Six - Flashback


I sat at the foot of the bed in a room given to me by the king with Jamil and the other children, all asleep with their heads on my laps or my shoulders. Their quiet, easy breathing was the only audible sound in the room. All I could do is sit there and torment myself with questions.

Why hadn't I been more careful? How come I didn't see the clues? Why did I allow these children to be my weakness? How will I ever fulfill my promise to Mama and Isis Jasmine if I am a servant? But what can I do now? One wrong move and Amon may kill them and I don't want that to ever happen.

I sighed and rested my head on the bed. I bit my lower lip as I stared at the ceiling. The designs painted there twirled around in a blend of colors. I felt helpless. I couldn't leave the children here and I was bound by my word here even if it was against my wish. I told myself many years ago that I would never be defenseless again but here I am, defenseless.

I shut my eyes as tears threatened to flow, some seeped from the corners of my eyes. I tried not to but I couldn't help but remember that day that changed my entire life.

I walked through the streets, holding Isis Jasmine's hand as we looked around for our mother. We saw her standing behind a stall, arguing angrily with a man who looked equally angry. We stood where we were and we were able to catch somethings they said.

"I told you to stay away from me. What we had before is over, in the past and I bloody well know I have moved on. Can you get that single thing into your head, Mumm-Ra? I am married and have two kids, for Horus' sake", Mama said.

"You are very wrong if you think I will give up what rightfully belongs to me. We both know you were mine before Nazir came in. I'll have you back and he won't be so much of a problem."

"Know this, Mumm-Ra, I'd rather die than to ever be yours again."

Jasmine and I watched as 'Mumm-ra' tensed and then watched as his face hardened. He clenched his fists tightly by his side. He looked like he wanted to hit Mama but held it in. He turned his head to look around then that's when he spotted us. He turned back to her and said,

"So be it."

He looked at us again and repeated,

"So be it."

Then he left.


(A week later)

"Happy birthday, babies", Mama said hugging us.

" Mama, we are not babies anymore!", Jasmine whined.

"Alright, alright. Happy birthday, big girls."

"Thank you, Mama", I said and Jasmine nodded.

"Iris? Isis?", a new voice came.

"Papa!", Jasmine and I shouted as we scrambled up to him.

Papa in rich silk robes and gold ornaments entered the small living room. Papa rarely ever got time off so it was thrilling to have him with us on this special day.

"How are my now 6 years old angels?"

"So happy", we said giggling.

He smiled at us and kissed our foreheads. Then he went to Mama and kissed her full on the lips and it would have gone far if we hadn't stopped them.

"Mama! Papa!", we whined.

Papa just laughed and said,

"What? I can't help it. Very soon you girls will understand what love really is."

After that, we celebrated our birthday together but unfortunately in the evening Papa had to leave because something happened in the palace and needed his attention.


In the night when Jasmine was asleep, I sat with Mama in front of the fireplace where I sat on her laps hugging her. She sang to me my favorite song and I hugged her tighter.

# Little angels fell from the heavens,

I found two little precious

I gave them all my love

I gave them all my care

And now they are mine, forever

They give me joy

They give happiness

My flower and my goddess

My Iris and my Isis #

I  couldn't help but smile every time she sang this song for us. She even used my and Isis Jasmine's name in the song. Just for us.

"Mama, can I ask a question?"


"Why did we leave the palace to come here and live like ordinary people and why is Papa not living with us?"

"Sweetie, we had to leave the palace because some bad people were after you and your sister's life but your father couldn't come and live with us because he's king and being a king, he must watch over the kingdom so we all live in peace. Do you understand?"

"Mhmm. May I ask another question?"

"Go ahead."

"Who is Mumm-ra?"

She inhaled sharply, she quickly recovered and said shaking her head left and right,

"He is a dangerous man. He doesn't want Mama to be happy with Papa. Don't go close to him, you hear?"

I nodded but asked, "Why?"

"Because he doesn't like Papa at all."


"No. No more whys. It's time to go to bed."

"Mama", I whined but she shook her head and sent me to bed.


A loud bang woke Isis Jasmine and me from our sleep. There was a loud racket coming from the kitchen. Jasmine looked at my face and I looked back at her.

"Should we go and see what's happening?", she whispered and I nodded.

We quietly walked to the kitchen and beheld the disaster. Everything was everywhere and Mama was nowhere in sight. Panic began bubbling up in me but I kept it bottled. I took charge like the older twin I was.

"Let's go find Mama, she must be here somewhere", I said and she nodded.

We went to the next room and this time I almost broke down at the sight. The entire place was torn apart and on the floor laid my mother, holding on to dear life. She was holding her hand to her side which I realized was leaking blood.

"Mama! Mama! What happened?!", Isis Jasmine cried out.

Mama looked at us and touched our cheeks lovingly then all of a sudden she said,

"Jade, Jasmine. You need to leave now. Run away now. Go!"

"Mama! Please tell us what happened?!"

She looked into my eyes and said,

"Mumm-ra happened. You need to go! Leave here. Run! Don't stay here any longer else he'll get you too. Go!", she said hoarsely and urgently. We could both see the pain she had to go through just to say that.

Tears filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. Not paying attention to our surroundings we didn't see the shadows that crept up on us until one of them spoke.

"Look what we have here."

Then a hand took hold of my sister's and my hair, almost pulling the hair off our scalps. We screamed and struggled with them.

"Let them go", Mama said weakly.

"Says the dying queen."

The men around us laughed.

"Let go of us, you foul-smelling bastards", Isis Jasmine yelled.

"Those are some insulting words, Isis Jasmine Amuoor I, second Princess of  Nagnaz", he said mockingly.

I let out a small dry laugh then said,

"Just because you were born a third-class penniless nobody doesn't give you the right to mock people's title. Now let go of me, you fool."

"Wow, what a smart-mouthed brat you have, Queen Najat Kamilah. We will just have to take it upon ourselves to teach you some manners, won't we boys?"

"No!", Mama cried out then a man who was beside her said, "You are no use to us now", then thrust the sword he had through her head.

Everything just went slow motion from that point on. Isis screamed uncontrollably loud but it sounded like a faraway voice. I struggled to breathe. In. Out. In. Out. In-. Isis Jasmine's yelling stopped abruptly and I felt something wet splash on my face. I turned to her and nearly lost my birthday cake I ate hours ago. Tears run down my cheeks furiously.

"Nooooooooo! Isis Jasmine! Mama!"

The man who was holding her dropped her on the ground like she was a ragdoll. I fought to kneel beside her and I was allowed. I touched my identical twin's cheek and began sobbing uncontrollably. Then something hard hit the back of my head with so much force that I saw sparks then black dots began to color my vision till it was completely black. I slumped to the floor. I could feel blood pooling at my head but couldn't move or do anything.

"Mission complete. Mumm-ra will be pleased with what we have accomplished. Hail Mumm-ra."


Let's just get straight to it


Big reveal! Jade's past has finally been revealed. Now you know why she is out for revenge and who she is really after. In the story, the guys who do the killing are actually Mumm-Ra's personal guards and Jade killed them a long very long time ago, can't say how or when but just know they are dead. Yes, Jade's real name is Iris so that's why she was surprised Amon chose that name for her.


Nothing to say
