Unstoppable Bonus Scene: Cordellia

A/N: Takes place around the start of Chapter 8. Not a full chapter.


Cordelia was upset and angry. She didn't like being upset and angry, nor did she like the fact that it was Xander of all people who'd left her feeling upset and angry. Honestly, she'd grown up knowing he was a loser, and then like an idiot she let herself fall for his stupid act. She would never have guessed that she'd be the one hurt by him, that he'd cheat on her.

Perhaps she should have though, with the way Willow and he had always been. It should have been obvious. Didn't make it hurt any less. As she walked down the hall wallowing a bit on her own misery, her eyes caught sight of Vali Masters talking with Principal Snyder and she froze, tensing up immediately.

Every time she saw him, she relived their encounter in her head. Everything he'd done to her, everything he'd forced her to do. Shuddering violently, she thought back to the days after he fed on her, how she had to resist going back to him for more, how much she wanted to taste him again.

She hated to admit it, but Xander had unwittingly helped her maintain her sanity there. Their relationship and the feelings she had for him helped her resist that part of her that wanted to go back for more. And now that was gone and she was left all alone. Cordelia found herself eyeing the inhuman man from afar as she thought about that and about how he'd tasted in her mouth.

Watching as he stepped away from Snyder and started moving towards her, Cordelia made up her mind. Cutting him off, she came to a stop in front of him, forcing him to do the same. He raised an eyebrow and smirked at her and she had to stop herself from blushing outright and curling in on herself.

Instead, she looks at him with her chin held high, eyes not quite staring at his own to avoid once again being mind-controlled. Unlike what many might think, she was not oblivious to what was going on around her. With that in mind, she grabbed Vali's hand and pulled him into a nearby abandoned classroom.

Thankfully, like she'd hoped he didn't resist, allowing her to lead him along. Closing the door of the classroom and locking it behind her, she turned to a curious Vali and blurted out what was on her mind, "I want more."


I'd been a bit curious at Cordelia's sudden desire to be alone with me, after she'd avoided doing so for months until now. So of course I'd let her drag me off, content in the knowledge that I should be able to escape any trap she might be trying to lead me into. Instead, she'd let me to an empty classroom, locked the door, and proceeded to beg me.

I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as I took in her pleading expression. Stepping closer to her, I raise an eyebrow, "You want more? More of what?"

She swallowed thickly, backing up a step before finding her resolve, "More… more of what you gave me before."

I chuckle as she's unable to even voice what she wants directly. It seems even the Queen Bee of this high school is a blushing virgin despite her beauty and physical maturity. Nodding at her to show I've heard her words, I grin rogueishly as I circle her and force her to move deeper into the classroom, backing away from me until she shits the teacher's desk that lays cleaned off and abandoned.

"Do you now? Are you sure Cordelia? I won't let you back out of this, once we begin."

She gulps at that but nods anyways, only slightly hesitant, "I-I'm sure."

Nodding, I clasp my hands behind my back and become all business, "Well then Ms. Chase, I'm going to need you to refer to me as Mr. Masters and do exactly as I say from here on out, do you understand?"

She looks downright incredulous for a moment, as she realizes that some sort of immortal invincible inhuman creature is actually demanding she roleplay a naughty student for him, but the look in my eyes quickly convinces her I'm not joking. She nods in response, and a raised eyebrow from her garners a quick verbal reaction, "Y-yes Mr. Masters."

I grin, pleased at her catching on so quick and gesture to the desk behind her, "Wonderful Ms. Chase, now if you would be so kind, turn around, plant your hands on the desk, and spread your legs for me."

She does so immediately, and I approach her from behind as I take her in. Her hair is tied up in a bun and she's wearing a pair of jeans that show off her fine behind, and a blouse that I'm sure would show off her cleavage just as well, if I was looking. Instead, I come to a stop behind her and my hands fall on her ass, grasping and squeezing it in a way that causes her to gasp at the sudden contact.

