Her hurtful words

Lu Xingtian was surprised as the lady in front of him neither did get afraid of his threats nor did she admire his godly looks...

"Just who is this damn woman?! Why is she so different from others?! ", Xingtian thought.

Xingtian finally looked back at the woman with full interest..

She was much shorter than him, she might be 1.65 meters tall at most. Her face was small and oval with delicate features. She looked slim and tender but her aura was different, An aura of sophistication was coming from her.

The most distinguished features were her eyes.

Her eyes were as bright as the moon but as deep as ocean.

As if so many emotions are being suppressed inside those beautiful lustrous eyes - from pain, frustration, vulnerability to purity, elegance, nobility, intelligence, pride and a sence of justice..

Now that she was angry, he could see fire burning inside her reddened eyes.

Being amazed, he couldn't help staring at her eyes more and more.

Feeling uncomfortable because of his amazed gaze on her, she averted her eyes from him and said to the guards, "Her condition is critical, if you don't hurry up, her life can be at danger, her pulse rate is very low. Please be quick to take her to hospital and start treatment immediately! "

Snapping out of his thoughts, Lu Xingtian pointed his fingers towards four bodyguards and said, "four of you send her to hospital immediately."

Hearing his command, one of the bodyguards asked him hesitantly, " What about you, Master? If four of us go with the lady, then only two bodyguards will be left out with you. How can they ensure your safety? "

Lu Xingtian told him in an unbothered way, "Don't worry, just call the other guards to come here in few minutes and moreover I can keep myself safe. Your duty is to obey my command. Go Immediately."

The guards didn't dare to disobey again. Four of them took Xia Ruoli to hospital while two of them stood near Lu Xingtian to protect him.

As the patient was being sent to hospital, Qin Rong intended to leave from there.

But Lu Xingtian spoiled her plan as he said to her mockingly, " Oh so you are just a random jobless people who has habit to poke her nose at every unrelated matter of the world? Now that the drama has ended, you are going back? "

Qin Rong blood boiled in anger after hearing his sarcastic words.... She glared at him and replied with a smirk, " Oh, Jobless people? As a doctor, should I do nothing but go away from the spot when a lady is having miscarriage?

Do you think everyone in the world would be interested in the personal matters of a blo*dy womanizer who has nothing but plenty of money?"

Lu Xingtian's two bodyguards were enraged to hear her disdainful words towards their master..

"How dare you to look down on our master! Do you know who he is? "

"Master, give us order to capture her.. We'll break her arms today... " ; The two guards spoke up simultaneously...

Lu Xingtian didn't react.. He was looking at the brown haired woman with more interest now....She really is different!

On the contrary to all of them, Mo Yifeng who was silent all the time looked at Qin Rong like she's some otherworldly creature..

'Damn, Can't she feel any sense of danger? She's maybe the first one in so many years to talk back directly in such a way to Lu Xingtian! ', he thought...

He really wanted to bow down to her for her courage...

Lu Xingtian asked her with curiousity, " Oh really? Suppose, If I tell you now that I want you as my girlfriend and in exchange I'll give you 100 millions with a large luxurious villa and a brand new Lamborghini.. Won't you agree?

Don't think that I am kidding with you... I can give you a cheque of 100 million immediately if you agree with my proposal."

Qin Rong was speechless at his shamelessness.

She wondered if he has any crack in his brain?!

He is offering 100 million to a random woman?! Is he a spendthrift?

Does he think money grows on tree; So, he can spend it as much as he want?!

It took few seconds to get her voice back from her initial shock.

After composing herself, she replied to him, "After seeing your diamond cufflinks and diamond wrist-watch of a high-end luxurious brand, I could already tell that You are filthy rich but I didn't know You are a crazy spendthrift !!

Do you think every girl will die to be your girlfriend just because you are extravagantly rich and handsome?

There are plenty of women in the world for whom self-respect is much more valuable than your damn money..

A brutal, heartless person like you, who doesn't think twice to kill his own child is not even worthy to be called human-being; let alone being a boyfriend...

Don't you feel scared as your hands are soaked in blood of an innocent life?! "

Qin Rong's face flushed red in anger. She would not have told so many daring words blatantly to the powerful man opposite her if she had not seen the scene of miscarriage.. As a doctor, moreover as a woman, she felt heartbroken for the woman who just lost her baby...

This time, Lu Xingtian's expression faltered a little.. His eyes reddened as he glared at the woman standing opposite him.. She doesn't know that the words she said just know pricked at his heart like needles.

His wounds of the heart which he tried to hide forcefully from the world by his coldness and ruthlessness demeanor cracked open again after so many years and it's so painful that he felt like somebody is forcefully squeezing his heart.

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and took a few deep breaths to compose himself..