What if Jade's mother and sister had never been killed...
This timeline begins from when if Mumm-Ra's murder attempt was found out before it was acted on. He would be charged with high treason and executed at the gallows. Aliya would be nowhere to be found after the execution. The twins left undercover when they turned 11 and returned to the palace when all possible threats to their life were eliminated.
Age: 15
"So that's the plan. We go in and get out as fast as we can. Nobody would even realize we left."
"Your plan has so many holes", I rolled my eyes, saying.
She did the same and said, "I know but that doesn't matter. My quick-thinking older sister is here with me, after all."
She said, staring at me intensely and I could tell what was running in her mind.
"If Mama finds out about this, we are in trouble", I added.
"She won't find out", Isis whined.
I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time.
"Okay, let's go."
She grinned at me excitedly, grabbed the hidden clothes from under the bed, and tossed a few to me. I sighed but got ready anyways.
Even though I was visibly annoyed, inwardly I was excited. I always loved the thrill of an adventurous and dangerous act, something I don't get often with my status.
As the First Princess of Nagnaz, the opportunity for encounters with danger were few. Especially after Papa's half-brother, Mumm-Ra's attempted murder. Nonetheless, I lived for the thrill and excitement.
We managed to sneak out of the palace, past the guards and any maid who were up and about. Soon enough we approached our secret and hidden pathway and scurried out of the palace grounds.
The streets were filled with people who were doing their last-minute shopping for the weekend. As usual, Isis had that fascinated look of hers, as she watched the four o'clock shoppers go about.
"Keep your head down, Isis", I said, breaking her moment.
We pulled up our hoods, enough to hide our identities from prying eyes and those who might recognize us. We took a memorized path, avoiding people, and hurried to get there in time.
Soon enough, we arrived. The alley was silent but we both knew it wasn't empty. They were laying in ambush, waiting. Isis grinned at me then whistled. Suddenly shadows jumped out of the darkness, attacking. We stood in a defense stand, managed to block any close attacks whilst also inflicting some.
A groan came from behind and a voice croaked,
"Okay, I give up."
The other shadows stood down and Isis let the shadow who had spoken from under her choke then helped him up.
"You girls should go easy on me, I'm an old man, ya know", the man groaned even more.
"C'mon, Rishaab, you're not that old. Well...not too much", I said, chuckling.
"Haha, very funny. Get your asses to the back, she's expecting you. The kids have been giving her hell since this morning."
I nodded then waved byes to the shadows, Rishaab's underlings and they waved back, grinning. Turning through the alley took us to a hidden pathway to the assassin's secret base. There, we could hear the chatters of children and the strict voice of a woman. Altair.
Six years ago, Isis and I met Altair by chance. We had been playing in the alleyway as usual when she walked out of the dark side with clothes, bloodied and torn. She had been cut on her cheek but she didn't seem bothered by it.
She walked past Isis and me, who had stooped playing and were now staring at her, passing her without sparing a glance.
"There are soldiers on the street", I spoke.
She stopped, turned to look at me then Isis, who stood behind me but was staring intently at the woman. She seemed to consider that for a moment before saying,
"Why would you tell me that?"
"I don't know but I could distract them."
She gave me a once-over and scoffed.
"And why would you do that?"
I shrugged. She squinted, analyzing. But before she answered, I walked out, holding on to Isis. I walked up to the soldiers and spoke to them and soon they dispersed. I noticed the woman take a look at me before blending into the stream of people and disappearing.
~End of flashback~
The next day and the days after that she came over to see us. I soon found out she was weak to children as she could not have one due to the nature of her job. Being an assassin.
It was through her that Isis and I learned to defend ourselves. With Mama's permission, of course. The only thing Mama disapproved of was us escaping to meet Altair since she saw it as risky and unnecessarily dangerous. But we loved it.
After spending time with Altair and the kids she rescued, my sister and I headed home, hoping to not be caught. Luckily for us, no one paid any heed to us as we scurried back into the palace.
