Chapter 31

Vierne tripped and fell on the ground.

"Hello Vierne~" Victoria said with a smile.

Vierne slowly got up and looked at Victoria "Congratulations, you tripped me. "Ha ha ha", so funny I can't stop laughing." She said with a sarcastic laughter.

"What?" Victoria said, shocked by Vierne's sudden change in behavior.

Vierne turned and walked towards the class while the others gaped at her in awe.

'HA! NEVER BEEN SO EASY!' She thought as she opened the door and walked inside the class.

She looked at her seat.

It was covered with curses and abusive words but all that Vierne focused on was 'Slut'.

She just stood there and looked at her seat.

Victoria sat on her seat, surrounded by her friends.

"Looks like the slut is in a mood this morning." Victoria said.

"Ya! She dared to reply back to you!" Hedley said.

"Look at her stand like that in front of her seat"

"She's staring so intensely at her desk!"

"Are you trying to seduce your desk too?"

"OMG? So the next target is the desk?"

"Run desk! If you don't wanna get raped!"

"OMG! This is too funny!" Victoria said and the entire class started laughing.

Vierne smiled and said "Damn! I've got myself an entire fanclub here."

"What?" Victoria said.

"Oh- How could I forget today's special guest! Her highness Victoria Rushele, the queen of lowbrows!" Vierne said.

"You b*tch!" Victoria said as she got up and walked towards Vierne.

Vierne kicked her desk and the desk landed just in front of Victoria.

"I missed it on purpose because it won't be any fun to send you to the hospital right away." Vierne said as her blue eyes glowed with magnificent confidence and power.


"What's happening here?" The teacher said as he came in "Sit down on your seat, everyone"

Vierne went ahead and sat on Victoria's seat.

"What the hell!" Victoria said.

"Hey! That's Victoria's seat!" Hedley said.

"I can't see her name anywhere on the desk." Vierne said.

"What's going on there?" The teacher asked.

"Teacher! Look at her! She's sitting on my desk!" Victoria whined.

"Teacher, look at her, she's sitting on my desk!" Vierne said as she mimicked Victoria's shrill and frail voice.

The class burst into laughter.

Even the teacher flinched, then he said "*Cough* Ms. Vierne, please sit on your own seat."

"But sir, this IS my seat" Vierne said.

"Liar! Your seat is at that corner!" Victoria said.

"You mean that worn out seat there? Well... as far as I know, all the words written on it describe you, how can it be my seat?" Vierne said.

"WHAT?!!" Victoria said.

"Ms. Victoria, let me start the class, just go sit on that seat!" The teacher said.

"But sir-"

"Go!" The teacher said.

"Ugh! Just you wait and see, Obolensky." Victoria said and sat on Vierne's seat.

Vierne smiled and looked at the board.


Akagi stood on the podium and blankly stared at the class.

The students stared back at him. He flinched and finally said "Un… Self study!"

Everyone looked at each other then opened their books.


After the first half, it was lunch break.

"Milady, I've prepared something special today" Lict said to Vierne as he gave her the lunch box.

"Lict! Come here~" Victoria said from her desk.

"I'll go-"

"No, stay." Vierne said as she opened the lunch box.

It was custard apple.

She passed the spoon to Lict and said "Feed me"

"Huh?" Lict said.

"Lict! What are you doing?" Victoria said.

Lict ignored her and said "Here?"

"Of course! Do it quickly! I'm dying from hunger." Vierne said.

"Fine, open your mouth, Milady." Lict said with a smile.

"Aaaaaa" Vierne said as she opened her mouth and Lict fed her.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!" Victoria said as she got to Vierne's table.

"Eating... Don't you do it?" Vierne said "Oh! I got it! You're so used of eating sh*t that you forgot what real food looks like."

"What the- Lict why are you with someone like her?"

"Because she is my Lady." Lict said.

"Are you under her debt or something? If it's so, I can ask my dad to help you out." Victoria said.

"Why are you being so desperate for him? You look like a b*tch in heat." Vierne said.

Victoria just ignored Vierne and rolled her eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there." Vierne said.

"Oh Puh- Lez! At least I don't openly feed other guys, unlike some sluts!" Victoria said.

"B*tch please! Your v*gina has more users than Facebook." Vierne said.

"What??!!" Victoria said "You- You!!! UGH!!"

"Can't find words to describe me?"

"Take this!!" Victoria said as she threw the custard apple at Vierne.

