A/N: Alright everyone, here we are with the first chapter of the sequel! Unstoppable is a shorter fic than All of Eternity, with Vali basically having some unadulterated fun in the Buffyverse, S3.
White Void
"Alright, I've picked a place to send you."
I smile in anticipation, "Wonderful! Where am I going?"
"I'm not telling you. It'll be more fun for you to realize where you are. Especially since you haven't ever actually experienced the canon source material for this particular universe."
My smile is gone by the first sentence, and a frown has replaced it by the end of it, "You pulled me away from what would have been an awful fate in Warhammer 40k, so I know you're not going to really screw me over…"
"No no, actually this universe will be kind of a cake walk for you. Honestly, I probably won't even keep you in it for long, it's mostly meant for our mutual entertainment for a short period of time. Get in, fuck it up, get out."
I allow myself to grin tentatively, "That sounds… fun…"
"Yep! There's a couple dangers, magic powerful enough to banish you if you fuck up and let it, and some people might try to cut you up and lock away your body pieces if you let your guard down… so don't. Other than that, it should be a cakewalk mostly. Which brings us to nerfing you!"
I scowl, "Is that really necessary?"
"How can it not be? The first place I put you in, with a thousand years and compulsion you steamrolled the setting. I mean, watching you do so was still enjoyable, but compelling everyone around you really lowered the amount of possible enemies. It got boring at times. So what I'm going to do is make your compulsion temporary. It'll only last a couple days at best now and it will only work with simple commands as well."
"If you use it too much on the same person, they'll develop a resistance to it. Oh and anyone involved in serious witchcraft is going to be immune right off the bat, just like in your first universe. There's no mystical White Oak where I'm sending you, but I already mentioned the whole powerful magic that can banish you, so I figure that's a fair enough trade."
"Also, you're practically your own race by this point, and vampires and werewolves work differently in this universe. So when you turn someone, they'll come back as a hybrid, not a vampire."
I nod slowly as I take this in, before looking around, "Fine. When can I go?"
"Right now! Oh and by the way, I'msendingyouinnaked."
I blink even as a portal opens behind me and begins to suck me in, "Wait what was that last pa-"
BtVS (Season 3, Episode 1)
As I fall out of the portal and enter a once again physical plane, I manage to turn my undignified tumble into a roll so that I don't land on my suddenly completely bare ass like an idiot. As Omnipotent Me said, I'm now completely naked, my kemiya armor stripped from me. Still, I'm not exactly self-conscious, I'll procure new clothing eventually.
As I stand up and survey the fact that I appear to be in a graveyard, my real anger is over losing the enchanted armor I'd been wearing for so long. It was almost as saturated with magical energy as I was! Then my eyes fall upon three teenagers standing a few feet away staring at me. Their jaws are slack and there are stakes in each of their hands.
I turned to face them, eyeing them up and down for a moment. Two boys and a girl from the looks of things, and vampire hunters to boot. Before I could say anything, the taller of the two males spoke up, "Alright, so everyone saw that happen right? Naked guy just came through a magical portal. He's… probably a bad guy right?"
He's doing a valiant job of keeping his eyes on my face, as is the shorter male, who responds to him, "Yeah, I saw it. But uhh, doesn't necessarily mean bad guy right? What do you think Willow? Willow?"
The sole red-headed girl of the threesome is the one who's struggling to keep her eyes from straying, mouth still opening and closing, a huge blush spread across her face. She doesn't tear her eyes away until the shorter guy shakes her shoulder, and then she whips her head around before blinking rapidly and shaking her head, "Uh… no, doesn't have to be a bad guy! Could just be some… unfortunate circumstances?"
The first guy scoffs at that, "Magical portal is a little beyond unfortunate circumstances."
Alright, the three stooges routine was beginning to wear on me. I smile and step forward, pointing at the taller of the two boys, "He has it right, I'm definitely a bad guy. And I'm going to need some clothing."
