Ch. 9

1453 A.D.

I let out a snarl as I flexed my body and slid around the frantic stab of another Ottoman Spearman, grasping the haft of his weapon with one hand and repositioning it before impaling the foolish human upon the blunt end. Growling in anger, my fangs bared and eyes blood red as I looked at the Ottoman Soldiers warily circling me, I considered how I'd ended up in this position.

I'd arrived in Europe in 1450, figuring that forty two years would be more than enough time to locate my siblings and help make sure Klaus broke this silly curse five hundred years early. I made landfall in Constantinople, basically the only city name I'd recognized when chartering passage.

I had considered bringing along some of my followers, but they were needed in my blossoming kingdom and it wasn't like I required bodyguards given my immortality. So I'd come alone to this new city and charmed my way through where I could and used compulsion where charm failed.

I had enjoyed the last 3 years in Constantinople, taking my time exploring everything the city had to offer both in its slums and in its palaces. Being an immortal mind controlling monster had its perks after all. Unfortunately, I'd made the mistake of sticking around too long, and hadn't known what was coming as I didn't really pay attention to the politics and news. I hadn't even realized there was a siege going on until three weeks into it.

As I stared down the group of Ottoman soldiers I was facing off with, I was forced to admit that I needed to learn to pay better attention to what the humans around me were up to. I truly did not appreciate being blindsided by a mortal war. I especially didn't enjoy being blindsided while I'd been enjoying the most beautiful noblewoman I'd been able to find in Constantinople. I was going to kill every single soldier I ran into on my way out of this wretched doomed city.

That plan was almost immediately axed by the sudden appearance of a vampire I was shockingly familiar with. I stared on incredulously as Sage, the red head that would wait nine hundred years to reunite with Finn stood before me in Ottoman armor. She'd blurred into the area with clear vampire speed and the soldiers that'd been circling me immediately backed away in deference to her.

I gaped at her, for the first time in centuries I was outright shocked, even more so than when angry Ottomans had barged into the bedroom while I was feeding and fucking my latest conquest, I'd been less shocked and more angry at the interruption. With this, I wasn't sure how to react at first.

As I stood indecisive for a few moments, Sage gestured sharply and the soldiers dispersed, leaving her and I as the only souls in the empty marketplace. I cocked an eyebrow at that and smiled slightly. I could work with this. Straightening up and dropping from a visible battle stance, I eyed her up and down before speaking, "I did not know that the Ottomans took women into their armies as more than camp followers."

She grinned in response, "They do when you show you can out fight and out drink entire legions. The Sultan in particular greatly appreciates my service."

I smirk slowly, "I'm sure he does." And I can see her face color slightly as she recognizes the verbal trap she'd walked into and the insult I'd dealt her. She clenches her jaw and draws a sword, causing me to sigh as I draw my own from my back. It is a replica of the one I'd grown up with and I hold it loosely as I try to keep things from devolving into a fight that would force me to reveal my hand too early.

"Is this truly necessary? You intend to fight one of your own kind on behalf of the food?" I asked curiously, frowning at her apparent loyalty to the Ottoman Empire.

She seemed taken aback by that idea, and considered for a long moment before shaking her head, "I swore to the Sultan that I would help him take Constantinople and I take my oaths seriously." Here she paused, as if considering an idea before grinning mischievously, "You clearly value your life, so what say you to a deal? We will fight, and when you lose you will serve me for five years in exchange for your life."

I raise both eyebrows at her confidence and quirk the corner of my mouth up as I stare at her, "And what happens if I win?"

She actually laughs at the idea of that before smiling, "On the small chance that you somehow win, then you will be free to go, I will make sure the Sultan's armies let you pass."

I shake my head as soon as she's finished speaking, grinning wickedly now, "Now that doesn't sound like a fair trade at all. I think if I best you I should get the same as you. Five years of service in exchange for your life."

She just grins and rolls her eyes, falling into a combat stance and holding up her sword, "Fine, I accept those terms. Shall we begin, I'm looking forward to teaching you some manners."

I could have played at sword fighting with her a bit, made it seem as if I was weaker than I was, but to be honest I just didn't feel like pretending. As she was drawling out manners I flashed forward, appearing behind her as my sword sprouted from her chest, impaling her through as my hand gripped her thick red locks and pulled her head back.

Leaning in as she choked on her own blood I placed my lips beside her ear and grinned, murmuring to her, "We'll talk more when you wake up darling." With that said I used my grip on her hair to violently twist her head, breaking her neck easily. Moving with the same blurry speed I'd just shown, I stripped her of her armor and weapon, both clearly supplied by the Ottomans before hefting her onto my shoulder and leaving Constantinople behind.

I only stopped once I was sure I was miles away from the city and the fighting. Finding a tree I plopped her down so she was sitting against it and began cleaning my blade of her blood while I waited. It didn't take long for her to wake up, and when she did it was with a start, frantic eyes tracking around her before landing on me. I raised an eyebrow at her, still only half done with wiping my blade clean. She clearly wasn't very used to a broken neck.

I spoke up before she could make a decision on what to do next, "Now then, I think we got off on the wrong foot. Based on your confidence I assume you are rather old compared to most vampires. Unfortunately for you, I knew the Original Family when they were still human, and I can say without a doubt that I was the first they turned after they became monsters."

Sage's eyes are wide as she stares at me, taking in my easy lie. The first part was even true, I had known the Original Family when they were still human! I smile and continue before she can really get her equilibrium back, "You told me you take oaths seriously. And I was promised five years of service."

