Chapter 37

New Orleans, 2011

I arrived in New Orleans only a few weeks before Klaus would have been drawn to the city, having let the events of the Harvest play out as they did in the original timeline. The only difference was Rebekah was now here and would be in on keeping Davina a secret from me. I didn't bother testing her loyalties just yet though, I was here for another matter entirely.

I looked down at the gold Rolex on my wrist and smile, running my fingers over it. On the underside are etched runes, the watch being another kemiya artifact. I've never desired to possess a witch's body like Kol, never wanted to make myself that vulnerable just for something I can easily experience with kemiya. But then, kemiya is what I was using now to hide my presence in New Orleans.

Sometimes it was better to be anonymous and it was even better if witches couldn't tell you were a vampire. The watch on my wrist changed my features to the extent that no one who knew me would recognize me, and it made it so that if any magical juju was used on me, I would register as a witch. Underneath the enchantment I was still very much an immortal hybrid, but this way I could assess the situation in New Orleans before making my first moves.

Grinning wickedly I finally step into Rousseau's for the first time. Jane-Anne Deveraux was tending the bar and Sophie Deveraux could be seen in the kitchen, cooking up the gumbo that was mentioned but never actually seen in the show. I made my way through the place's patrons and came up to the bar, smiling as Jane-Anne took a moment to tend to me.

She smiled back at me, placing a glass she'd been cleaning to the side, "Hi there, what can I do for you?"

"Mmm, it's my first time in New Orleans, but a friend recommended this place to me. Something about a delicious gumbo? Figured if I was in the area might as well try it."

I receive a nod and a smile in response as Jane-Anne takes my order down and continues along. Soon enough I have my meal. I try it slowly, savoring the first bite and considering the taste. It wasn't bad, so I finished the bowl, but honestly I wasn't sure what all the hub bub was about. When Jane-Anne came back around and asked how I'd enjoyed it, I smiled and lied to her face.

"It was marvelous, everything that was described to me. Is there a chance I might be able to pay my compliments to the chef?"

Jane smiles and nods, "I'll see if she's busy."

I watch as she moves to the open kitchen and see her mention me to Sophie. I smile as Sophie looks up and she gives a small smile back before getting back to work. I know Sophie's personality. She's a bit of a party girl and she's quick to drown her sorrows with unhealthy amounts of alcohol and men, especially when grieving.

So when she walks up to me after her shift, I'm not really surprised. She's got a quirk to her lips like she almost wants to smile as she looks at me, "So, my gumbo was 'marvelous' huh?"

I grin at that, spotting the trip up easily, "It was alright, but mostly I was just hoping the compliment would draw you over here so I could flirt with you."

Sophie scoffs, but the quirk is growing into a small smile as she enjoys my blatant attentions, "You're certainly confident aren't you? I hope you aren't overestimating yourself, would hate to waste my time."

I grin wickedly and wink at her, "If you feel the need to test my prowess, do so. It's not arrogance if you really are that good."

Sophie grins back, unable to help herself, before her eyes flash to the glass of water in front of me and she lights up, looking back at me, "Fine then, drinking contest."

I raise an eyebrow at that, my own gaze glancing at my glass of water as I chuckle, "Oof, bit of a strategist aren't you? Already looking for my weak points love? Still, I'm not one to back down from a challenge. Choose the drink and let's go."

She goes behind the counter and makes a beeline for a bottle of Tequila, grabbing it off the shelf and expertly pouring us two shots. She slides one over to me and I catch it even as she picks it up. With a wink at me, she downs it and I follow suit, both of us finishing at the same time. Sophie slams her shot glass down, but I bring my down carefully, smiling at her.

She eyes me for a long moment, realizing that alcohol wasn't as big a weak point as she'd thought. And it really wasn't, I was a thousand years old after all. Just because I didn't usually partake in alcohol didn't mean I wasn't largely immune to its effects. Sophie takes this as a challenge, grinning at my smile and pouring four more shots for us. We both down our drinks one after the other and empty shot glasses once again come down on the bar.

Sophie kept pouring and I kept drinking, slowly beginning to fake being drunk as we went through the bottle and then half of another before Sophie was convinced. She looked a bit out of it as she capped the Tequila bottle and grinned, "Alright, I concede, you aren't overestimating yourself. I'm not inclined for us to knock ourselves out tonight."

She reaches across the counter and grabs my hand, leering at me like a piece of meat, "I've got other ideas for what we can do tonight. Come upstairs with me?"

I chuckle and lean over, "You're a little drunk sweetheart."

She just smiles, "So're you. I'm not hearing a no here…"

I shrug, "Because I'm not saying no. Lead the way."

