Twenty Two - Dear Uncle


It was after three more rounds of lovemaking that we finally decided to talk, which I was hesitant to do but I realized it was better to get it over with. Funny enough, no one came to call him for anything and that was amazing.

" come you didn't tell me you were a virgin?", he started.

"Wasn't important and also it's not like I go round saying, 'Hey, look at me, I'm a virgin.'"

"This isn't a joke."

"I know it's not but you don't have to be surprised and suddenly alert about that kind of thing. Next time I promise to tell you about every single thing that I think is not important."

"Like how you turned out to be a princess?"

"Yeah, something like that. Not important."

"It's important to me. So tell me."

"It's a long story."

"Then make it short."

"Okay then. King Nazir is my father."

"Longer than that."

"King Nazir is my father and I'm a princess."

"Longer than that. This is serious."

"King Nazir is my father, I'm a princess.....andIalmostgotkilledbyyourgeneral."


I sighed, "It's a long, very long story."

"I have all the time."

I sighed again.



"And now Papa and I are planning revenge against him."

"How come you never told me this?"

"I'm not particularly fond of recalling that part of my life."

"I understand but what I don't get does marrying my help in the plan?"

"Don't get annoyed or anything but I did this so I could get close to Mumm-ra and have power over him."

"So in a way, I was used?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry. I'm bothered. I'm just surprised and a little angry at myself for not seeing that was how Mumm-ra was. Someone I thought I knew so well was capable of doing that."

"He's a true wolf in sheep's clothing."

"Yeah... Anyways, I think it's time we did something else, like taking a bath."

"Talking about time. What time is it?"

"Probably six or seven in the morning."

"Oh my Ra, in the morning? How long have we been at this?"

"You don't want to know."

"Yeah, I think so too."


All the soldiers in the camp bowed as we passed through, walking to the main tent. It was Commander Raman who met us there, alone.

"Where is Mumm-ra?"

"He'll be here shortly, your majesty."

Amon nodded and took my hand and walked to the map table with me. Commander Raman came to stand beside us, looking at me skeptically.

"I'm here to represent my father at this meeting."

Raman nodded. Right then, Mumm-ra stepped into the tent in his army regalia with his helmet in hand.

"I apologize, your majesties, for my lateness but I was held up at the makeshift stables."

"We understand. Please, join us", I said as politely as I could manage.

His gaze flickered to mine and I smiled. When he joined us, we began discussing the plans of attack, the fake. When we were done, that was soon, Mumm-ra bowed and left. I looked at Amon and he nodded indicating that Raman knew there were two plans and that we could trust him. Amon unrolled it and placed it on the table.

"The original plans. We are only sharing it with you because we believe you are trustworthy and Keen for Yaznak to win the war", Amon said.

"Yes, I understand."

"We attack two days from now."


"That was fruitful", I commented.

"Yes, it was."

"So what do we do now?"

"What do you mean by 'what do we do now?' You are going to rest."

"But I'm not tired", I said but was betrayed by a yawn.

I had been up on my feet since the time at the tent and it was almost sunset. We did a lot of stuff like going to the training grounds where I had to prove to some soldiers I was skillful with the sword.

What can I say? I love competitions.

"Back to the tent. Now."

I pouted but sulked back to the tent. When I got there I realized something looked out of place in the tent. To the untrained eye, everything would look normal but to me, something was definitely out of place. I was about to take a step towards the tiger skin rug on the floor when I felt his presence behind me. My heart skipped a beat at that.

"You're alive."

I spun around to face him. His black eyes were glittering dangerously. I smiled.

"Of course I am. What kind of statement is that, Lord Mumm-ra?"

His gaze hardened.

"I know you remember that day. How did you survive? You should be dead with your mother and twin sister."

I stiffened. That wiped the smile off my face.

"So you remember."

"Of course I do", he chuckled evilly, "That day marked the death of an old love to the birth of a glorious dynasty but sadly that was delayed."

I growled.

"What do you mean?"

He laughed and shook his head.

"They never told you? Too bad, I guess I'll have to."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for starters, you are looking at your dear uncle who nobody ever told you about."

"What? That can't be. That's a lie."

"It's the truth. What else would I gain by killing you apart from driving my brother crazy? You see by killing the ruling royal family, the crown has to go to the next eligible royal.  The one who was not even considered as part of the family, the one no one knows about apart from his brother, the King, and his late wife. You see, that man is me, your uncle, Prince Mumm-ra Rajar  Amuoor IX."

"That is impossible."

"It is not but that's a story for next time. Now that you are back you've ruined my plans. You came back when I was just planning on finding a way to poison my dear brother to death but now I have to get rid of you first and this time I plan to make sure you never come back."

Then I felt something hard hit my head with force. I stumbled. I lifted my hand to the back of my head to the injured part and drew it away to see my blood-stained fingers. I turned around slowly to see Aliya standing there with a wooden club in hand and a sadistically satisfied look on her face.

My knees gave out from underneath me. I fell with a thump. Black dots colored my vision as I slowly lost consciousness.

"Well done, my daughter, well done", was all I heard before I finally blacked out.


Yay! Finally done. This kinda took longer than I wanted.


Shocking news...Mumm-ra is her uncle? What other surprises are ahead of Jade? Will she be able to get revenge?


