harrows his bushy hair with his hands. "By not doing that, what would remain of the getaway would be like another boring routine in the life of two lovers in a failing relationship."

"Who cares?" Deloria snapped back at him, but not in a hostile manner. "Would you please stop being outrageous, Deloria?" "Okay, let the show begin!"

Both were transported onboard a black hawk military helicopter across the partially clear skies to a dispersed settlement at the foot of a mountain covered with snow and gigantic cedar trees in abundance.

The cottage was primarily constructed out of timber from the cedar trees around and without doubt, the most impressive among the league of its type. It has been out of use for quite some time and the curb web has formed in all corners of the ceilings.

"You don't share this house with anyone, do you?" Asked Deloria.

"No, I don't,"

"then this cottage must be haunted, Constantine."

"What are you talking about?"

"Sheee! Listen, pay attention. Can't you hear footsteps pattering down the corridors?"

"Those were more than sounds coming from a human foot," said Major Constantine. He moved away from Deloria down to the passage, and behold! There were impressions of a much larger version of a human foot left on the dusty wooden floors, twice the size of a normal human being.

"Hello!" said Major Constantine, removing his pistol from its upholstery and prowls towards the semi-lighted passage and calls out again: "Hello, is anyone home?" There was no response. He then opened the first door he came in contact with and turns on the light but there was nothing extraordinary. He heard another sound of a rough struggle at the backyard before the door was flung open and out goes a footstep, thumping hard on the snowflakes and disappears into the Cedar trees.

"Wait here and don't move an inch," warned Constantine, "an going into the forest to find out what it was that had trespassed on my property." "No, you can't do that, it could be some vicious phantom doing its thing. Let's get out of here before it's too late." Major Constantine refused to back off. He followed after the footprints on the snow into the wilderness. Deloria heads back into the sitting and all of a sudden, two large human palms from nowhere clamped on her neck and begin to squeeze the life out of her. A fierce struggle ensued between them but the superhuman has the upper hand. If not for her agility and a never-die spirit, she would have been put out by the monster.

Deloria managed to drag it to the fireplace and grabs the stoking rod and crashed it into his forehead before the giant allows her some slack. After she has regained composure, see the seven foot-plus Ogre she was unto, she realized she was fighting a loose battle and if she did not find an escape fast, that thing might murder her within seconds.

She screamed to call on the attention of Constantine but all went in vain. The giant again seized a huge sledgehammer and wielded the dead weight object with great ease and then released it to her direction to silence her once and for all but Deloria dodged it and the mammoth steel busted and buried itself deep into a heavy log supporting the cottage. Deloria managed to slip out through the back door and ran into the woods and stayed there.

The person after her, whose face was covered in mask searches frantically for her. Luck was on the side of Constantine as he did not return through the same route he took. She whispered his name and points to the direction of the house with two fingers telling danger lurks in there. "describe to me how it looks," "someone big," she said. "how enormous?" "Over seven feet, and better armed than we are. With your gun running out of ammunition, we cannot confront them with the feeble punches from our fists, let's get out of here." "But how? We are not mobile." "Never mind, I shall figure the way out soon."

It's now 17:30 GMT. Deloria and Constantine left the vicinity of his property and trekked into the forest. "Am calling in help; if signals are good, help will reach us soon." He pulled out his walkie talkie and began to speak into it: "Mayday, Mayday! Can you read me?" "Come in Major, I can hear you like and clear, over!" "We were trailed and attacked by some dissatisfied league at the outcome of the court case and needed to be evacuated now!"

"State your position, major." "We are at latitude 45 degrees west of the Cedar valley along Italy-Switzerland borders."

"Got that, Major. If you are in the forest, proceed to a nearby open field for a seamless rescue mission."

"Noted, over!" Radio scrambles and went off.

Major Constantine and Deloria arrived at an open field just when the sun's ray was about to be faced out from the western horizon. There, they waited but the helicopter did not show up. To their left down, the hill was a farmhouse. Herds of cattle roam freely on the vast open ranch. There were inactivity and no sign of life in the house except for the barking of a dog. Deloria moved closer to it, yet, there was no movement no voices. Deloria picks a stone and throws it at the door and a woman carrying a Dane gun came out and searches around for an intruder. Deloria came out from her hiding place with her hands thrown up in the air in surrender and said to the woman, "Hi, my name is Deloria. We are fun-seekers from the municipality. Our cabin has been infiltrated by criminals and wouldn't allow us entry. Could we pass the night here with you, ma'am?" Major Constantine came out too from his hiding place.

"Who is he?" Asked the vigilant woman, "he is my boyfriend. His name is Constantine."

"Rogues and evil men now hold the once peaceful town hostage. They often come from for a raid," said the woman. She lowered her gun and invited them in. "After you," she said. Nudging them into the house while she stays behind and looked around before going in.

"I and my husband live here in constant fear, day and night." She bolted the door and turns off the lights. "If they come looking for you, we go under the bunkers and stay there, it's a lot safer down there than here. My name is Doherty and meet my husband, Mr Grocery."

The couples are in their late sixties. Dinner came at the same time with the bark of the dog and the sound of a helicopter hovering in the sky. Major Constantine rushed outside with his two torchlights and waved them into the sky. "I feel they've located us." Deloria was excited about the arrival.

The two black hawks came under heavy shelling when Deloria and her friend were about to board it. To protect the two officers, men of the special forces spread themselves evenly and repelled the attackers with their superior firepower in defence of the helicopter until it lifted and rattles through the sky.

Few minutes after takeoff, the helicopter began to signal a distress beep. Quickly, the pilot turned to his crew with a terrifying look on his face and said to them, "brace up, guys, we've been hit by a mortar!"