Chapter 5:

Katherine used her spare keys to open her best friend's house, while telling Alexander about one of her associates. The door was unlocked, which the red-head didn't question, thinking Valeria left it open for them. They both kept walking in, not really noticing the mess around them.

" He litteraly told me that he's forcing his son get to married, can you believe that? How is that not illegal yet? This is the twenty first century for god's sake." The ginger haired exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air in frustration.

" Well it is illegal in some states, but not many dare report it." Alexander replied before he finally noticed the state the penthouse was in. He nudged the business woman making her stop dead in her tracks to make sure her eyes weren't betraying her. The kitchen's floor was filled with broken dishes. The living room's furniture was all over the place, as if some raged dog has been there, in addition to other damaged furniture. Once the sight settled in her mind, Katherine threw her belongings on the floor and began searching for her best friend.

" Val? Valeria! Where are you?" " Valeria! It's me, Alex and Katie!" The two started screaming while looking all around the penthouse. They searched every corner, in vain. Alex was about to call the police, when Katherine texted him that she had found her in the terrace. The young woman was gazing at the busy streets of New York, watching as people sped through the streets while the sun started beautifully setting. She was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn't notice her best friend's joining her sides. Once she did, Valeria turned her back to the view with her hands hidden inside her sweater's pockets, and threw her head back in the air as she took a long breath.

" Chris visited me this morning." The young actress said with a small, yet genuine smile. " He'll be in the city for the next few days."

" That's a good thing, right?" Katherine questionned, earning a quiet hum in response. " Then why do I feel like something is wrong?" When she received no answer to her question, the ginger haired looked at Alexander, asking for help.

" Are you the one behind that mess inside?" The young man asked carefully, this time getting a small guilty nod for answer. That's better than nothing, the two friends thought. Suddenly, Valeria pulled her arms down to her sides, exposing her hands by the action. And although the two of them noticed it; Katherine was the first one to react. She pulled her best friend back inside, towards her room while the young man followed closely behind with a worried look. The young business woman sat her on the bed, while she looked inside one of the drawers. Finding what she wanted, Katherine returned to Valeria's side with a white and red aid kit. As she began cleaning the wounds on the brunette's knuckles, Alexander laid on the door frame; watching everything from there while wondering what triggered his friend and made her lose control again.

" Do you want to take your medication right now?" Katherine asked, holding a small pill container. Valeria mumbled a small 'now' and caught the water bottle Alex threw her before swallowing the pill that the red-head gave her.

" Apparently, I am getting married." The young woman blurted out all of a sudden. That earned two different reactions: her agent stood straight, with wide eyes and his jaw dropping; while Katherine screamed a huge 'what' in shock. " That's what Mr Smith said." Valeria elaborated with an defeated yet angry voice.

"Well he can't force you to do that. Right, Alex?" The young business around stated angrily, turning to look at the young man who started walking inside the room with squinted eyes.

" What else did he tell you?" Alexander asked in a more serious voice, taking his role as her agent and lawyer for the moment. Silence reigned in the room for a while, as Valeria's eyes glistened with unshed tears. She kept fighting the urge to do it all over again, as anger and hate bubbled inside of her. The italian actress inhaled deeply, trying to gain control over her emotions like her therapist had shown her.

" He showed me a letter written from my childhood therapist. About how I can be considered a serious danger to my entourage. He'll use it for a restraining order against me, so I will never be able to see my brother again." The brunette revealed, as tears spilled out of her eyes. She launched herself in her best friend's arms, who welcomed her with so much love and empathy.

As a little girl, Valeria was known for being very short tempered. Her parents thought that she was just a very angry child and didn't question it. At least not until she began behaving quite violently most of the time. For a seven year old, punching the TV screen because her favorite show wasn't on, isn't something usual. So her mother, Carla, took her to a psychiatrist who diagnosed her with I.E.D ( Intermittent Explosive Disorder). He prescribed her a medication in addition to going to group therapy with other children like her. Of course, Valeria didn't want to at first, having another crisis. It ended with her father hitting her for the first time, leaving a small bruise on her arm. And although her normal response would have been hitting back, Valeria was a smart kid. She held all of her anger inside and followed her worried mother to the car. With time, the little girl got used to the therapy sessions and even started individual ones. And as years passed by, Valeria had more control over her emotions, maybe even more than normal. By the time her brother was born, she would only have one explosive moment in a month or two. She was handling her illness very well, not couting her last year of highschool and first year in New York. Katherine and Alexander were both aware of it, having both assisted to some of her crisis.

" Weren't we supposed to pick Benjamin an hour ago?" Valeria asks with a hoarse voice, trying to change the subject. Just the thought of losing her brother made her sick.

" Yeah but he called this morning telling me that something new popped up. He doesn't know when he'll be back." Katie informs her as she stands up. " That is why we're going out."

