Ch. 24

As I got within reach of Lexi, I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back so she was forced to look me in the eyes. As soon as I had contact I initiated compulsion, "Relax now. You're going to do everything I tell you to. You will not leave this room. Even if the walls come down, even if the ceiling crumbles down on you, you will not leave the space that those walls and that ceiling border right now. You will not attack me or anyone who enters this room, and you will not attempt to hurt or kill yourself."

I pause for a moment before continuing, "When I touch you, you will feel pleasure. Every sensation I cause you to experience will be multiplied by a factor of five. You will not be able to reach climax unless I let you. You will forget this compulsion."

I step back and watch as she blinks slowly, coming out of it and blinking at me. I just smile at her as her eyes slowly widen, "What did you just make me forget?"

I chuckle and wave a hand dismissively, "That's for me to know and you to find out isn't it?"

She clenches her jaw, and the terror she'd been feeling hardens into defiance, "You're going to have to compel the information you want out of me. I won't break to torture."

I smirk as I move closer to her, reaching up and grabbing her wrist, bringing her hand up and gently kissing the knuckles. As soon as I begin touching her, her eyes widen and she begins to pant, moaning slightly at the contact even as I speak between light kisses, "Well now darling, you've never been tortured by me before have you?"

She's breathing heavily already, shuddering visibly as she closes her eyes and gulps, "W-what did you do to me?"

I don't answer, instead I move a hand behind her head, running the pads of my fingers against the back of her neck in a way that instantly makes her weak at the knees, before guiding her forward and pressing my lips against hers, kissing her slowly and sensually. She melts into my arms against her better judgment, moaning into my mouth as I explore hers with my tongue.

I move us to the bed in a burst of vampire speed and lay her on it, looking down at her with a wicked grin. She's looking up at me in a mixture of blatant desire and outright terror now, but doesn't move an inch, frozen like prey before a greater predator. Still, she tries to keep her resolve, "I-I won't tell you a-anything."

I chuckle darkly at that as I lean over her, one hand pulling her shirt up ever so slowly to expose her smooth blemish free skin. The other moves under it, as I run my palm over her flesh, up her stomach and towards her chest in a way that makes her squirm and her breath hitch delightfully.

"But Lexi, I haven't even asked any questions yet. It might be that you have no problem telling me what I want to know. Let's start with an easy one love. Tell me my name."

She swallows thickly, even as I bring her shirt up over her bra, leaving it bunched up above her chest. I run my hands over her covered breasts slowly, massaging her flesh through the fabric in a way that leaves her moaning under me. And then I stop, removing my hands from her body and just staring at her.

Her eyes that were half-closed snap open as she stares up at me, a plea in her gaze but nothing coming from her lips. I grin, "Tell me my name Lexi, and we can keep going."

It probably seems an easy enough concession to her, she says it quickly, "Vali. Your name is Vali."

I chuckle but make no move to touch her, raising an eyebrow instead, "And what is my last name Alexia Brenson?" She shudders, but clearly understands what I want. She's silent for a moment, so I reach out and grab her nipple through her bra, pulling ever so slightly in a way that makes her writhe and moan. An instant later she lets it slip out with a groan, "It's Mikaelson."

I immediately stop, grinning even wider now as she realizes her slip up, "Oh darling Lexi that tells me more than I could have hoped for."

I easily slip off the bed, and Lexi rises into a sitting position with me, eyes wide, "Where are you going?" I almost laugh at the distinct plea I hear in her voice. She won't say it yet, but she wants me to stay, wants me to keep touching her. I turn to her and smile pleasantly, "Well love, I got what I wanted for the day. We'll talk again in a week. You can finish yourself off from here can't you?"

She whimpers, but as I turn and leave I can hear her undressing behind me. She'll try to reach her own climax many times, but she won't find it. With that delicious thought on my mind I slip out of the room and leave her alone in it, only to find Stefan just arriving.

He looks at me slightly confused, "Vali, Damon said there was something going on between you and Lexi and I had to come quick."