As all three of them tense up and raise their weapons, staring me down, I smile and throw out a bit of mass compulsion now that I have all of their undivided attention, "Stand still for me please."
I watch as the two men do exactly as I say, going slack and standing still. The girl, Willow as they called her, scoffs at that, "Yeah, I bet that line works on all your victims…"
She trails off as she looks to either side of her and finds that her compatriots have fallen under my sway. She swallows heavily, "Guys?"
Chuckling, I blur to a stop in front of her. With a startled shriek she plunges the stake in her hands into my chest. She actually looks triumphant for a moment before realizing I'm not exploding or screaming in pain. I raise an eyebrow as she lets go of the stake and stumbles backwards, eyes growing ever wider as she watches me reach up and pull the piece of wood out of my chest, leaving behind a gaping hole that quickly closes.
Tossing the stake aside I can't help chuckling again. Holding up one finger, I wag it at her, "You get one freebie little witch. Next time I break your neck. Try and work any magic, and I'll tear out the hearts of your little friends here, alright? Now, stand up. It's time to play a game."
Shivering slightly, Willow slowly gets to her feet, eyes still wide as she tentatively asks, "W-what kind of game?"
I grin wickedly and reply, "The kind where, you might all get to live if you answer my questions correctly! Now, first things first, where are we?"
Willow's brow furrows in confusion and after a long moment she answers, "Ah… Earth?"
I can see where she'd get the idea that I meant planet, but I still roll my eyes, "I meant a bit more locally. What's the name of this city for starters."
"O-oh… well, you're in Sunnydale."
I blink at that as it finally clicks. Vampire Hunters, red-head named Willow, Sunnydale. God fucking damnit. SROB put me in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one of the only pieces of vampire fiction I'd never bothered with. Back when I was human, it'd been before my time. Once I was a thousand year old vampire, I was less inclined to watch television. This is… just super great.
Eventually I gain my equilibrium, "Right. Sunnydale. And you're Willow, which makes one of these two shmucks Xander right? Who's the other one?"
Willow's eyes are wide now as she answers me, gesturing first to the tall one and then to the shorter one, "That's Xander and t-that's Oz. How do you know our names?"
I smile and wave a hand dismissively, "That's not important. Why are you three out here alone in a cemetery? Where's Buffy?"
If it's even possible, Willow's eyes grow even wider but she tries to put on a brave face as she lies to me, badly, "O-oh we just split up for a second! She'll come looking for us any minute now, and if you know who Buffy is you know she's the Slayer and she'll have no problem uhm… slaying you. Maybe you should run now."
I grin wickedly look to Xander, snapping my fingers at him to get his attention before compelling him, "Now, you answer my question honestly."
Xander spoke mechanically, but he spoke the truth nonetheless, "Buffy ran away after stopping the apocalypse because she was framed for murder. We don't know where she is now or if she'll come back."
Willow looks at Xander with something akin to betrayal before looking back at me with slowly growing fear. I chuckle, "Now Willow, fibbing is never nice. But, I'm in a good mood, so I won't kill all of you."
I point at the two men, "Next question! Boxers or Briefs?"
Xander and Oz answer at the same time, Xander with "Briefs." And Oz with "Boxers."
I smirk slyly, "That's too bad, I think Xander is closer to my height. Your pants. Now."
This command is directed specifically at Xander and he removes his pants just as mechanically as he'd spoken, before handing them over. I make a face at the atrocious pair of vomit green cargo pants, "God, I can see why you're considered a loser at school."
Still, I put them on, leaving myself with just a bare chest at this point. Smiling, I raised a hand and beckoned to Willow, "Now then, come here and give me your arm my dear."