We safely got back to my room where we quickly changed and stuffed the street clothes into the hidden compartment in my coffer. After Isis had left, everything I did after that seemed to be a mundane blur of activities.
When I came to, it was supper time. I got off my bed to get ready for dinner, as usual. A knock came at my door. I furrowed my brows.
Usually, I wasn't called from my room unless it was an important matter as I was very punctual.
"Come in", I said.
My chambermaid, Zara, came in with clothes that seemed newly made, along with a jewelry box. I quirked my head at the items.
"Your highness requests you should wear these as guests from Yaznak are present for dinner this evening."
I nodded.
"Please thank the queen for me", I replied. I would do that myself too, though.
She bowed and left me to myself as I had ordered her to do. I picked up the velvet midnight blue gown and inspected the rose gold laurel tiara. I sighed, smiling.
Mama loved to spoil us.
A frown replaced the smile quickly as I remembered who was coming for dinner. The detestable newly crowned king, Amon Raqar Ankham IV. My betrothed. A betrothal by our fathers. I groaned and pulled my hair as I thought of him.
He loved to push my buttons, loved seeing me get riled up by his stubborn and hard-headed behavior. He was way too cocky for someone who was merely eighteen years. He irritated me with his off-hand behavior. And he was the only one to beat me in a one-on-one duel. That was the icing on the cake.
I quickly dressed up, putting my hair in a low bun then rushed to the stairs, just in time to meet Isis. She was blushing profusely and it didn't take much to figure out why.
It wasn't a secret to anybody that Isis had a crush on Amon's right-hand man, Argar. Heck, everyone in the palace knew about it. The only one who was oblivious to this was the object of affection himself.
We went down to the dining hall together in time. Papa smiled and gestured for us both to sit. Mama smiled in approval of our attires.
It was after we sat that I noticed Amon. When our eyes met, he gave me his usual smirk that annoyed the heck out of me.
"You look stunning", he said, not breaking eye contact.
I gritted my teeth before I responded, "Thank you, your majesty."
He quirked a brow in question. He was aware I strongly disliked addressing him like that but my parents were here, I couldn't do anything here. And he knew it.
Dinner passed by very quickly, with Papa and Amon talking about king-related issues and Mama and I just listening in. Meanwhile, I noticed Isis was making small talk with Argar, who was actively into the conversation for the first time.
I dreaded after dinner as Amon was made to walk me to my room and it usually ended up with me being annoyed out of my mind and Amon being entertained by my annoyance. But it came soon anyway.
We were currently walking together to my room in silence for the first time in a while. He was thinking. I could tell from how his brows were furrowed and his sighs. He soon snapped out of it.
"You looked beautiful today."
"Thanks. There's no need to flatter me though. You are still annoying."
He chuckled.
"You're so cute. You'd make a great queen."
That got me to blush profusely.
"You-- why would you say it like that?"
"Because you are cute."
"Arghh. Don't call me that."
"Please go away now", I said as we got to my door.
He grinned then said, "Sure. After a good night's kiss."
"Wha-- what?", I said startled and still blushing.
"C'mon", he pouted.
I rolled my eyes and gave him a peck on the lips. He grinned.
"Well, I meant on the cheek but this is good too."
"You--", I got out before I entered my room quickly and shut it in his face.
I heard him chuckle lightly before I heard receding footsteps. I slid to the ground, my face was flaming hot.
So goddamn troublesome for my heart.
Well hi there. It's me, maskedinthelight_7. Thank you all so much for reading this book. I love it when I see that people actually read this. I appreciate you all... You guys help me so much.
This book was written when I was 13 but now I'm older so pardon the writing style and plot holes. As much I would like to update all my books as often as I can, I can't. I usually write when inspiration hits me so when I write when it hasn't, I hate what I write. And recently inspiration is taking a long time to hit.
Once again, thank you guys.