Fourteen - Nagnazese


I don't like Aliya one bit and I don't think she likes me too. After that incident at my door, she has been trying to ruin my peace of mind. This is the first and only time I have had to prepare a thorough background for my identity.

"So Lady Ianina, where did you say you grew up again?"

I took a deep calming breath then said,

"The East of Nagnaz."

"Where exactly?"

"I thought I told you already."

"You did but I don't believe you."

"Why not?"

"You look nothing like someone from Nagnaz. I bet you can't speak a single Nagnazese."

"Oh, really now. Rah to jacmil ri armany ver." [You are starting to annoy me]

"What did you just say?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"' You are starting to annoy me' isn't what you should say to a lady", a voice intercepted.

Both of us turned in our seats to look at where the voice came from. Amon stood with his hands in his pockets and had an amused smile.

"Rah ubtarkhan Nagnazese?", I asked and quirked an eyebrow.

[You understand Nagnazese]

" Pritahi." [Perfectly]

"Ahem, I'm also here you know."

I turned to her and said,

"Umr negat kurei." [We don't care]

He chuckled and shook his head then to Aliya, he said,

"I hope you are enjoying your stay here."

"Yes, I am."

"Rava, rava. Ve ami rega veram jakga ri armany sher. Ri qet umdari pritahi che." [Lies, lies. I have done my best to annoy her. It was working perfectly too]

"What did she say?", she asked eagerly.

I looked at Amon who was now standing before us. He said,

"It's true and that's she tried her best to entertain you."

I smiled cheekily, I couldn't help it. I watched as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, then I remembered something.

"Your majesty, where is Lord Mumm-ra?"

"Back at the campsite, he'll be back for the evening dinner."

"Oh, I see."

"I came to tell you, ladies, personally that we are having a special guest tonight."

"Who may that be?", Aliya asked.

"Don't worry, you'll find out tonight."

Translation: Stop being nosy.

She nodded then he turned and left.


"So what?"

"You really are from Nagnaz."

"Didn't I say so?"

"Err....what were you and the king saying right now?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

I stood and walked right out on her. Before I left I turned a little to look at her face. She had a deep frown on her face and I couldn't help but smile.


I still can't seem to get used to being washed by someone and also wearing clearly fortune - worth dresses plus a new addition to the package.

Jewels. Lots and lots of jewels.

I sat in front of the mirror as Ameera adorned my hair, that was in a fishtail chignon, with jades and sapphires. As I moved, my neck shone with authentic diamonds that were embedded in the silver and gold necklace Amon gave me.

"Done-- hold on, wait, there's another one."

"What? We're not done? I feel so heavy carrying all these things on me?"

"C'mon, they are not that heavy-- oh my Ra."

"What? What? What is it?"


Ameera stood before and opened a velvet box in front of me. I couldn't help but gasp at the sight. Staring right at me was an iris flower-shaped hairpin that had jade stones encrusted in it.

Oh my Ra.


Some invited guests sat at the table talking about whatever they were talking about whilst I just sat, bored, in the middle of two veteran soldiers who were talking to me about the old war times, even if that wasn't a topic a lady was supposed to discuss.

I just nodded at the comment that each of them made. I couldn't help but look over to where Amon was. He was in a deep conversation with Mumm-ra. Right then he looked up and caught me staring at him, he smiled. For some reason, I felt heat gather at my cheeks in a way that was uncommon to me. I couldn't believe I was.....


"-- then that's how the Great War ended, with the Alliance claiming victory. Yaznak being the head of the Alliance received the greatest praise", the man on my left, Rtd. Major Vikram Hrith, said.

"Stop boasting, Vikram. I'm sure the lady is not interested in your stories at all", the man on my other side, Rtd. General Ashrat Rvaar, commented.

"Well, how do you know? You are just a boring, old f--"

I cleared my throat. That stopped the clearly brewing argument.

"Our apologies, my lady."

I nodded.

"It's alright. I think it would be best if we leave the stories for another day, though."

They nodded and began having conversations with others. I sat down, bored once again, fiddling with the napkin on the table. The doors to the dining hall opened and all of a sudden I felt the familiar aura of loss. I looked up and held my breath when I saw who it was.

King Nazir Utar Amuoor VI.

My father.


Today when typing this I couldn't help but remember when I wrote the handwritten version in school. There was this particular girl who is probably the reason why this book was able to end. The girl literally stood behind me and breathed down my neck to get me to write😑😅. I miss her tho😄


Jade doesn't like Aliya and Aliya doesn't like Jade either. Isn't that a match made in heaven? What does Jade plan on doing when her father arrives? When is some real Jamon moment gonna happen?


Making up names and languages isn't easy but saying it out loud makes it worth it though 😂

It would be so weird to find out this language really exists but under a different name.