She seemed to mull those over for a long moment, before nodding and finally finding her voice, "Aye, that was the deal. I am sworn to you for five years, no more."

I smirk, "While I trust your word, I'm not one to take anything at face value."

In a moment I'm kneeling in front of her, grasping the sides of her head and locking gazes as I initiated compulsion, "You will do as I say when I say it. You actually want to do as I say to fulfill your obligation to me. You will feel compelled to tell me what's on your mind and you will always be honest with me when I ask you a question. The idea of attacking me will make you feel guilty given how honorable I've been with you. You will not remember me compelling you until I tell you to."

I release her and flash back to my original spot, watching as her pupils return to their original size and she blinks, looking dazed for a moment before looking to me and getting to her feet slowly, "Right then, I suppose introductions are in order yeah? I'm Sage."

I grin at that, "My followers call me Master. You may do the same."

This caused a scowl to form on her face, but she nodded reluctantly, "Very well Master. What next?"

I hummed for a moment before looking at the bloody hole in her shirt, where my sword had pierced her, "Mmm, we find a village and get a bite to eat, a bath, and new clothes for you in that order. I need you at full strength if you're going to help me hunt down the Originals."

She immediately blurts out what's on her mind as my compulsion ordered her to, "I'm all for finding them. Klaus has the love of my life in a coffin with a dagger in his chest and I've been working on freeing him for three and a half centuries. You must know him, Finn Mikaelson?"

I grin, "Ah yes Finn, the eldest. You will be happy to know I have no problems with Finn. You may have him when we find them. Klaus and Rebekah, those are the ones I want."

She nods in easy agreement. Of course she does, I'm leveraging knowledge I shouldn't even have heavily here and I know exactly how much she hates Klaus and Rebekah, and how much they hate her. Smiling, I beckon for her to follow and she does. Hours later, once we were far enough away from Constantinople and the human armies surrounding it, I lead her into a village and talk my way into a home with a delicious family of five.

I left her to her bath while I enjoyed the mother, sipping her blood like a fine wine as I waited for my companion to finish up. Eventually though I grew impatient as time went on, and went looking for her. I found that she'd drifted off in the tub of warm water she'd been cleaning off in, head lulled back.

I couldn't help myself, I had to know if and what she was dreaming. Stepping up behind her, I knelt and placed my hands on her head carefully, before delving into her mind. I'd used this with my disciples many times, letting them report to me using their memories because it was quicker than listening to them drone on. It was a privilege extended only to those I'd personally turned, but Sage was quite a special circumstance.

I found her dreaming of my family. I assumed this was one of her fonder memories with Finn and I was proven right as I watched them spend the night together. Eventually he had to leave her to return to his family, and as she watched him go, I stepped forward from the shadows and spoke, "You truly do care for him don't you?"

She whirled around instantly and her eyes widened as she took me in. A moment later the dream ended as she woke up and I grinned as I straightened from my crouch, watching as she turned over in the tub of water to stare up at me with a frown. Eventually she spoke with an accusatory tone, "Some would say that it is rude to intrude on a girl's private thoughts you know."

I smirk down at her, both of us very aware of my proximity to her as I respond, "Others would argue that as the Master in this relationship, I own all that you have to offer, mind, body, and soul."

I could see it in the way her eyes slowly moved from mine down the length of my body before coming to a stop on my covered crotch. As she reached forward slowly and fished out my hardening cock, placing her lips around the tip and slowly beginning to suck me off, I knew that it was mostly the result of my earlier compulsion. If not for that, she would have argued as much as possible that the service to me should be restricted to her fighting abilities.

This wasn't out of loyalty to Finn of course, as I knew she was just as aroused as I was. But she was not inherently a submissive woman, she was strong willed and much preferred dominance over submission. Unfortunately for her so did I, and thus she found herself on her knees before me. At least she'd enjoy herself.

I grinned as I placed a hand in her beautiful flowing red hair, gripping it lightly as she took more and more of my length in her mouth, her plump lips forming delightful suction around the circumference of my cock. I let out a low hiss of pleasure as she worked me over, murmuring out, "That's a good girl" only to have her growl playfully and nip at my sensitive skin.

In response I gripped her hair with both hands and took control, beginning to slowly saw in and out of her throat with my now very hard cock. She opened her mouth wide and let me do as I would, completely submissive in her behavior as I began to fuck her throat. I enjoyed the dominance for several long minutes, having a powerful confident woman like Sage on her knees before me, submitting to my every whim… well it was probably my largest kink.

With a sudden growl, I pulled free of her throat and dragged her out of the tub, a moment later both of us slamming into a nearby wall in a spurt of vamp speed, her front pressed against the wall and her back pressed against me as I breathed in her scent and guided my length into her wet and ready sex from behind.

She gasped at the sudden movement, and moaned as I filled her up, sheathing myself within her for one long moment before beginning to truly fuck her into the wall. Our coupling became rough and violent, and by the time we were done, the house we'd started in was no longer standing, and we were in a field a mile away, lying beside one another. At some point my clothing had been torn off, somewhere between the fifth or sixth go at it.

I'd found a vampire as insatiable as I was. Almost as long lasting as well I couldn't help but add, grinning as I looked over at an unconscious Sage, completely conked out from the dozen plus rounds of pure primal fucking. Reaching over, I pet her red hair slowly and cursed my inner shipper. She'd always belong with Finn in my mind, and given that I intended to keep him alive, they'd one day be reunited. Still, I'd have all eternity to convince him that spit-roasting a woman was a fantastic way for brothers to bond.

Something told me I'd have Sage's help in that as well.


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