Sophie pulls me around the counter into the back and up a flight of stairs to the apartment above the bar where her and her sister must live. She doesn't even notice my slight pause at the threshold as she drunkenly murmurs 'Cmon' and inadvertently invites me inside. Soon enough we're falling to her bed as our clothes are pulled off in a flurry and our mouths are all over each other. She's less than coordinated but still has enough presence of mind to push me onto my back and take charge.

She grins down at me, kissing me even as her hand reaches down and strokes my now revealed cock to its full length and thickness. I kiss her back, hands running up and down her sides and centering on her tight ass as she moans into my mouth. Eventually she moves up, guiding the head of my prick into her waiting lower lips, sighing blissfully as she begins to rock back and forth, rolling her hips in a delightful way.

I lay back and let her have her control, her hands resting on my chest and mine resting on her hips as she rides me faster and faster, biting her lower lip. She underestimates my stamina though, and eventually after several orgasms and a half hour she slumps on top of me, panting, eyes half-closed as the alcohol catches up with her.

I just grin and switch up our positions, letting her fall to her front, I pull her hips up and slide into her from behind, fucking her through three more orgasms before I finally reached my own release. Falling onto the bed beside her I let her curl up against my side and drifted off with her in my arms.


I woke up before Sophie the next morning of course, and just lay there, luxuriating in the feel of her body against mine, stroking her hair even as she began to wake up. She startled upon realizing she wasn't alone in bed, coming up off me and sitting up as she stared down at me. I responded with a raised eyebrow, not moving from my own place.

Sophie groans and rubs her eyes, "That was… uh… certainly something."

I chuckle, "Bit magical aren't I?"

Sophie freezes up at that word, before smiling shakily, "Yes, quite magical."

I smile, "You were quite magical yourself darling."

Sophie finally groans, not entirely slow on the uptake, "You know about witches."

I laugh, "I'd be a pretty terrible warlock if I didn't."

She gapes at that, "Wait you're a warlock? You… you haven't done any magic since you got into town have you?"

I frown, feigning confusion, "No spells quite yet, haven't had need to. Why?"

Sophie is paling, "You can't do magic in the Quarter. If you do, you'll die."

I raise an eyebrow at that, "You're going to have to explain that one to me."

She sighs and falls back on the bed, but she does begin to explain, "There's a vampire that runs the Quarter. He knows when spells are cast and he's got hundreds of nightwalkers at his beck and call. You cast any magic, he'll know about it and he'll send his people after you."

I smile, "Then I won't cast any magic. I appreciate the concern sweetheart, but we don't even know each other's names at this point. You don't need to worry for me."

Sophie frowns as she realizes that I'm right. After a moment, she speaks, "My name is Sophie Deveraux. You are?"

I incline my head in greetings, "Vali."

Something flashes across her face for a second, "Vali… not exactly a common name is it?"

I blink at that, now wondering if I'm once again being revealed by someone knowing my name who shouldn't, but I decide to play it off for now, "It's the name my mother gave me."

Sophie nods at that, seeming to accept it, but a moment later she speaks again, "It's just… there's a Vali that could help us. A different Vali from you of course, he's not a witch. But there is a Vali out there, who owes a debt to my family and might be willing to repay it by dealing with our vampire problem… or he might not, it's a tossup." She finishes with a groan, lying back.

I frown, it's obvious she's talking about me, but I had no memory of owing a debt to the Deveraux's. And I really should know, my memory is nigh perfect. I settle for vague, "That's… a strange coincidence…"

She chuckles, "Don't I know it. It doesn't matter though, in a few days we're going to send a message to him. He'll come hopefully, out of curiosity if nothing else."

I raise an eyebrow at that, "How do you intend to get a message to him if you don't even know anything besides his name?"

Sophie smiles grimly, lips pursed together as she replies, "Magic. A spell will read our intent and get the message to the right Vali, if he's still alive."

I raise an eyebrow, "What about the whole no magic thing?"

Sophie shrugs, "My sister considers the risk worth it, the chance to save our coven."

I nod slowly, "She sounds like she's willing to sacrifice a lot."

Sophie's gaze is shifty, and I know it's because neither her nor Jane-Anne care about the coven so much as they care about bringing Monique back, "Yeah. We both are."

Sighing, I get up off the bed and begin getting dressed, "I think that it's time I get out of town love, no matter how much fun last night was, there's just way too much drama for a warlock around here."

Sophie snorts, "Probably a good idea. But… it was fun."

I grin as I put on my jacket and give her a wink, before leaving her behind and heading down the stairs and out of the bar. It seems that in a week's time I'll be back as my true self in Klaus' place… if Jane-Anne's spell works that is. Even if it doesn't, I think I'll come around. I really want to know more about this debt I owe the Deveraux's.


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