Chapter 3:

It was around four in the morning, when Valeria was loading her and Katherine's baggage in the trunk with Alessandro's help. After Nicolàs has dropped her off, she didn't sleep at all and just kept going through everything to make sure they didn't forget anything. To say that she was tired would be an understatement, especially after she had to clean the mess her best friend left in the spare room. Once everything was out of the appartment, Valeria threw one last look around before locking up. She waved good bye to the receptionist who smiled warmly at her and wished her a safe flight.

" Sei pronta per andare signorina?" ( Are you ready to go miss?) The old man asked gently while opening the car's door for her. She was too tired to talk so she just nodded in response and settled inside the car. And although it was still dark outside, the young woman didn't feel cold at all. Well, her outfit might have a part to play in this, however Valeria knows how to appreciate the night's chilly weather. The young actress opted for a comfortable outfit for this nine hour long flight: she wore a black hoodie that says DON'T CRY LITLLE BUTTERFLY, and grey sweatpants with white slippers on her feet. She never really cared about the way she looked as long as she was feeling good. And if you were wondering, yes this "carelessness" caused a lot of trouble for her publicist. But that is another topic for another time.

As Alessandro started driving through the familiar roads, Valeria took out her phone and headphones to get her mind off the stress that is waiting for her back in the big apple. She allowed herself to relax back in the soft car seat while the slowed version of her favorite songs played through her ears. It was about twenty minutes later that their car parked in front of the airport. The security guards already being warned of her arrival, rushed to help her with the suit cases in case some paparazzi showed up. She was about to call Katherine and check where she was when one of them informed her that a crazy american girl was waiting for her inside. The italian actress gave him an embarassed smile and silently hoped that her best friend didn't cause that much of a scene. She was about to go inside when she remebered that she had one last thing to do. Walking back to the car, she smiled at the gentleman who was still standing there waiting for her to get inside all safe.

" Quando ci aspettiamo il tuo ritorno signorina Rossi?" (When will we expect your return miss Rossi?) The old man questioned softly, making Valeria's smile widen in response.

" Prima di quanto pensi, Alessandro. Di alla tua famiglia che lo saluto." ( Sooner than you think, Alessandro. Tell your family I said hello.) She answered him, somehow left him confused with her first statement. He just gave her hesistant nod before she went inside to join the red-head. Katherine was sleeping on the ground, tightly hugging a stuffed panda to her chest. The image would be adorable if the young business woman wasn't snoring so loud, that earned a lot of stares from the other passengers. Being the good friend Valeria is, she quickly shook her so she would wake up and avoid further embarassement; but not before she took a video of course.

" Why would you do that?" The ginger haired mumbled while stretching and yawning. She hugged her stuffed animal closer and stood up, to glare at her best friend.

" You should thank me child, you were snoring." The younger one explained, half-amused half-annoyed, as they began walking towards the check in area. The security guards earlier were kind enough since they put their bags in a luggage cart which made it easier for them to move and easily go through the usual procedure. Once they were in front of the lady, Valeria smiled at her and helped her with the suitcases, while the american girl kept whining behind her.

" I am older than you so stop calling me a child! And I do not snore!" Katherine shouted in whispers while sticking her bottom lip out and crossing her arms around her torso. She didn't look like a baby at all. However, instead of making a snarky comment, Valeria put her headphones back on as soon as she was done with the paperwork and just sat down in the waiting area in front of their terminal. The other woman scoffed in response and mumbled something about how rude she was and that she was starting to question their friendship, knowing that the actress wouldn't hear a word she said. Three songs later, Valeria felt something poking her side. She turned around to find her best friend standing and pointing towards the people forming a queue to board on the plane. They were both too tired to speak a word, so they just went through one last check in before they found themselves sitting comfortably in their first class seats. The actress had the intention of asking her friend about Benjamin, but soon dismissed the idea when she noticed that the young woman already fell asleep, before they even took off.

Nine hours later, the two best friends were pulling their luggage and looking for their driver. Valeria threw a look around the crowded airport but didn't notice any held up sign with their names on it. Once again, she got her phone out to call her agent and try to solve this problem. However, she stopped dead in her tracks when she heard that familiar voice call them.

" Hey Val! Yo tiny, I'm over here!" A tall muscular brunette who was crazily waiving his hand, shouted a few feet away from them.

"Is that Alexander?" Katherine asked the young woman next to her. " Oh my god it is!" She then squealed before running to him, giving him a very tight koala hug.

" Well look at that, our dear Mr. Cooper actually up at five in the morning." Joining them, Valeria smirked at him before hugging him in turn.

" Yeah, well I couldn't let a stranger pick my favorite client when I could do it personally." Alex shot back as he helped them with their bags, mostly just pushing Katherine's suitcases while Valeria took care of her own.

" I would feel honored if I wasn't sure that I am your only client." The actress spoke as they started loading the luggage in the car's trunk. " Nice look by the way." She added with a chuckle, pointing to his pajamas.