I grin at that, I'd probably be angrier at Damon for how he got Stefan here, if I didn't have the ability to control Stefan's mind. Beckoning him, I take him to the door of the guest room Lexi is in. We stand there for a moment, both of us able to hear the sounds of a woman pleasuring herself from the hallway.

Stefan is confused, and steps towards the door, "What's going o-" Before he can open it, I grab his arm and swing him around, locking eyes and initiating compulsion, "So here's the deal Stefan. You're going to ignore this room and any sounds that come out of it. The only time you will even acknowledge its existence is if you need to stop any guests or visitors from entering it. No matter what, no one is allowed inside. I came on to Lexi, she got pissed, and she left in a huff. She's going to that Bon Jovi concert you two talked about."

Stefan nods slowly as he takes the compulsion before blinking and stepping away from the door, "Vali, I don't appreciate you pissing off my friends. Next time you mess with Lexi, she might tear your head off instead of just leaving."

With that he leaves and I grin, throwing a cheeky "Happy Birthday!" at his back before opening the door to the guest room. Inside is Lexi, completely naked. She'd stopped as soon as her enhanced hearing heard our voices, and she was staring at me in complete horror over what I'd just done so easily to Stefan in turning him into a glorified guard for her.

I wink at her and close the door before walking away while whistling a jaunty tune. As I leave to find Zach and make sure he knows about his guest as well, I hear a feminine scream of frustration behind me. I grin wickedly and keep walking.


I came back seven days later carrying a peace offering. When I entered the room I'd left Lexi in I found her passed out from sheer exhaustion in bed. She hadn't bothered putting her clothes back on, just settling for pulling the covers over her body. Smiling, I tossed the blood bag I'd brought as a gift onto her, waking her up. As soon as she realized what it was, she sat up and drank it down, the bedcover slipping down to expose her delicious chest to my gaze.

Once she'd drained the bag she finally noticed my gaze and swallowed thickly, covering herself and glaring at me. I grinned and asked the easy question, "How long did you try this last week?"

She scowls, but eventually her eyes fall to the bed and she mutters out sullenly, "Hours every day."

I smile and reward her honesty by flashing over to the bed and gripping her throat in my hand, before giving her a searing kiss. She accepted the kiss easily, moaning into my mouth as she relaxed into my grasp, luxuriating in my touch. Eventually, I released her and let her fall back onto the bed, smirking easily down at her. She stared up at me with hooded eyes, clearly ready for whatever I wanted to do with her.

Instead I stepped away from the bed and walked around its edge, my eyes never leaving her, "Do you want to find release today darling?"

She shivers, "I won't tell you anything."

I sigh and look at her with disappointment, "Come now love. What's the point in being difficult? I could show you such wonder if you just submit to me."

She clenches her jaw and turns her chin up to me, not saying another word. I just grin and in a flash I have her under me again. My hand slips down her front and my fingers push into her gushing wet sex, my mouth falls to her neck, and I do something I haven't done in a long time. I feed. Drinking from her neck while feeling her writhing in pleasure under me is a delicious experience and it takes me a moment to finally pull away, bloody teeth bared as I looked down at her.

She's looking up at me wide eyed, and she brings a hand to the bite mark that is quickly healing, "W-why did that feel good?"

I grin at her and run a finger down the length of her body, from her throat down through the valley of her breasts, across her stomach to finish off by flicking her clit. Her entire body shuddered violently and I knew if she was allowed to, she would have climaxed right there. She was denied that, and I grinned at her as she looked at me with watery eyes.

Ah, Lexi did better puppy dog eyes than Katerina! I sighed and leaned over her, whispering in her ear, "Cum for me darling."

It was spectacular, watching her body spasm as all of the pleasure she'd experienced at my hands and her own over the last week came rushing out in one violently explosive orgasm. For her though, it was over before it began and she was left shivering, her body clearly wanting more than one release. I smile and look down at her, "Shouldn't you thank me Lexi?"

She's gasping slowly, but she manages to calm down enough to speak, "Thank you." I'm actually surprised she didn't tell me off. It would seem the effect I'm having on her is even stronger than I thought. I smile and run a finger along her slit, not quite pushing into her slick folds as I begin to interrogate her, "Lexi, I want to know what you know of me. Nothing more than what you've been told of me. That's not so bad is it? Things I've probably already heard before, myths and rumors. Just talk to me, tell me about me, and I'll let you climax as many times as you want for the rest of the night."

