Have You fallen for her?

[**Hey readers, as I haven't updated a new chapter yesterday, this chapter is gonna be a little longer]

Qin Rong lifted her head to observe the attitude of Lu Xingtian as she was having difficulty to believe this ruthless man could be that magnanimous to exempt her.

But she was startled to find out that he was gazing into her eyes without a slightest bit of malice.

'Why is looking me like that as if he has fallen for me! Wait what? How can a womanizer like him can fall for me?! That scumbag! Is he planning to hypnotize me with that look? Dream on! hmph'....Thinking this, she tried to calm herself but everytime her eyes fell on him, her heart was beating faster as she was abnormally anxious.

'No! this man is dangerous, he has got something strange into him that is making me anxious as I am having an weird feeling in my heart. I should leave from here as soon as possible'..

She cleared her throat and spoke up softly as a tinge of hesitation and embarassment could be traced from her tone, "Well then... I...I am g-going. Goodbye everyone"

After saying this, she started walking off from there with an unbelievably fast speed.

Seeing her leaving figure, Lu Xingtian suddenly felt a bit empty as if she has taken away something very precious of him with her before leaving...

Noticing the daze look of Lu Xingtian, Mo Yifeng who was silent the whole time, stepped closer to stand beside him and spoke up, " Why are you looking so lost? You didn't even punish her for her audacity and even lectured her as if you are her guardian.. Don't tell me, you are deciding to take her as your new girlfriend? Oh No! . It can't be right? You never behaved so well with your girlfriends.. So... Wait, It can't be that... you have fallen for her?"

Lu Xingtian's whole body froze for a few seconds and his heart started pounding violently after listening to Mo Yifeng's last words..

'Fallen for her? It can't be true, right? How can a heartless person like me fall for a random woman at the first meeting.. Love is not my cup of tea', he forced himself to believe these words while ignoring his pounding heart.

Controlling his facial expression, he looked at Mo Yifeng and said to him sarcastically," Oh you are still awake? If you didn't speak up just now, I almost thought that you have fallen asleep while watching the drama infront of your eyes.."

Mo Yifeng: "..." "Hey! what elso could I do? wasn't everything earlier your personal affair? Should have I meddled into this matter? ....Humph.."

Lu Xingtian: "Well, What about the our business deal? Didn't we come here to talk about west bridge construction project?"

Mo Yifeng could feel that Lu Xingtian was deliberately avoiding about the issue of that mysterious girl.. So, he didn't push him further.

With a care-free attitude, he shook off his hands at Lu Xingtian and said,"Well, I know better more than anyone how prominent are you in the business field... You can be considered as business genius.. So dude, I know I'll not lose out if I work with your company. You can start the project as soon as possible."

Lu Xingtian tilted his head to look at Mo Yifeng with a filthy gaze in his eyes as if he's looking at an idiot.

"Don't you know that I am heading for USA at tomorrow noon to attend the launching ceremony of the newest version of Android Phone manufactured by our company... Do you think I have time to go to F city to supervise this project? How can a careless person like you become president? Aren't you afraid that I'll cheat on you and make you lose your money?"

Mo Yifeng screamed in excitement completely forgetting his friend's threat after hearing his words,"Oh shit, how could I forget that You are a technology genius! You have designed the internal structure and programming of the phone yourself, right? That's why you, the legendary Mr Lu, is going there yourself!"

Lu Xingtian ran his flustered hand through his hair as he was having headache to realise the level of immaturity and childishness of his 'middle-aged' friend...

"Yeah, I am very optimistic about the whole project.. Well, my employees have helped me a lot, mainly the engineers.. I'll come back in a few days.. Till then, I hope you'll keep forward the project related affairs even it's a little bit.."

Ignoring his last words, Mo Yifeng again exclaimed , "Oh my my my.. If you are optimistic, that's mean this new phone is gonna make your 'Global Tech' a profit of atleast a few billion US dollars.. Well, how about you give me only one billion dollar considering our brotherhood?"

Lu Xingtian sneered at him, "Heh... Dream on.. I hope I'll see the growth on the project by the time I come back.. Otherwise I have to call Uncle Mo to complain about you.. Bye for now"

After speaking this, he started walking off while the two bodyguards trailed behind him towards his luxurious Mercedes Benz. Other bodyguards whom they called earlier were already waiting inside a black Sedan which was parked behind their car..

Mo Xingtian spoke while greeting through his teeth, "This devil!"... Humph.. He hates business but still everybody forces him to into it..

.. Sigh.. His life is truly miserable because of his strict father and devil best friend!

