Chapter 47: Shock!

"Make your choice?"

Everyone was in shock.

This man almost killed the fang wolves leader, just like that?

this is impossible, right?

The most shocked are the wolves, they knew the strength of their leader very well.

But now their proud leaders was beaten so miserably, that he didn't even have the strength to fight back!

The wolves were almost crying.

The leader wanted to lift his head but he couldn't.

The bones of his body were broken, even the bone of his neck was broken. (I don't know how it's called.)

The leader closed his eyes, as if he is ready to accept his death.

This is the reality. In this world where the strong eats the weak, strength is everything.

His only regret is that because of his impulse, his own followers were also gonna pay the price.

But this is nothing but regrets.

Everything is fate.

It was like when they invaded other monsters in order to survive.

Failure is failure. There is nothing that can be done.

The light in the leader's eyes began to dim.

He looked at Shiro.

'The strength of this guy is too strong.'

'In just one seconds, i was hit by hundreds of fists.'

'During the time I couldn't even touch that thing.'

This kind of ghost, is really terrifying.

Although only a very little trace of magic is felt in his body, but it can be said to be comparable to a Maou.

"Unexpectedly, there was such a human in this small village."

He regretted it.

'If I knew it, I would have followed his advice and left directly.'

In that case, maybe he could have survived.

This is fate!

He realized his strength, he is just weak.

The leader closed his eyes, but this time he didn't open them again.

The pain in his body also made him unable to do so.

The goblins behind Shiro were all shocked.

Shiro-sama, actually solved the opponent in just one seconds!

That's the leader of the Fang wolves!

They were only able to fight against a normal wolf with hundred goblins, but it only took 1 seconds for Shiro-sama to solve it.

He is too strong.

But fortunately, he is on their side.

They feel lucky.

If they are loyal to this powerful human, they doesn't have to worry about being attacked by other monsters.

After all, even a monster like the leader of the fang wolves is not Shiro-sama's opponents. So rest of the monsters are not a problem.

They were originally worried about being exterminate, but now there is no need to be afraid.

Some of them even shed tears of joy.

Rimuru looked at Shiro with her mouth wide open.

'It deserves to be the platinum star, the enemy couldn't touch it if he doesn't have a stand.'

She understood that if Shiro didn't make the stand visible they couldn't see it, just imagine an invisible enemy with an intangible body.

In this world this ability is simply terrifying.

Now what he said at the meeting make sense.

Let alone a hundred wolf even if it was the double it will be the same.

'Great Sage, can I beat him?' Rimuru asked Great Sage.

[Answer, can not, the targets has hidden his strength, and predator cannot be used on him. Please be careful as not to provoke him.] warned Great Sage.

'Is that so?' Rimuru groaned slightly.

It's a bit tricky.

'Fortunately, if i can become friend with him, this worry can be eliminated.'

Having such a powerful friend after being reincarnated is pretty good, and the fact that he is also a reincarnated person from earth make it even better.

"Are you still thinking?"

Shiro's words again silenced all the fang wolves.

This human in front of them crippled their leader.

"We surrender!" As the leader's son leaned down and knelt on the ground, all the fang wolves did the same by kneeling on their limbs.

"Very well, In the future, don't hurt each other anymore. You should live in harmony and help each others to build the strongest tribe." Shiro said and smiled.

The female wolves were mesmerized by his smile.

'So strong and Handsome...' thought a certain female wolf.

"Yes!" All the goblins were full of enthusiasm!

They never thought of being able to survive.

Now there is even a chance for them to become the strongest tribe.

All they have in their heads is worship!

The leader also raised his head suppressing the pain and made a howling sound.

The other wolves also began to do the same.


"We'll talk about the arrangement later." A smile was drawn at the corner of Shiro's mouth.

Shiro can be said to be the true head of this tribe, with a status even higher than rimuru.

"Well, since Shiro has said so, and you have surrendered, we will go back to the village."

"I will give you a name, so that it will be more convenient to communicate in the future." said Rimuru.

Shiro walked toward the leader and stood in front of him.

The other also looked at him curiously.

In the surprised eyes of everyone and the shocked eyes of Rimuru, he stretches out his hand and said...


A dark red liquid was ejected from his and absorbed the leader.

At the moment when the wolves were shocked and Rimuru was about to shout something.

The liquid vomited the Wolves leader again.

But the miraculous thing was that the leader was completely healed even the broken bones were intact.

"Okay, let's go." Shiro walked toward the village as if nothing happened.

"..." Everyone.

"I recovered?! Damn, so fast!"

"Thank you very much, Shiro-sama!!!" The Fang Wolves including the leader knelt on the ground and thanked him from the bottom of their hearts.

"""WOOOF!""" They were very grateful.

This time those who were a little reculant to surrender, all surrendered happily.

There was no hatred for Shiro, only respect and admiration.

So the wolves followed Shiro and walked into the village expectantly.

The goblins are also excited and their hands were trembling.

Meanwhile Rimuru was trying to comprehend the meaning of her life.

'Great Sage, that was... Predator, right?' She asked Great Sage with unwillingness in her voice.

[Y-yes... But it seemed to be an enhanced version of yours...] answered Great Sage a little hesitant.

'But h-how? It's my Unique Skill, right.'

[I don't know...]

"I need to ask him!"

[But will he answer you?]

"..." Rimuru