I mold my body to hers as I lean in to lick her ear and murmur in it, "Ms. Chase, I want to hear you beg now."

As one of my hands moves around her front and undoes the button on her jeans with ease, pulling down her zipper even as she begins to speak, her tone breathy, her words coming out in a moan, "Please Mr. Masters, I want it. I need it."

I smile as my hand moves under her pants and under her panties to find her quite wet to my touch. She mm'd as I stroked up and down her slit, before pushing a finger into her accepting passage. "I need details darling. What is it you want from me?"

Shuddering at the pleasure I was forcing on her she pants as she replies, "I-I want y-your seed. I want it in my mouth, I want to taste it. Let me suck your cock Mr. Masters, please."

Chuckling, I pull my fingers from her passage and bring them to her lips, my desire clear. With some reluctance, she opens her mouth and sucks my fingers clean of her own juices, even as I respond, "Mmm, later, if you're good darling. But first I want something else. I want to fuck you. Beg me to fuck you Ms. Chase."

She turns slightly to look at me with wide eyes, but whatever she sees in my own gaze stops her dead. After a moment she looks down at the desk and says it quietly, "P-please… fuck me Mr. Masters…"

I grin wickedly and pull sharply, her jeans coming off her waist and revealing her panty-clad ass as I pull them down her legs, forcing them together and causing her to yelp. She leans on the desk for support, even as I pull her panties to the side and push my fingers into her from behind, now roughly thrusting in and out of her with them, causing her to moan and fall fully onto the desk, laying her head down and causing her hips to rise in response.

It takes only a bit of me fingering her and rubbing her clit to cause her to shiver and climax on my fingers. Pulling said fingers free, it's me who licks them clean this time as she lays there panting, ass presented for me. With a sigh, I release my hard cock from the confines of my own pants and bring the tip to bear on her gushing slit.

Pushing into her, I find resistance but don't pause at all, taking her virginity and filling her with my cock as she yelps. I stay still for a moment and let her adjust, taking the chance to lean over her and comment idly, breaking character for a moment, "You know Ms. Chase, you're the first virgin I've fucked since entering this world. What does that say about your peers hmm?"

She's smart enough not to respond to that, simply moaning in response, half in pain and half in pleasure. As I begin to move inside of her, as I begin to fuck her and my hands move over her body stimulating her pleasure centers in ways only centuries of experience can show you, that pain quickly goes away, and the pleasure takes over in force for the poor human girl.

As her back suddenly arches and she opens her mouth to scream at the sudden violent orgasm that tears through her, she finds my hand occupying it, muffling the noise trying to struggle free even as I continue to rail into her. She hits climax after climax, till she's half broken under the pleasure, her stamina gone and her body almost limp by the time I reach my own release.

"Mmm, getting close now darling, still want to taste it?"

The mention of tasting my seed again gives her new strength as she responds with a, "Yes!" sliding off of the desk as I pull out of her, and whirling around on her knees with her mouth open. I grin and press my length into her willing mouth even as I begin to cum, white hot strings of the stuff launching into her mouth.

She drinks it all greedily, sucking up every bit of it until I'm done, and then cleans me off with her tongue and lips as well. Only when I'm putting my cock away and fastening my pants does a fact get through her hazed mind, "Why… why didn't it taste as good this time?"

I laugh at that as I crouch down beside her and take her chin in hand, "Cordelia, that's rather obvious, isn't it? The first time we had fun, you didn't enjoy what I did because it was supposed to feel good. I just compelled you to think it felt good, to spare you the pain of my bite. I assure you, my seed does not actually taste that good, nor is it addictive."

I frown for a moment in thought, "Though Katerina might have disagreed with me, if she was here to do so."

Shrugging, I grin once more and pat Cordelia's cheek, "Darling girl, thanks for the fun. As a token of my gratitude, I'll go find someone else to make lunch. You look like you need to rest… and clean yourself up I think. Ta ta!"

With that, I left the classroom and the poor half naked disheveled girl behind.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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