" See that is why I didn't miss you." The young man commented once they were settled inside the SUV. "But you." The agent pointed towards Katherine, sitting in the back. " I missed you. Tell me all about this trip."

And as the red-head started going on and on about the adventures they went through in Italy, Valeria was going all over today's schedule. She had an interview this afteroon, more of a night show, but that was ten hours away. So instead of worrying about the program, the young star started calculating how much time she would have to rest, if she were to spare the getting ready time. That is why once they had reached the building where she lived, Valeria didn't wait to help with her bags and just went right inside the elevator; pushing the last floor's button. With a ding, the moving box's doors opened allowing her to push her key through the door and finally get inside the penthouse. And as much as she missed the feeling of being home, the young woman speed walked to her bedroom and just jumped on her king sized bed. Valeria was determined to not waste a minute if that meant less sleeping time in that moment.

Slowely opening her eyes, the italian woman stretched her left arm while her right one covered her yawning mouth. That is when a delicious smell hit her: coffee. Quickly, the brunette untangled herself from the black bed sheets, and ran inside the bathroom to wash her face before joining whomever was in the kitchen. The first thing that caught her attention was her favorite mug filled with coffee. Valeria picked it up and started drinking the hot beverage, not even stopping to test its heat degree.

" Told you that would wake her up." Katherine spoke smugly while cleaning the dishes she ate in.

" Well good morning to you too sleeping beauty." Alex greeted the young woman sarcastically with an eye roll. " Thought you forgot about today for a sec there."

" I didn't get that much sleep on the plane. But anyway, what time our we leaving?" Finally acknowledging her two friends, Valeria finished her coffee and joined the ginger haired by the sink to wash the mug.

" It is twelve right now, so you have about an hour before we take off to Sandra first." Her agent explained, as he took his phone and started scrolling through his mail box in search of any other details. " Oh and don't forget to take another cup of coffee with you. Or not. Let's just pick something on the way."

" Wait, doesn't the show recording start at five? Why do I have to start getting ready at one?" The actress asked confused once she dried her hands.

" Do I have to remind you that everytime you had an important event, you would always show up late because you kept arguing with your stylist over what you should and shouldn't wear. So we aren't taking any risks since this time you're interview was requested by the viewers."

" I have to agree with him on that one, Val." Katherine joined their conversation, picking up her phone from the counter. " I gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow?" She added, as she kissed her best friend's cheek and high fived Alexander. "Enjoy your night, bella! And don't cause your team any problems." The red-head shouted before she closed the door.

" I hate you both, you know that?" Valeria muttered angrily at the young man who just smiled sheepishly. " Let's just get this whole dressing up thing over with."

" As you wish you ma'am. Now eat that fruit salad Katie made for you, then wear change into something else so we can get going." Alexander opened the refrigerator and took out a dish full of varied fruits, that he pushed towards the brunette. The agent earned a gratful smile from his client, who sat down and started eating the very much needed source of energy.

Alexander was very much right. Once they arrived at Sandra's local, Valeria tried her best to prove her best friend's wrong with just agreeing with everything the stylist said. That only lasted three minutes, and her annoying complains about the outfits Sandra chose for her started. Either they were too formal, too colorful or too showing for her. Because of that, the two women started bickering, wasting more than ten minutes each time. And when Valeria finally settled on wearing a red sleeveless surplice blouse with a pair of white slacks, three hours had already gone by. That meant that they had about forty five minutes left for the make up and haistyling. Luckily, the young woman wasn't a big fan of make up which meant her hairstylist could take her time.

To Alexander's much delight, they arrived just on time to the NBC studios. The security guard who recognized them, nodded his head in respect and opened the doors for them. They both walked inside, being somewhat familiar with the place, the two friends quickly found where they were supposed to be. Valeria was left alone in front of her dressing room, as her agent left to answer an important call. Five minutes later, the young actress heard a knock on the door before she stood up to check who it was. Her face lit up as soon as she discovered who the knocker was.

" Jimmy!" The young woman screamed in happiness. She pulled him in a hug, not really noticing that he had company.

" Italian girl! How've you been?" The middle aged man asked in a fatherly manner as he pulled away. "Before you answer though, I got a surprise for you." He revealed as a young woman appeared beside him.

" Oh my god! Lauren! What- How did you?" Valeria stuttered completely surprised to see the green eyed woman standing in front of her.

"Surprise girl. Well I didn't expect this neither until last night when Jimmy hit me up asking me if I would like to join your interview today. I couldn't say no to that, I mean we haven't seen each other since we filmed the music video to my last song." The singer explained as the two of walked with the host towards the set.

"Yeah, but here you are so let's enjoy it." The brunette offered while waving at the small crowd present there who started whisteling and screaming their names. And just a few seconds later, they started filming the show that would air that night.