2 years before

I met Jin 2 years ago. He was just a normal teenager, he's just 15. Jin and i are going at the same school. At first, i thought it was a rare thing for a child of a Don to go to school.

It was my 3rd year that time. I'm about to graduate, while Jin is only 1st year.

He met me and i think he fell in love all of sudden. My first thought, it was just a un serious love. So I didn't paid much attention.

Times flowed, the middle of the school year is about to come, and here's Jin. He kept waiting for me, following me, always gives me a roses that he picked up somewhere. That time, i started to notice it. He was courting me all the time, but i can tell by his look that he has no love experience, neither i.

That time, my friends told to get some love ones. So i was thinking of Jin, but i didn't expect them to pick a man for me.

They choose a man that will date me, even though. I didn't felt anything to the guy. It was hard for me, I don't know if Jin knew it, and I don't want Jin to know it.

I suddenly feel that, without Jin. My teenage days, will be lonely, or boring.

Jin was a funny guy, kind and lovely. He even went to our house to give me a small stuff bear.

With that, he met Alexandr and my father. Every weekend, Jin will come to our house just to gave me something, then Alexandr will let him come in easily. My father has his sparkling eyes whenever Jin's coming over.

But for me, i didn't want him to do all of this. I started to get annoyed whenever he's on my side. So i did something. I said something.. That hurts his feelings.

"You know what? You've been doing this for almost a year. It's too annoying you know. Can you give me some space?"

My intention was too lessen his craziness to me. I didn't meant anything. But i didn't expect him to say something..

"Sorry, of course i can give you that."

Then smile. And that words, was the last words i heard from him.

It was our graduation day. My name was called out, my father and Alexandr was there. But Jin... I haven't heard anything from him, either from his classmates.

I started to have a conscience about what i said. It must be hurt for him.

I didn't thought that. I can't live without Jin on my side. I misses him. I still have hope, so i waited.



And year..

Even the time i held my father's legacy. I was waiting for him. I'll admit it.

I love him ever since then.

then, the time comes.

I found him.


"I still don't know why you've be gone."

The reason why Jin suddenly gone. Is because of the incident. The murder incident.

Even if the girl that he's talking is a murderer, he still can't say it.

"I got depressed."

"Is it because of me?"

"No! Is it because of something... Terrible."

Jin stop his talking. He turned around and didn't look back at WooMin. It was like he doesn't want to talk about anything.


Jin stop his feet from walking. He slowly look his eyes back to WooMin, knowing that..

"Is pointing a gun in the back of the head is your hobby?"

"Well what about you? Turning your back like no one is talking.."

Jin found WooMin correct, it was his mistake. He walked out because he knew what will WooMin ask next.

"Say, what's happened?"


"I what?"

"I got caught in an accident, hehe."

WooMin's face was distorted. She doesn't know what to say, but one thing is making her uncomfortable. That is Jin's expression.

Jin wasn't able to express correctly his lie expression. With this lie. Their conversations added some time.

"What accident?"

"Hey, how many questions will you ask? I'm going home." Jin turned his back again.

WooMin's eyebrows flinch, she was trying to talk to Jin calmly. She showed him a lady act.

But this time, she had enough.

"If i pull this triggered, will your head blow off?"

Jin's head tilt to WooMin a bit, and give her an unafraid looks.

"Berette 92, and a silencer. Of course my head wouldn't blow off."

Jin also noticed, that the pistol has a silencer. So he thinks that, it's really a clean up after the murder earlier.

"Your finger wasn't on the trigger. Put it."

If WooMin is willingly to kill Jin, her finger will be hook at the trigger. But in WooMin's mind. She can't do it.

It was her love ones, how can she point a gun on him? It was her love ones, how can she threatened him?

WooMin noticed that. If they'll be in a relationship in future. She can't treat him like how she's treating him now.

She's threatening him to talk with her. Pointing a gun to talk with her. if WooMin continued to do this, their future relationship will lead to one sided domination. She loves Jin with domination.

Her arms fell down, and gave the gun to one of her men.

Jin says his farewell.

"I didn't know you're a heir of a Don.... It was nice to see you again, bye"

Then Jin mumbled

"You're the Don now, i can expect you to locate my location."


