Two - Never fall in love.


The journey was a long one, it took us two whole days to get to wherever we were going. Well, it appeared to be a camp in the middle of the Gaet forest. We got off the horse and I just stood there beside it.

The woman whose name was Altair Algoon went to call the rest. She came back with some men. She was grinning widely as she stood by me. They all just stood there staring at me and I stared back.

"Is this the one?", one of them asked, rather stupidly.

"Of course she's the one, are you stupid or what? She's brave and got a lot of guts. She'll begin training tomorrow. I believe Rishab can handle that?"

When 'Rishab' nodded, she took my hand and said,

"For now I'm going to get her settled", then we walked away.

We entered a tent that had a tub with warm water in it. I wonder who placed it there. Probably someone brought it here when Altair went to search for the guys.

"Strip. When was the last time you took a bath? A real bath?"

"I don't remember", I said taking off my tattered clothes.

"Get in."

I sighed as I lowered myself into the deliciously warm water. I rubbed myself, vigorously, to clean the lifetime's dirt away from me. Altair walked out and came back later with things in her hand. Among the things was soap which I hadn't seen in a long long long long time. And it was rose scented.

She washed my hair for me and after a whole hour, it was finally clean and nice - smelling. I washed my body and it turned out that the thing Altair brought in was clothes. They felt comfortable and soft not like the ones I was used to. She took my hand and we sat on the mat at the corner of the tent.

"Tell me something, Jade."


"Why do you want to be an assassin?"

I took a breath and said,


"For your family's death. Is that right?"

I nodded.

I might as well admit it. Can't keep it a secret for long anyway.

"Once you are on the path of the assassin you can never go back. Never."

I nodded.

I'm willing to do anything to do justice to my mother and twin sister.

"Okay then, there are a few things you must always remember. Never trust anyone. People above in status only use those lesser in status for their selfish purposes. Believe in yourself that you are more than what meets the eye. Never fall in love. Never. Get it?"

I nodded and said,

"Never trust anyone. People above in status only use those lesser in status for their selfish purposes. Believe in myself that I am than what meets the eye. Never fall in love. Got it."

"Good, now rest. You need all the rest you can get for tomorrow. I'm sure Rishab Kraan won't go lightly on you even if you are a kid."


For the first time in my life after that day, I slept without discomfort but I didn't sleep peacefully as I had wished. Every night I dreamt of that night Mama and Jasmine were killed. I dream of the men who brutally murdered my mother and sister.

And I dream of those words that will haunt my life forever.

"Mumm-ra will be pleased with what we have accomplished. Hail Mumm-Ra."

Just like every day I had woken up at the break of dawn, coated in a thin film of sweat with a start. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

Don't worry, Mama, Jasmine. I shall have revenge on the brutes who killed you. By the gods, I will.


"Not even a scratch."

I growled at him. He seemed pleased to see I was failing as he stood in the middle of the grounds, smirking. I have been trying to get him to move from his spot by attacking him. For a good three hours. But I haven't gotten the results I want. I'm starting to hate Rishab.

Damn him.

"Stop trying to attack me head-on. You may never succeed with that tactic", he stated

I growled at him then I realized he was right. I quickly thought of a plan that would work.

"I'm getting bored of this. Is this the great wonder Altair spoke so highly of? I hardly believe it. You're just a little kid with no proper control."

I frowned and said to myself,

"I am more than what meets the eye",

then I put my plan into action.

I ran at him with all I had but he just stood there not bothered, not knowing what I had in mind. I smirked. Three steps away from him, bent and scooped up sand and threw it into his eyes when he least expected it.

He howled out in surprise and staggered back. I took advantage of his vulnerability and jumped on him then wrapped my legs around his neck. I twisted my body in an angle that had us down on the ground then I delivered a swift and hard punch I'd been practicing with Altair the night before on his nose.

I smiled, satisfied when I heard a cracking sound and got off him.

"What do you think about that?"

He groaned, clutching his bleeding and broken nose, and said,

"That's definitely a quick improvement."

I grinned.


The second chapter is complete on the same day! Wouldn't get used to it if I were you. Typed this also on my phone. My back hurts really bad.


Jade has had her first training session with Rishab. Very soon we'll see how our young heroine will be at age nineteen.


I couldn't reach a thousand words on the main story and I kinda regret sitting without a backrest. I should probably stop typing now but I gotta reach one thousand.

Yay! Did it!