She shivers but visibly considers it, before eventually nodding slowly and beginning to tell me all she knew about my identity, "Y-your name is Vali Mikaelson. You are an Original Hybrid and you've spent the last thousand years taking over the Western Hemisphere."

I raise an eyebrow and slowly slide a finger into her, causing her to gasp. Even with me slowly fingering her, she continues, "You are the most dangerous of the Original Family. You come across as welcoming, polite, and pleasant. But underneath is a darkness that no one could measure. Your brother, Klaus, is called the Beast while you have developed the moniker of the M-master."

I smile and nod, beckoning her to continue even as I push a second and then a third finger into her, making her shudder even as she finishes, "But that's not what my teacher called you. My teacher said you're the closest thing this world has to a Devil, and that there is no God who can keep you in check."

I blink at that, "Your teacher sounds like they fear me very much."

Lexi nods slowly in response, even as she whimpers at the feel of my thumb on her clit, "Y-yes. We were told to flee from you on sight. B-but I couldn't get away…"

I chuckle, "No, you couldn't. And that explains how you're the first student of this mysterious teacher I've encountered. But that raises another question. How could you possibly know what I looked like?"

Lexi wasn't inclined to answer first, so I reached up and pinched one of her nipples at the same time that I tugged sharply on her clit, drawing a soundless cry from her mouth, but not climax despite how much her body wished to find release. Once she calmed down, she answered as best she could, "T-there was a painting. My teacher knew your face, knew your features and has painted you a hundred times over the centuries so she can spread the warning to those who learn from her."

I smile casually, "How interesting. One more question darling." With that I remove my hands from her body, making her focus all of her attention on me. With a raised eyebrow I ask, "Who is this teacher who knows me so well? Tell me and I'll fuck you well into the morning lovely Lexi."

She wants to, I can tell. She wants what I offer, but her vaunted self-control is still stronger than that, and eventually, she shakes her head, "I won't." Is all she says, and I can see how it costs her to deny me.

I sigh and nod, "I can respect that conviction." I grin wickedly and a moment later I'm holding her by the throat and initiating compulsion, "But I'm going to get that name from you love. Until the sun rises tomorrow, you can reach climax as much as you want. Every time you climax it'll feel better and better, more addicting. Then, when the sun has risen, it'll stop. No matter how hard you try, you'll be unable to tip over the edge."

Pulling away, I watch as the compulsion takes hold, before smiling, "I'll see you in another week Lexi."

And with that I'm gone.


I spend the next week taking care of what needs to be taken care of around Mystic Falls, but really my mind is on Lexi. I almost break my own deadline several times, but I manage to remain strong. I have Damon check in on Lexi and continue to give her a blood bag a day to keep her strength up.

Mystic Falls is quiet and peaceful for the moment, as my presence and my actions have dealt with a lot of the earlier problems it faced. Eventually though, the week is over, and I head back to the room Lexi was confined to, taking her daily blood bag with me.

As I stepped inside, there was a blur of speed and I found Lexi kneeling in front of me. I couldn't help but smile perversely as Alexia Brenson, Stefan's savior, the vaunted teacher of self-control, fished my cock out of my pants and began to worship it with her mouth. I watched her as she ran her tongue over my length, quickly bringing me to full mast in her hands as she proceeds to give me one of the most enthusiastic blowjobs I've ever received.

I rest a hand on her head and sigh contently as she brings the tip to her lips and slowly swallows my cock whole, filling her mouth and throat with it while staring up at me, before pulling back ever so slowly, only to do it again. Eventually she was feeding my cock down her own throat, ravenous as she sucked me off. My grip in her hair tightened and I hissed before pulling her away from my length, only to paint her face in my seed.

