Chapter 38

"I still can't understand what the hell was that blue light!" Scar said.

"That was.... I may be wrong." Kim said.

"What?" Scar said.

"Nothing. Let's not approach them for a while. Lay the dinner, I'm hungry." Kim said.

"Understood, Milord." Scar said.

"Milady, do you want seconds?" Lict said.

"No, I'm full." Vierne said.

"I want seconds." Akagi said.

"Go get them yourself." Lict said as he poured the mocktail into Vierne's glass.

"Huh? Aren't you a butler?" Akagi said.

"I'm not YOUR butler. Ask your star spirit to do it." Lict said.

"What? You can't do a little work for me?" Akagi said.

"No." Lict said, instantly.

"Why?" Akagi said.

"Because I hate you." Lict said.

"Sorry I can't reciprocate it." Akagi said "Lemme guess why, because rather than hating people who hate me, I'm too busy loving people who love me."


"What did you say?" Akagi said as he kept his plate aside.

"Un... They are fighting again, Lady Vierne!" Melissa said.

"I don't know what to do anymore" Vierne said as she took a bite of her plum pudding.

"*Sigh* You are so stupid." Lict said.

"And what exactly have you done in your life to make you Einstein?" Akagi said.


"Enough!" Vierne said as she got up.


"Un.... Lady-"

"I'm done with my dinner, thank you. I'm going out for a walk." Vierne said.

"Ah!" Lict said "I'll come with-"

"No thanks, I'm fine. Stay here." Vierne said as she walked out.

".....Somebody tell her it's bad manners to leave the table while everyone else is eating…" Akagi said.



"Ugh!! Oh god!!!" Melissa said as she grabbed her hair.

"Hump! They are adults yet none of them act like one." Vierne said as she strolled through the garden.

She stopped and looked at a white flower. Vierne sat in front of it and touched the petals of the flower.

'Lict….somehow you've changed. How should I put it... you're more.... masculine?' Vierne thought.

"WHAT AM I THINKING!!!" She shouted.

"Good evening, Lady Vierne Obolensky." A husky voice said from behind.

Vierne turned back and saw Kim Medvediva standing right behind her.

"YOU ARE THAT GUY!! HOW DID YOU ENTER THE MANSION?!" Vierne said as she got up.

"My name is Kim Medvediva. I'm 20 years old. Don't worry, I'm not here for a fight."

"Y- Your star spirit?" Vierne said.

"I didn't bring her along." Kim said.

"Un....Wait a second please. Let me call Lict." Vierne said as she turned back.

"You don't have to do that." Kim said.

"Huh?" Vierne said as she turned back.

Kim suddenly hugged her.

"Mr. Kim?" Vierne said.

"You're really a girl... huh?" He said.

"HUH?? GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Vierne said as she pushed him.

"A girl Demigod.... it's the first time I've seen one." He said.

"Well.... I get that a lot."

"So, what is your sila?" Kim said.

"Un.... I can break everything I touch" Vierne said.

"Hmm... that's convenient." Kim said and looked at the moon, "It's almost time."

"Time? Time for what?" Vierne said as she looked at the full moon which was half black now.

"An eclipse?" She said and looked back at Kim.

His eyes were shining red just like Akagi's eyes.

"Your eyes are red too?" Vierne said.

"No, they only become red on an eclipse." He said as he looked at Vierne.

"I- I see.... I- I'll be going now" Vierne said as she turned towards the mansion.

"Running away?" He said.


He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards himself.

"OW OW OW!! MY HAND!!!" Vierne said.

"A spell binding ring?" He said then smiled "Makes my work easier."

"What?" Vierne said.

He pushed her down and looked at her with his blood red eyes.

As the moon was at the peak of eclipse, his fangs became visible.

"A- A vampire!!!!" Vierne said.

"Not exactly." He said as he moved towards her neck.


Suddenly the same blue light covered Vierne.

"Tsk! Not this again." He said as he got away from Vierne.

Vierne got up and found herself surrounded by the blue light.

"VIERNE OBOLENSKY, BE READY. THERE WON'T BE A NEXT TIME!" He said and vanished in the blue light.

"What….. happened" She said and suddenly touched her neck "Thank god! I'm safe."

She entered the mansion again and found Akagi sleeping on the sofa.

"Lord Akagi? Why are you sleeping here?" She said.

"Melissa took up the entire bed." He said.

"Oh....." Vierne said.

"Where were you?" Akagi said.

"I- I WAS-....WELL- IN THE GARDEN!" Vierne said.

Akagi looked at her and said,

"Did something happen?"

"NO- NO NOTHING! I'M SLEEPY, HA HA... Guess I should sleep-"

"What is that?" Akagi said as he pointed towards the finger marks on her pale skin of her wrist.

Vierne hid them and said, "This is nothing!"

Akagi looked at her then took out his lighter and a cigarette.

"S- Say… Lord Akagi.... Have you ever met...vampires?" Vierne said.

Akagi dropped the lighter and looked at Vierne.


"Someone tried to bite you?" Akagi said.

"Eh?" Vierne said.

Akagi got up and moved towards Vierne "Where?" He said.

"No, that's-"

"ANSWER ME!" Akagi shouted.

Vierne flinched and said "He didn't bite me... but...he was scary...."

"I should have known." Akagi said.

"What?" Vierne said.

"You really don't know a thing! If a Demigod drinks the blood of another Demigod of opposite sex, their power increases tremendously. It's the most effective in a lunar eclipse." Akagi said.

"What?" Vierne said.

"Try not to go out at such times." Akagi said.

" too?" Vierne said.

Akagi just looked at Vierne.


"I do." Akagi said "I want a taste of it too."


"But I rather won't. I want to be strong on my own rather than using something like this." Akagi said.

"Does....everyone's eyes turn red?" Vierne said.

"Red?" Akagi said.

"Yes. That guy had red eyes." Vierne said.


Kim Medvediva!" Akagi said.

"What?" Vierne said.

"Stay away from him. He's dangerous." Akagi said.

-To be continued