It was a very long day, Jin saw a murder incident. He has a lot of thoughts running in his mind. More likely. 'It's so embarrassing to remember those days.'

It was his first love. He intentionally forgot her, because of his case. He locked himself from his house to escape the bloody incident.

But afterall, he's still can't escape it. After years by years, he still seeing his hand, cover by blood.

'I got used to it.' Jin look at his hand.

Meanwhile, at WooMin's mansion.

"Hey, Alexandr."

"Yes, lady Jade?"

WooMin glance at Alexandr's eyes while headung at her room. She slightly smiled to him.

"I want you to retired."


Alexandr's eyes widened as if he felt like he did something wrong.

"You're too old haha. I want you to enjoy you remaining times." Alexandr slowly getting WooMin.

"But i.."

WooMin approached Alexandr, she raised her arm and tap Alexandr's shoulder.

"You've been my father's right hand, and now. You're a butler, but you're still at my side whenever there's a action."

"Lady Jade..."

WooMin said her point of the conversation. He looked down, and biting her lips.

"Alexandr.. You're like my second father! You've been by my side ever since i was a toddler! You... you can rest now."


"You can still by my side... But as a family."

Alexandr's eyes dropped a tears, as he heard something like that from WooMin, who he treated like his own daughter.

"Okay. WooMin."

WooMin glance at Alexandr's and smiled. She was happy that Alexandr got her point. For WooMin, she doesn't wanted to see Alexandr getting hurt from gang activity.

"By the way, Lady jad.. I mean WooMin. I got his location."

WooMin's eye's widened.


At Jin's home.

Jin just got home, but someone is somehow waiting for him.


Yin was sitting at the stairs, worried. She seems notice something.

Jin's mind was focused on the earlier incident. He was sure that something annoying may happen sooner days. The tables has turned.

"Are you..."

She cut her words in the middle of her speaking, as she remembers what she said to Jin earlier. But what's with the worried expression?

'He seems okay, but.. Those gang something might comeback..!'



I feel unhappy, even though i'm hanging out with them.

I said too much earlier..

I didn't wanted to hurt him, but i don't know why did i say that. I want to go and see what's happening home right now.

I don't really know why i hate him. Every since we was a kid. I was always the favorite one. But i somehow, felt jealous to Jin...

Even though i said too much harsh words earlier, of course i still love him. He is my brother, my twin brother.

I was really shocked earlier. I feel like, i'm the worst.

He did everything for me, he cook for me, wash my clothes for me, and everything.

He was a perfect brother, and I don't want him to stop caring about me.

"Guys, i'm gonna go home."

"Eh? You're feeling guilty right?"

I nodded.

I was walking home with my friends, they came along with me.

One of my friend ask me.

"By the way Yin, i was wondering since the first time we interact. Where are your parents?"

I was speechless for a while. It somehow made me remember how i hate Jin.

"My father is dead, while my mother left us.",

"Ah.. I'm sorry, i shouldn't have ask."

"It's okay, you didn't know anyway.",

It was a tragic event for my father. It was night that time, i and mom are about to sleep then we heard father shouting at Jin. It seems that Jin is gone missing.

We were searching for Jin, even it's late midnight, until siren rang.

We don't know if it's a siren of the police or ambulance.

That siren made my dad panic, so he burst his energy to find Jin. It left us no choice but to wait in the house.

Hours later, a knock was heard in our door. It was mom's friend's.

She was asking us to come with her panically. Until we arrived at place.

We saw Jin covered by blood. He was staring at his hand like he doesn't know what's going on.

Beside Jin. We saw father, lying at the ground and not breathing.

My mother ran towards at my father's body, while i was standing at the scene and don't know that to do.

It was an hours of suffer for us. The police has arrived, and ask Jin a question as he witnessed the crime scene.

Hours of interview, and done. Then the police came to us.

"You're the parents?"

"Yes i am."

"We don't have a choice but to get him a trial."

My mother shout out.

"But he's just a boy, how can he?"

The police stare at us

"Mrs. There are some witnesses that says, you're son was getting trip by a thugs."

"Isn't that make our son innocent?"

"But the witness who called us said. That they saw your son stabbing those guys first."

-CHAP 2- -END-