" Shorty! Have you lost your mind?" Alexander exclaims, looking at the red-head in disbelief. " She just had a fit for god's sake, and we need to figure out a way to solve this problem. You think going out will help?"

" It's her birthday, she needs to have fun. We'll get plenty of time to get it over with Thanos. What do you say, Val?" Throwing her hands in the air, the ginger haired explains somewhat frustrated, before facing her best friend.

" I could use a distraction." The italian actress replies absentmindedly. She shrugs at her agents pointed look and just walks towards her dressing room. " What do you have in mind Katie?" Valeria questions while she begins stripping out of her pajamas.

" There is this new club that opened near by, we could check it out."

" We're really doing this?" Alexander tries to reason them one last time. The two girls just nod at each other as Katherine joins her friend to change. The young man sighs in the defeat and takes out his phone once more. " I am calling Roger, he'll be in charge of your protection tonight since I won't be sober for that."

The young women high fived each other, then both slipped through their clothes. Because the two of them are almost inseperable, the brunette reserves part of her dressing room for the red-head, where she keeps some of her clothes there in case unplanned plans pop up. Alexander also has a few partying clothes kept in one of Valeria's drawers. This time, they chose to match colors: Valeria opts for a black tank top with some drops of blood on the front and a pair of black cargo pants, in addition to her signature leather jacket and black army boots. Katherine on the other hand is wearing a white long-sleeve jumpsuit with red platforms on her feet. And while the two young women were making some finishing touches on their looks, the young man changed from his navy blue shirt into a red hoodie and kept his pair of black jeans on. Valeria was grateful for her friends being there with her, for the reason that she doesn't know what would of happened if she stayed on her own with her thaunting dark thoughts. Her mind started wondering back to her adolescence; where these thoughts were so persistent. While she was swimming in that big ocean of old feelings, Katherine noticed her zoned out impression. The ginger haired was starting to regret her idea when Alexander called out for them. Apparently, their ride has arrived and was waiting for them downstairs. The sound made Valeria break out of her daze. She grabbed her wallet and phone and slipped them inside her pockets before she stood up. As she was about to go leave her bedroom, Katherine grabbed her forearm; preventing her from moving any further. Their eyes lock for a second, the brunette immediately reading the worry in her friend's eyes. A smile appeares on her face. Despite how small it is, it is an honnest one, which apparently reassures Katherine somehow since she also let's one graze her lips before she embraces Valeria in a warm hug. The best friends stay locked safely in each others arms for a few minutes before the young man shouts for them to come down one more time. The two girls do as they're told and join the agent who is waiting impatiently by the door. He calls the elevator once he sees them down the staircase, and is joined by Katherine while Valeria makes sure to lock the penthouse this time. And as they ride the elevator in silence, Valeria's inrtusive thoughts come back rushing to her. The italian woman tries her best to fight but fails miserably, clenching her fists tightly and inflicting pain to herself to somewhat distract her mind. At the same time, Katherine is occupied with texting her fiance and doesn't notice her friend's behavior. However, Alexander happens to check if his white stan smith are still clean and he remarks how her knuckles are turning whiter with every passing second. The young man has seen her like this before, when they were still in highschool, and he knows how to act.

" So shorty told me about your double date. I am surprised she convinced you." He starts the conversation, trying to fill the silence and hoping to fight away her thoughts.

" Oh wait, this one she actually enjoyed! Don't let her tell you otherwise, cause he even dropped her home." Katherine chimes in and tucking her phone away inside her bag. Valeria's gaze now is directed towards them, trying to hide the amused smile fighting to show on her lips. As if on cue, the elevator door opens and they all walk out towards the black van waiting for them. The bodyguard, Roger, greets them before opening the car's door for them. Once they are settled inside, the actress turns in her seat to look directly at her agent who is seated behind her.

" When is Dior coming back home to his mom?" She questions with a raised eyebrow and protective voice. Katherine snorts from the seat beside her, which earns her a glare from the latter.

" Tomorrow morning, ma'am." Alexander responds right away. " Can't wait to get away rid of that venomous reptile." He mutters under his breath. That makes the red-head explose with laughter while Valeria hardens her glare, directing it both of them.

" Don't talk bad about my baby! And you better have taken good care of him. If I discover that you let any loud noise near the damn snake, I'll stab your ears to death." The brunette threatens before turning back again to her previous comfortable position. To her side, Katherine is trying to hold back her loud laughter while the agent shrank in the back seat. And as they get closer to their destination, conversation flows easily between them; keeping Valeria from drowning in her dark thoughts.

" We're here sir." Roger informs them from the driver seat. " There are too muc people, I'll go first and ask the security for help." And just as he closes the door, Alexander mumbles something about having a bad feeling about this.