On the other side, after walking away from the private room booked by Lu Xingtian, Qin Rong checked her phone to khow what time it was and shocked to find out that Qiao Anan called her over ten times but she couldn't hear the ringtone as her phone was in silent mode.

She wanted to bang her head on the wall as she couldn't believe she was disappeared over an hour but even didn't inform her friend!

And the most important point was that she forgot about Anan, if not for the missed calls, she would probably go back home without informing her..

Damn! Did that man cast a spell on her?! She actually almost forgot about why and how she came into this restaurant!

She called back Qiao Anan quickly with a guilty conscience..

An anxious, loud voice rung up from the other side, "Rongrong, Is that you? Where did you disappear? didn't you just go to stroll inside the hallway? Didn't you know how tensed I became when you didn't recieve my call! I even decided to call the police!"

Hearing how worried Anan was for her, she even felt guiltier.. She replied her with an embarrassed tone, "Emm Anan, I am completely okay. . Don't worry.. Tell me, where are you now? Are you still inside our private room?"

"Yes, how can I go home without you? I am still inside.. Come here, quickly!"

"Okay I'll be there in a few minutes"

When she reached inside the room, Qiao Anan sprang into her side and checked her body from head to tail to see if she was really not injured...

Qin Rong's heart warmed at her gestures as she hugged Anan tightly into her arms.. Anan was her only close girlfriend who always kept contact with her even if she was in a different city or country..

Qin Rong spoke up softly, "Thank you Anan for staying by my side all these years. I'm really fortunate to have a friend like you"

Qiao Anan was surprised to see the her

aloof friend being emotional while hugging her. Though she was a little bit happy inside, she didn't like when Ronrong thanked her..

Pushing Rongrong off from her body, She rolled her eyes and asked her in an enquiring tone, "Hey, you can be emotional later.. Tell me first, where were you? I didn't forgive you for keeping me wait for you! "

Rongrong knew she couldn't lie to her. So, she told her about whole matter briefly.

After listening to the whole story from her, Qiao Anan's eyes widened in shock...

She screamed in excitement, "You mean that you misunderstood him and then insulted him but he offered you 100 millions to be his girlfriend! Is it his habit to spend his money crazily just because

he has too much to spend! Why didn't you agree to his proposal?! Think about it!.. 100 millions!"

Qin Rong glared at her, "Hey, do I look like a gold digger? Letting aside the fact that he is a damn womanizer, I even don't know his name! why should I agree to be his girlfriend?!"

Qiao Anan refuted her words telling her, "What gold digger, hmm?! ... You'll be considered as his sugar baby at most.. Just think about this... You are single right now and moreover, you were unable to take a liking into any man over past four years, so wasn't it a good offer? He's extremely rich, he might be a billionaire and from your description, I can guess that he's not much old, right?.. Oh tell me, is he handsome? Shit! I just forgot to ask you about it.."

After hearing Anan's question, that breathtakingly handsome face and runaway model like figure came to her mind.

'Handsome? That face was enchanting enough to bring calamity to the whole world! Wait! what is she even thinking!!"

Clearing her thoughts, Qin Rong answered with hesitation, "Well, He... he is h-handsome.."

"Wait what?! you actually acknowledged that he is handsome! Then, he must be extraordinarily handsome! But why did you rejected his offer girl?! He is extraordinarily handsome, young and even a billionaire! He must be kind of bad boy billionaire whom every girl dreams to have! Even if you don't love him, you could have your feast by having his handsome body and you could also get 100 millions! Oh you dumb girl! Sigh..."

Rong slapped Anan's forehead and rolled her eyes at her. With a stern expression, she reprimanded her, "When did your brain become this much corrupted? wheather he is handsome or not doesn't matter to me.. He was just a mere passerby with whom I happened to have a chance encounter in this life.. Furthermore, I don't like bad boy billionaires. Let's not talk about an irrelevant person anymore. It's already so late now, let's go home now"

After seeing the stoic face of Rong, Anan knew she has gone overboard. So, with a regretful expression on her face, she said softly to Rong, "Rongrong, please don't be angry with me. I was just saying casually..."

Smiling faintly, Qin Rong replied, "Oh, it's nothing. I know you were saying casually as nobody is more familiar about your personality than me.. I am not angry with you, I was trying to make you understand.. let's go, it's late."

Qin Rong and Lu Xingtian left the restaurant at almost same time but unfortunately they couldn't see a glimpse of each other.

Qin Rong didn't try to remember the incident and that man again.

After coming back to her new home, she freshened up and went early to sleep as she has many important things to do tomorrow.. She has to finalize the contract related to her new job in this city and she has to pay visit to the most important persons of her life.....