A city cemetery

Although Lu Xingtian desperately wanted to go to her, he knew he had no right to go as he didn't even know her name. So, restraining himself, he took resolve in his heart, "Wait for me to come back 'mysterious girl'. I must meet you again after gathering all your information!"

His lips bent slightly upwards as he smiled faintly thinking about her... His gentle smile couldn't escape the eyes of Lei Shao who was sitting next to him.

He squealed, "Oh my my my... Second brother.. Why are you smiling suddenly and what's wrong with this smile?! You are smiling harmlessly, so unlikely from your normal self!"

Lu Xingtian changed his facial expression within a fraction of seconds and returned to his usual cold and gloomy self carrying that 'Not-so-approachable' aura as if the gentle smile earlier was just an illusion..

He glared at Lei Shao, "Do you want me to throw you out of your own car?"

Lei Shao gulped his saliva after hearing the threatening tone of his second brother.

'Did I awaken the devil inside my second brother by any chance? But I just asked some simple questions out of curiosity?!' he complained in his heart and pouted like a child who has been wrongly accused by his parents.

The other soldiers of Special Fire Team were astounded after seeing the childish behavior of their commander who was known to be 'demon-king' among the military.

Lu Xingtian didn't want to pay attention to them as his mind was still busy thinking about that woman, he tried to get her out of his mind but to no avail.

But the woman whose thoughts filled his mind was oblivious to everything as she was immersed in her memories of past...

Qin Rong didn't say a word throughout the whole journey but when the cab reached near the cemetery, she remembered something important.

She asked the driver politely, "Uncle, is there any flower shop nearby?"

The old driver was very delighted after hearing the humble adress of the beautiful young lady.

Turning to look at her, he nodded as he replied, "Yes young lady, a small flower shop opened recently near the front gate of cemetery."

When the cab reached near the flower shop, she stepped out of the car. She could see the front gate of the cemetery clearly as it was just a few meters away from the small flower shop.

"Miss, you can enter the cemetery directly after buying flowers from this shop. So, do you want me to wait for you to come back?" The old driver asked her.

Smilling at him, she replied, "No thank you for asking but I'll stay here for a few hours. You can go back."

After paying the driver for the ride, she stepped closer to the flower shop and saw a young woman was selling various kinds of beautiful and colourful flowers.

"young lady, please give me two bouquets of white chrysanthemum flowers." Qin Rong said.

It didn't take long before Qin Rong paid for her flowers and thanked the young lady.

She walked towards the main gate of City A cemetery and after reaching there, she steadily walked forward...

Before she knew it, her feet stopped in front of a grey tall tombstone. In the center was a portrait of a gentleman, a sweet smile was plastered on his face. If one was to see this picture, one could see the faint resemblance Qin Rong has with the man in the picture.

Staring at his gentle face, Qin Rong squatted down and placed a bouquet of white chrysanthemum on the grave. Shifting her position, she sat on her knees. Lifting her hands, she kowtow three times.

Sitting back, she traced her finger on the nicely engraved calligraphy; Qin Guiren..

"Daddy, are you angry with your little Rong for not visiting your grave since last four years?

How could I visit you daddy when I was not in this city even not in this country?

You must know the reason, right? Even though I didn't tell you, I know you have watched everything from heaven.

Daddy you must be happy to know that your little Rong has become a very successful neurosurgeon.

Do you remember that when I was just a toddler, I told you that my dream was to be a lady doctor and save the lives of people.

You were very proud after hearing it and encouraged me to fulfill my dream. Look at me now daddy, I have finally achieved everything I wanted. You must be very proud of me, right?

If you were here, you would have hugged me, patted my head and then cooked my favourite chicken dumplings as my reward just like you used to do in my childhood when I used to get good marks in the exam." After saying all these, she started sobbing as big drops of tears started falling down from her eyes.

It took her a while to control herself as she spoke up again between her sobbing,

"Daddy, you used to say that I am your princess and I would meet my prince after growing up and our story will be happily ever after.

Do you remember him as I have also introduced him to you. Daddy, he was really the one for me but... our story didn't end happily as he left me just as you did...

Why did both of you left me even after knowing that I couldn't live without you?

Why did both of you end up in this desolate place leaving me alone in the large world?

Why is God so cruel to let me face the death of my favourite persons and experience that heart piercing pain again and again? Why..." she couldn't continue speaking anymore as her words were stuck in tears.

She took deep breath as tears were still rolling down her cheeks silently.

Finally after a few minutes, she stood up wiping away her tears from her face picking up another bouquet of flower which she placed at her left side.

She bowed down towards the large tombstone and said, " Goodbye Daddy, I'm going to visit your son-in-law who just like you has been sleeping under the soil of this cemetery forever...

Daddy, do you know how much I also accompany both of you by sleeping here forever?

In this whole world, only this place attracts me.

I am tired daddy, I also want to sleep forever.."

After she finished speaking, she continued walking along the west side inside the cemetery to meet with her most beloved person...