She moaned and let it hit her, licking up what she could with her tongue and bringing up a finger to clean up the rest before sucking that clean as well. She slowly rose to her feet, standing completely exposed to me, her desire obvious. With a grin, I grabbed her and in a blur of speed, pinned her to the bed, my still hard length ever so slightly pushing into her slit. Given her panting, I knew how badly she wanted it, but I stopped moving, just looking at her for a long moment.

"I want a name Lexi. Tell me who taught you of me. Now."

She groans and I watch the exact moment as her resolve breaks and she looks at me with defeated eyes, "Tatia." She whispers out, and I smile, having suspected already from what she'd told me previous. Still, I was happy to have confirmation as I leaned down, bringing a hand up to caress Lexi's cheek.

"Tatia lived past her first hundred years did she? How wonderful. Tell me about her." I murmur this to Lexi, even as I finally slowly slide my length into her inviting passage. She gasps at the intrusion, but eventually manages to speak even as I begin to gently thrust into her, "S-she's called the Blind Queen. I don't know much of her past, but when I came across her, she held court in what's become Oregon. W-when I left her, she was preparing to move to Europe, because your reach was slowly spreading north and she was deathly afraid you would find out she still lived."

I smile and nod even as I begin to pick up the pace, causing her to moan louder and louder, her legs wrapping around my waist in an effort to bring me deeper into her, "How exciting, that she still fears me so after all this time. Tell me Lexi, why is she called the Blind Queen? Vampires regenerate eyes as far as I'm aware. Oh, and feel free to climax once for me."

Lexi convulses violently before settling back down a few minutes later, swallowing thickly and continuing to try to answer my questions even though the haze of exhaustion was already settling in for her, "S-she wore a blindfold soaked in vervain at all times. She would change it out several times a day, but it would keep her eyes from returning. Nobody knew the exact reasons that she did it, all she told us was that to truly be free, one must sometimes sacrifice. Her most devout followers did the same, but those of us who were not willing to usually left her service after she taught us about vampire history and how to avoid you."

I chuckle and pull free of Lexi's grasp for a moment, causing her to cry out in disappointment for a moment, before I flipped her over onto her front and plunged into her from behind, beginning to take a faster and harder pace, "Gods, it's so wonderful to learn that my very first child still lives. I can't help but want to visit her eventually, when I'm less busy with personal matters. Do you have any idea where in Europe she went?"

Lexi is biting a pillow now as sheathe myself in her hot drenched cunt again and again, but she still manages to shake her head and get out, "N-no. I left before she departed."

I sighed and leaned over Lexi, nipping at her ear and kissing down her neck, "Now Lexi, do you really think I don't know when you're lying by this point. You have an idea of where she went, don't you?"

She gasps but eventually hisses out, "Yes." I smile at her admission and the questioning ends as I focus completely on fucking her until her sanity wears thin. At some point in the marathon of sex, I release all compulsions keeping her from reaching climax, and she ends up an unconscious exhausted puddle under me by the time I finally finish filling her with my seed.

I lay back and let her sleep against my chest, petting her hair casually for a few hours as I consider just what it means that Tatia is not only alive, but has been warning vampires to fear me for centuries now. Honestly, I'm just imagining how hot she must look in that blind fold by hour three when Lexi finally stirs.

As she wakes up, I grasp her by the throat and look her in the eye, initiating compulsion, "Now darling, here's what I want from you. You're going to go to Europe, you're going to track Tatia down. You will not let her or anyone connected to her know you're there. You will not sabotage your own efforts of attempt to ruin my plans. You will confirm her presence from afar and then you will contact me with her location. After that, you will continue watching her from afar until I finish my business in Mystic Falls and come for her."

I smile as the compulsion sets in, and brush some errant hair from Lexi's dismayed face, "Don't look so glum love. If all goes well, once I lay eyes on Tatia in the flesh, I will release you and you may return to your beloved. Lee was his name yes? If I was truly the Devil like Tatia claimed, would I not kill him and take you for myself for all time? Am I not merciful?"

Lexi's only response is to shudder, which provokes me to laugh as I release her and get out of the bed, beginning to get dressed.

"Good luck Lexi, I expect you to be gone soon after the sun sets." With those parting words I leave her alone in the room to prepare for what she has to do.


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