Chapter 43: Leaving DxD!

It's been two years since Shiro stole the Divine Dividing from Vali. At first Vali did not accept, but what can he do? He will die if he tries to fight someone like Shiro again. And even now he only lives because of Shiro's compassion.

And many important things have happened, but the most important is Shiro's full power Unlocking.

[Flash back]

Right now Shiro is in a universe created by him.

[Are you ready, Master?] asked Kuroha.

"Yes go on"

Right now kuroha was unlocking Shiro's true power.

[Does master want to unlock the seal? Yes/No]

"yes" Shiro confirmed.

[Master has entered the sleeping mode.]

"Wha-" Shiro couldn't finish as he was put in the sleeping mode.

[The Seal unlocking process has begun...]




13 years...


156 years...


598 years...


1 253 years...


14 685 years...


23 667 years...


1 456 789 years...


56 768 535 years...


124 796 843 953 804 years...


9 751 954 268 578 478 532 380 years later

"Yawnn..." a blue haired handsome man yawned.

"Hmm... Where is this? Ah, I was unlocking my powers"

Yes, this handsome man is Shiro who woke up from his sleep.


[It's good to see you are awake, Master.]

"it's also good to hear you Kuroha, but why is everything around me black?"

[That's because in the process of unlocking your true power, the Omniverse was accidentally destroyed.]


"W-WHAT?! Wait doesn't that mean, my wives also..."

[Unfortunately that's the true master, not only your wives but everyone in the Omniverse also died when the Omniverse was destroyed.]


That's the word to describe Shiro now.

"WHY?!!! WHY?!! IF ONLY I KNEW THEY would have not..."

[Don't cry Master]


[MASTER CALM DOWN! Do you forget that you have unlocked your true powers.]

"So what?"

[Since you have unlocked your true powers, you can do anything even the impossible.]

"I don't ca- wait! Do y-you m-mean..."

[Yes, Master, you can recreate the Omniverse and resurrect your loved ones.]

"YES!! YOU'RE RIGHT!! SHOW ME MY NEW POWERS" Shiro was relieved and excited.

[New Titles Acquired :]

[True Omnipotent God has been obtained]

[The Supreme Being has been obtained]

[The Perfect Being has been obtained]

[The Unique Being has been obtained]

[Magic God has been obtained]

[True Dragon King has been obtained]

[Shinigami has been obtained]

[True God has been obtained]

[The Enemy of Man has been obtained]

[True Hero has been obtained]

[Genius has been obtained]

[True Harem King has been obtained]

[Womanizer has been obtained]

[Wife thief has been obtained]

[The Enemy of Man has been obtained]

[Mother-Con has been obtained]

[New Skills Acquired:]

[True Omnipotence has been obtained]

[True Omniscience has been obtained]

[True Omnipresence has been obtained]

[True Omnificence has been obtained]

[True Perfection has been obtained]

[Omni Experience has been obtained]

[Omnilingualism has been obtained]

[Omnicompetence has been obtained]

[Omni-Negation has been obtained]

[Omni-Embodiment has been obtained]

[Freedom has been obtained]

[Omnilock has been obtained]

[Omni-Element Manipulation has been obtained]

[Absolute Immortality has been obtained]

[Omni-Absorption has been obtained]

[Omni-Immunity has been obtained]

[Omni-Unreality Manipulation has been obtained]

[Omni-reality Manipulation has been obtained]

[Singularity has been obtained]

[Supreme Voice has been obtained]

[Absolute Condition has been obtained]

[Complete Arsenal has been obtained]

[Omnifarious has been obtained]

[Absolute Restoration has been obtained]

[Absolute Wish has been obtained]

[Omni-Causality has been obtained]

[Meta Power Manipulation has been obtained]

[Omni-Customization has been obtained]

[Omni Distortion has been obtained]

[Omni-Manipulation has been obtained]

[Omniverse Manipulation has been obtained]

[Omniarch has been obtained]

[Absolute Destruction has been obtained]

[Origin Manipulation has been obtained]

[Absolute Change has been obtained]

[Total Erasure has been obtained]

[Absolutely Everything has been obtained]

[Only One has been obtained]

[Ultipotence has been obtained]

[Absolute Thievery has been obtained]

[Omni-Miracle Manipulation has been obtained]

[Absolute Illusion has been obtained]

[True Illusion has been obtained]

[Omnislayer has been obtained]

[Samsara Manipulation has been obtained]

[10th Dimension Physiology has been obtained]

[Enlightenment has been obtained]

[Absolute Fusion has been obtained]

[Paradox Manipulation has been obtained]

[Concept Manipulation has been obtained]

[Definition Manipulation has been obtained]

[Logic Manipulation has been obtained]

[Uniqueness has been obtained]

[Universal Irreversibility has been obtained]

[Separation has been obtained]

[Prime Being has been obtained]

[Physical Godhood has been obtained]


"Sigh, i'am really strong lol, well let's recreate the universe and resurrect my wives."