Willow is clearly very hesitant, but she doesn't really have a choice and she knows it. Very slowly she approaches and holds out her arm to me. Smiling, I firmly grip it with one hand and push back the coat that's covering her pale skin and look into her eyes as I vamp out, showing her my gold and black eyes and my fangs. Her own eyes widen in response and she makes an attempt at pulling away but my grasp is iron as I bring her wrist up and bite into it slowly.
I drink carefully, enjoying the taste of blood for the first time in who knows how long. Still, I stop after only a few moments, releasing her and wiping my mouth clean of the few drops of blood that had escaped the suction of my lips. Holding the wound I'd inflicted on her wrist with her other hand, Willow steps back, eyes still wide.
I just smile pleasantly at all three of them before waving them off, "That will do. All three of you should be running along now. This isn't the sort of place for teenage rascals like yourself to be running around at night. You never know what sort of monsters creep amongst the tombstones!"
As Xander and Oz found control of their bodies returned to them, all three of Buffy's sidekicks slowly backed away from me, before eventually turning and running off into the night after realizing I clearly wasn't going to follow.
The smile slowly slides off my face and I resist the urge to shake an angry fist at the sky. Damnit, I knew I should have actually watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer after reading all of that fanfiction. I had no idea what season I was in, what was going on, or what most of the characters I knew the names of even looked like. Right... well I knew one thing.
I knew where I'd find Buffy's Watcher.
The Next Day, Sunnydale High
Given that it was the first day of school, the Library was incredibly busy when Xander came up to Giles with Willow close at his heel and spoke in a low voice, "We have a big problem Giles."
Giles raises an eyebrow at that, even as he plucks their book lists from their hands and begins walking along to help them with locating said books, "Last night did not go well I assume?"
Xander grimaces at that even as Willow takes over, "Well, no… but that's not the big problem. It was what happened after the vampire got away. There was a portal and a naked guy and he survived getting staked and stole Xander's pants and drank my blood and he was just really really scary."
Giles blinks as he takes this in, before asking the most pertinent question, "Are you alright? Oz?"
Xander fields this one, "We're all good, besides Willow's arm and my dignity. He let us go. But there was some seriously bad juju with this guy Giles. He froze Oz and I up with a sentence, called Willow out as a witch, and knew my name before anyone said it. He knew a ton of things as soon as Willow told him he was in Sunnydale. He knew about Buffy."
Giles starts at that, "He knew about her? Where she is?"
Xander shakes his head, "No, not that. He just knew we were her friends. It's like he was wondering why she wasn't with us in the graveyard."
Giles deflates slightly at that and sighs, "Well, I'll consult my books when this rush is over. You know, when Snyder came by and told me the Library was getting an Assistant Librarian, I wasn't really sure what to think. But he's definitely been a huge help today."
Willow looks curious at that, looking around, "You got an assistant? What's his name?"
Giles looks around as well before pointing, "Ah there he is. His name is Vali Masters apparently. Nice enough fellow, quite the history buff."
Both Xander and Willow's eyes have traveled in the direction Giles is pointing in, to find the man from the graveyard helping get a book for a smiling female senior from one of the high shelves. As if he can feel their eyes on him, he looks over and smiles, waving before turning back to his task. As Xander and Willow slowly turn back to Giles in unison, Giles replies with a smile and a wave of his own.
"Yes, I think he might even be able to help us with research at times, he seems to have an eye for myths and legends of the sorts we deal with."
Willow and Xander exchange a look. Willow starts things off, "G-giles…"
Giles blinks, frowning at her tone of voice, "Yes?"
Here, Xander takes over, "That's the guy from the Cemetery. The one who stole my pants and bit Willow."
Giles' eyes widen as he looks back at his new Assistant Librarian. For a split second his eyes turn gold and black and he grins wickedly, showing off rows of white fangs. It's gone in an instant and Giles isn't sure whether it was a trick of the light or not. Given what he's just been told though…
Reaching up, Giles slowly pulls his glasses off and begins to clean them, a nervous tic of his, "Oh… Oh bugger."
If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.
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