Chapter 11: Encountering the Devils and Three Slaves!

"You guys can come out now?" Shiro asked the group who was trying to hide.

As his voice fell, the group come out of the dark. The group consisted of 11 people, 1 boy and 10 girls.

Shiro has already recognized them.

It Rias and Sona's peerage.

Shiro doesn't see Saji, maybe because he hasn't yet been transformed. That's also good because he will be able to get rid of him and steal his sacred Gear with trouble.

"Masayuki-san exactly who are you? And what are you doing here?" Sona said warily, because she saw him slaughtering the group of exorcists earlier.

They didn't enter the Church, because they didn't have any problem with the fallen angels nor did they want to cause a war by entering the Church. That's why they ignored the group of fallen angels.

Until they felt a great Magic power in the Church.

They immediately rushed to the church, when they got there, they directly entered the church but once they were inside, they couldn't help but to be horrified by what they saw.

Blood and headless corpses everywhere.

Although Sona, Rias and their peerage had killed strays devils before, but they had never seen a scene like this.

when they get into the dungeon, Sona and Tsubaki immediately recognized the figure of Masayuki Shiro.

They see him holding a katana coated with black flames, walking towards the exorcists. The exorcists were killed so quickly that they didn't even see it! The exorcists who were killed all turned to Ashes!

The group of devils who saw it couldn't help but to be horrified. But they were also amazed.

Meanwhile Rias although a little scared, thought if she could make him one of her peerage members? Because maybe with that she can be free from her forced engagement.

"Oh if I'm not mistaken you are Shitori Kaicho right? Even though I want to talk with you, I'm a little busy right now." Shiro said and walked past them holding Asia's on his shoulder.

Meanwhile the demons after seeing Shiro walking away, started discussing.

"Bucho what are we going to do with him?" Kiba asked Rias.

"Rias, I know for sure you want to make him one of your peerage member, but you can't force him he's very strong and the best we can do is to make an alliance with him." Sona says, after guessing what Rias was thinking.

"I know Sona but you know about my situation, right? I need to give it a try, if he is in my peerage I can maybe be free from my engagement." Rias said after hearing Sona's warning her.

"Yes Rias I understand your situation. I'm also tempted to ask him to join my peerage but I hope you don't act recklessly."

"Yes, I understand."

"That's good."

Meanwhile Shiro who was the center of their discussion, ignored them.

"[Beelzebuth]" said Shiro, and absorbed the corpses of the exorcists. Shiro wondered if he would be able to evolve into a True Demon lord with his collected souls.

[The answer is impossible]

"No. Why? Is it because we're not in the tensura?"

[That's right Master, this world and Tensura World have different systems so it's impossible for masters to be able to evolve. Also True Demon Lords Are existences approved and recognized by the voice of the world.]

"So it's like that, but will I be able to evolve by absorbing the energy from the dimensional gap?" asked Shiro. Even though he is currently the strongest being in this World, but having more power doesn't hurt.

Shiro once read in one of the DXD fanfics on a web novel that the main character evolved after devouring the energy from the dimensional gap.(bullshits)

[It's possible master]

"Huh, Didn't you just say it was impossible?"

[That's because master doesn't need the Voice of the World to evolve. Masters can evolve by absorbing the required energy, and meeting certain requirements. Master's evolution will be slightly different from that of the individual Rimuru Tempest.]

"So you are saying, I would be able to evolve if I absorbed the energy from the dimensional gap, right!?" Shiro asked slightly excited.

[It's still uncertain, but if the dimensional gap is the same as the one in master's memory then it's possible]

(To be honest I feel like I'm saying nonsense here but hey this is my fanfic so it's up to me what I want to write)

"I see Then I'll try it later."

Shiro then walked out of the church and teleported back to his house.

Arriving at the house Shiro put Asia on the bed and changed her clothes.

After placing Asia, Shiro went to see the fallen angels.

Shiro then walked towards his dungeon. He modified his house with various kinds of barriers.

Arriving Shiro saw that the fallen angels are sleeping. Shiro then woke them up.

"Ughh damn what happened I dreamed that there was a man with white hair and blue eyes who massacred the exorcists and destroyed our plans." Raynare said after waking up from her sleep.

"Raynare you had a dream like that too? I also dreamed of a white-haired man that killed Dohnaseek and captured us." Kalawarner said.

"Eh guys my dream is also very similar to yours. I also dreamed of meeting a handsome white-haired man, who like in Kalawarner's dream killed Dohnaseek." Miltet said.

"Oh I assure you it wasn't a dream." Shiro said after watching the three fallen angels thinking that they were just having a dream.

""Eh""" said the fallen angels, when they saw Shiro.

"Y-you" said Raynare scared after seeing him .

"Please don't kill us" said Miltet, who seemed to be about to cry after seeing Shiro.

"That's right we will do anything!" Kalawarner said.

Shiro who saw them was honestly confused about what to do with them.

"Hmm, Ah I know what to do." After thinking for a while Shiro decided what he would do to them.

The fallen angels who saw Shiro approaching them started to retreat.

Shiro who saw them somehow felt like he was the bad guy and the fallen angels were the womens he was about to rape.

Shiro then held their heads one by one and then said. "[Absolute dominance]"

[Absolute Dominance] was a new magic he created, that allowed Shiro to dominate or enslave anyone he wanted. The enslaved person will be so loyal that they will not even thoughts of rebelling or betraying him, but they will still have their emotions.

"Now I ask who is your master?"

""You are our master Shiro-sama!""" The trio of fallen angels said.

'Hmm it looks like it's working.' Shiro inwardly said.

Shiro didn't remove their emotions or anything, he just made them 100% loyal to him, meaning they can't betray him.

After seeing that the spell was working Shiro immediately went to sleep and told the fallen angels to sleep in an empty room.


Sorry if anyone doesn't like slavery, I would only do that with bad womens like Raynare.