[Absolute Restoration]

[Samsara Manipulation]

[Memory Manipulation]

Shiro then recreated the Omniverse and resurrected every being who die even the people from other Multiverse but he also modified their memories.

[End of Flash back]

And right now Shiro is sitting on a golden throne while under him billions of people wearing white robes, with white wings on their backs are kneeling before him.

They are angels, but they are not the angels created by Shiro, but the angels from DXD.

Shiro somehow conquered the angels and became their God.

The angels looked at Shiro in admiration.

Of course because Shiro is now their God he made them unable to betray him.

In these two years Shiro has already conquered every women in DXD that caught his eye.

Now he is actually thinking of doing something drastic in DXD.

"Michael transmits what I want to say to the entire World."

"Yes My Lords" Michael said respectfully.


On Earth today everything was going as usual, but suddenly a transparent screen appeared in the sky, and on the screen they saw the most handsome man they had ever seen. He has a very handsome face, with long blue hair and very beautiful eyes.

[Greetings people of the Earth My name is...well i am your new God, I will tell you something important to you. From today, your world will evolve, whether it is Animals, Plants or you humans, along with Devils , Yokais, and others. So be prepared for what will happen to you]

The screen then disappeared.

Then a massive change happened in the DXD World the creatures changed into something stronger.

Lizards turned into dragons, plants started to get bigger and some even turned into a group of Dryads, humans experienced an increase in their physical strength with some gaining super powers, Devils, Yokai, and various other supernatural beings also experienced an increase in strength.

Meanwhile Shiro did not give an upgrade to the Gods because it was not necessary. The Gods are already quite strong.

He merely gives a boost to some God he doesn't hate such as Amaterasu, Freya, Aprodhite, Artemis, Athena, Hera, Hestia, NYX, and various other Goddesses conquered by him.

Well the most satisfying thing was with Hera's case. He thought about it and laughed out loud.

He remembers at that time Zeus was rude to him and looked at his women with lust, Shiro as man did it the right thing which is of course to fuck his beloved wife, Hera and his other wives in front him.

He remembered how angry and desperate Zeus was and after that Shiro cursed him.

The curse is that each time when Zeus has sex he would immediately cum when inserting his penis into a woman's vagina.

Shiro was really kind for not making him impotent but even so for Zeus who often has sex it was probably the worst punishment because it also destroyed his pride.

Shiro also doesn't casually give strength to someone. He can also take back the strength he gave.

Currently the strongest among the Supernatural world are:



3.Dragons who are also under Shiro's control.

4.Fallen Angels


Angels, Fallen Angels, Devils, and Dragons have undergone a lot of improvement because of Shiro's intervention.

The Devils have been reformed by Shiro, now there are no more leaders who are corrupt or who are likely to betray him.

There is also the Japanese Pantheon which is under Shiro's control.

He managed to become their leader because he was the husband of their goddess, Amaterasu.

And many other Factions also made alliances with Shiro such as Asgard, and the Hindus pantheon.

Shiro didn't make women like Rias or Sona become a Devil Lords because they didn't want to.

He also wondered if some Gods would rebel against him. Because there is a massive decline in faith on the Gods. Shiro himself has felt the trust of humans, Yokai, Devils, Angels and other supernatural beings on him.

"Milord, is it okay to give them strength? Won't there be a commotion?" Michael asked.

"It's okay even if all the Gods, no, even if the entire world join they still won't be able to scratch me and also you and the angels are now strong enough to eradicate them, right?" Shiro said.

He was not underestimating them because it is fact.

He also gave his wives a mark with which they can access to his world.

"As expected of my master!" Michael praised him excessively.

Actually after Shiro became the new God of DXD two years ago Michael's nature changed to that of Diablo from tensura and Demiurge from Overlords.

Well he didn't really care about it.

Now Shiro thought it was time to leave this World and go on an adventure.

He was getting tired of this world and actually even if Shiro went to another World he would still be able to find out what was going on in this World with his Omniscience so he didn't have to worry about anything.

He also asked his girls if they wanna go with him but they said that they first want explore his world.

'Kuroha transport me to another world' Shiro ordered.

[Which world do you want to go to, Master?] Kuroha asked.

"Let's just do it randomly it will be more fun."

(Shiro also deactivated his Omniscience)

[Transfer will begin in 3... 2... 1]

A magic circle then appeared under Shiro's feet and a dazzling light began to envelop him.

Shiro then saw himself not in his world but somewhere next to a forest with a lot of trees and grass around him old.

"Now, where am I?"