Ch. 16 My first school bus ride

"My first day going to a public school. Ah, I wonder what it'll be like," I sigh as I pull on a hoodie.

"Honey! You're going to be late for the bus!" My Mom calls from the kitchen.

"Oh, that's right." I mumble, then yell, "I'm coming!"

Since I've gone to a private school my whole life, my Mom or my Dad have always driven me. I've never ridden the bus before.

I walk out to the kitchen, grab my bag and a granola bar and head towards the front door.

"Oh honey, you can't just eat a granola bar for breakfast. It's too little," my Mom sighs, walking up to me.

I smile. "Its okay Mom, I'm gonna be late so this should suffice for now."

She kisses me on the forehead and I walk out the door. It's cold out, practically freezing.

The bus is there waiting for me but all of a sudden I feel nervous.

'Are they looking at me? Are they judging my outfit? It's hard to know how to dress when you've only ever had to put on a uniform before, ' I think as I make my way to the bus, shivering.

The doors open and I hop in. I'm face to face with the bus driver. It's cold in the bus.

"You're new, I'm Mrs. Fair." She holds out her hand.

"I'm Lolita." I say, shaking her hands.

"Go grab a seat sweetie."

I start walking through the bus. No one's really looking at me. I'm glad.

I sit down by a window--- an open seat next to me. My body faces the window and my eyelids start to droop. Hopefully no one loud comes and sits down next to me.

I wake up and feel something warm against my back. As I start to turn around to see what it is, two arms snake around my waist and pull me back down.

A bit startled, I rub my eyes and turn my head around to see a cute guy. His eyes are closed.

I realize I'm no longer in the seat next to the window but in his lap. He kind of looks familiar.

A bit flustered now realizing what's happening, I squirm a bit to try and get back into my seat. His grip tightens. I look around to see if anyone's looking at us. Luckily, they're all either preoccupied with their own conversations or asleep. 'Maybe couples cuddling on buses is normal for them?? But I'm not saying that's what me and this guy are,' I think awkwardly.

Halting my attempts of escape for a moment, I say quietly, "Excuse me but could you please put me back down in my seat?"

Suddenly, he snuggles his face into my neck. My face gets hot. I can feel him breathing.

"...You looked cold, " he says in a low voice, his lips tickling my neck. My skin prickles. "You were shivering."

'I mean I DO feel a lot more warm than I did earlier but this is weird. And since his grip is so tight, I don't think I'll be able to get out of this, ' I think silently.

I feel his arms relax a bit. I do too.

The way he's holding me is oddly comfortable.

His breath is warm. 'Even with all these people in here, this is bus is freezing.' Before I know it, I'm drifting back off to sleep.