"What are you doing?!" Lict said to Victoria.

"Lict, stop." Vierne said.

"What?" Lict said as he turned towards Vierne.


She picked up the custard which had fallen on the floor and spread it on Victoria's designer top.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Victoria shouted as she moved back.

"It's called Karma." Vierne said "You'll clean this!" Vierne said as she pointed towards the floor "Take a mop and get started."

"HUH? YOU MEAN I WILL CLEAN THIS??!!" Victoria said.

"Of course! A piece of sh*t should clean a piece of sh*t! That's basic ethics to help the one of their kind" Vierne said.

"YOU-" Victoria said as she ran towards Vierne but slipped on the custard and fell.

"Oh! My bad! You were gonna clean it without using a mop? It's alright. Clean it with your clothes, I don't mind it, personally but I'm sure the janitor won't be happy if the floor stinks of your sweat." Vierne said and left the cafeteria as Lict followed her.

Everyone laughed at Victoria as she threw her hands on the floor with anger.


Back in the class after the lunch break...

Victoria came inside the class. She was now dressed up in a white and red top.

"Ew... Where did you get that thing from? The dustbin outside my house?" Vierne said.

Lict looked at her with surprise.

"What did you say?" Victoria said "Let me tell you, this top is made by the finest craftsman in Italy-"

"No one wants to know its history, Victoria." Vierne said "It looks nothing more than the top I threw away months ago because it was way too outdated. Maybe then you picked it up while you were on your garbage hunt."

"How dare you say that??!!" Victoria said as a tear dropped from her eye "My dad got it for me."

"Aww.. Tori, don't cry..." Hedley said as she patted Victoria.

"Why did you say that to Victoria! You made her cry!" Hedley said.

"Why are you so bothered? Are you her girlfriend?" Vierne said.

Everyone in the class reacted to this comment. And the class was filled with giggles, whispers and ugly stares.

"O- OF COURSE NOT!! I'M NOT A LESBIAN!!" Hedley said.

"When did I ever say you're a lesbian? We even call best friends as girlfriends but you took it the other way... Did I hit the nail or something?" Vierne said with an evil smile.

"Sit down everyone, and take out your books!" The teacher said as he entered the class.

"I'll teach her a lesson after the class, don't worry, Tori." Hedley said.

After the class was over, Vierne and Lict walked towards the door. Hedley and Victoria stood in front of the door and Victoria brought her leg forward in order to trip Vierne.

Vierne smiled and pressed her heel under Victoria's Converse high, right on her little finger.


"Oh sorry! I didn't hear you. What?" Vierne said as she turned towards Victoria with a smile and started grinding her heel deeper into Victoria's skin.

"Your foot, Milady." Lict said with a smile.

"Oh! I'm sooooooooooo sorry!" Vierne said, sarcastically, as she removed her heel from Victoria's foot "Our special princess, her highness, didn't get hurt, right?"

Victoria sobbed as she looked at her wounded foot.

"Lict, go ahead, I'll come right after you." Vierne said.

"Alright, Milady." Lict said and walked out of the class.

"Her highness, if I may present my views...I must say, your style of bullying is so outdated!" Vierne said "Just like your makeup and your dress. Where did you learn your bullying skills from? Your little sister? Seriously, is that the best you can do?"

Victoria looked at Vierne with tears in her eyes.

"Aww... Don't cry already, I haven't started bullying you yet! Till now, I was just protecting myself, I'll start my style of bullying tomorrow and I'm sure you're looking forward to it, b*tch!" Vierne said and flipped her hair as she left the class.




"JENET!!!" Akagi shouted.

"Y- Yes sir?" Jenet said as he stood in the hallways.

"Your power is exchanging souls?!" Akagi said.

"... Wait.… Are you Vierne?" Jenet said.


"OH MY GOD!!!! I'M SO SORRY!! But I requested for a new spell binding ring. It must have reached till now. Let's go to the principal's office." Jenet said.

"Thank god!"




"At first I thought that she's getting on cloud nine just because she humiliated me a little times... but now....s*it's getting real" Victoria said.

"So... what are you gonna do, Tori?" Hedley said "She literally has the comeback to everything we do!"

"She called ME a b*tch! Now I'll tell her how big of a b*tch I can be." Victoria said.

"What are we gonna do?" Hedley said.

Victoria turned towards a guy with piercings and black hair.

"Adrian, can you do me a little favour?" Victoria said with a smile.

-To be continued