Twenty - I expected a kiss


It took us two days to arrive at the camp. It was a long journey with me dosing off a couple of times while on the saddle. We made a few stops on the way to rest and refresh the horses. If you are wondering if I sat in a carriage, no, I didn't. I wouldn't have felt comfortable sitting in a carriage like a prissy princess. I wanted to ride on a horse on my own, just like I used to do. But my dear loving husband decided that wouldn't be the case saying,

"I wouldn't want my guards thinking I don't care for my wife."

Such a lame and stupid excuse for what he wanted me to do. No, he didn't make me walk, that would make him look bad to the soldiers trailing us.

"Ride with me," is what he said.

"As in, on the same horse?"

"Yes, of course."

"No way."

That's how our conversation began, then this is how it sounded in the middle.

"I still won't."



And this is how it ended.

"I can't believe you did that."

"It got you on the horse, right?"

"I hate you."

"I know you do."

I can't believe he actually did that. And I had to travel like that till we got to the camp. I sighed. After two days, we arrived at the camp in the evening of the second day. We were congratulated by the soldiers for our wedding and apologized to by the commander for asking for Amon's presence around the time of our wedding day. I didn't have the heart to tell him Amon actually received it on our wedding day. Amon took it all with nods and shakes while I stood by him, trying not to collapse due to tiredness. I was seriously so tired that if I really did collapse, I really wouldn't mind.

"Can one of the soldiers show the queen our tent for the night? We have been traveling very far and she needs rest," Amon said.

"Yes, your majesty," the commander responded.

He, the commander, made a motion with his hand and a soldier was at his side at once. He looked very tough and muscly.

"Show her highness to the tent."

The man bowed and directed me to the huge tent that had been mounted at the edge of the campsite, leaving Amon to discuss war stuff with the commander. Once the soldier escorted me to the tent he bowed and left, going back to the main camp where I could see he was more comfortable. I walked into the tent and was surprised. The tent was really set up for royalty. A tiger skin rag was on the ground and had visibly soft fur blankets on it. A tub was in the corner in the tent. I stretched and yawned. I bent and pulled off my boots. I removed the string that was holding my hair up in a ponytail and shook my hair when it was free.

I literally crawled to the tiger skin rug on the ground and wrapped the fur blankets around me then sighed. In no time at all, I was in the arms of delectable slumber.


Why do I feel so warm?

I shifted slightly in my sleep and sighed.

And why do I feel like someone is holding me?

My eyes fluttered open and I yawned. It took me exactly three seconds before I realized someone was really holding me. I turned around and in the person's arm to face him and looked up. It took me another three seconds to realize the person who was actually holding me. Unsurprisingly, it was Amon, a sleeping version.

I just blinked once, twice then thrice.

How the heck did I end up in his arms? Is that why I was feeling so warm? And....why does he look so cute when asleep?

I laid in his very warm arms and just stared at him. His eyebrows looked really perfect. So did his straight nose, and his cheekbones. My eyes moved lower and lower to his lips then stopped right there.

Whoa! How can a man's lips look so inviting?

I bit my bottom lip just about the kisses we've shared.

So this how the lips that make my knees turn into jelly look like up close.

I raised my hand and traced his bottom lip so lightly that I didn't think he would feel it. I brought my hand back down.

"I expected a kiss."

My eyes widened and his eyes fluttered open. Green eyes meeting blue startled ones. The corner of his lips quirked up. I blinked once, twice and then thrice.

"Are you done admiring me?"

I blinked, surprised.

", I was not admiring you."

"So me feeling someone brushing her fingertips on my lips was what?"

"Ermm....there was a...."

"A what?"


"A what?"

"Ermmm...I have no idea what to say."

"So you were staring at me."

"Yes. So what?"

"So I'm going to kiss you now."

I didn't get a second to think before I was pressed against him and kissed intensely.

I love this feeling.




Amon and Jade have arrived at the camp. Battle plans are going to be reviewed and enemies are going to strike. Will Jade get her revenge for the crime against her? Will this book ever end?


