A Tale of Blood and Monsters Ch. 22

When the time comes for Rhaella to give birth to her daughter, to the baby girl that, in another world, would have seen the end of her life, there IS a storm overhead… but no fleet of rebels led by Stannis Baratheon heading for Dragonstone. It's a relatively simple night truth be told, save for that storm which does shake the castle a bit and rock the entire island. It certainly doesn't seem natural, though I found myself wondering if perhaps that was a certain deity's doing. Was the Almighty One adding a little magical oomph to this storm, just to make it all the more spectacular?

In the end, it mattered little. The island might be rocking under the crashing waves and sheets of rain coming down from the dark clouds above, but Dragonstone was built to last and would not be destroyed by a simple storm. In the end, it was little more than background noise as I stood watching Rhaella Targaryen give birth from the back of the room.

None of the women who were there to help the Targaryen Queen through this absolutely horrid experience took notice of my presence. That was because I'd compelled them all to ignore me, making sure they would not know I was there, so that I did not disturb their work. I wanted them at their best for the night, after all. The only one aware of my presence, as it were, was Rhaella Targaryen herself.

Her eyes are fixed on me, even as involuntary tears stream down her face from the pain. And yet, she's so strong, she refuses to cry out, even as she pushes in time with the midwife's orders. Slowly, I approach, and those gorgeous violet eyes of hers glare at me angrily, even as I reach out and nonchalantly run a hand through her hair.

"I do not envy you your task, my dear. I have had countless children, and never had to give birth to a single one of them. Thank fuck for that."

My crassness actually seems to lighten her mood, just a bit, the abrupt way I say 'fuck' startling a bark of laughter from the quite pregnant woman. But then she sobers up and through labored breaths asks me a question.

"I die tonight… in this bed… don't I? Tell me… Emperor of Valyria… what a-are your plans for my children?"

Those last six words said without pause through gritted teeth are yet another example of her strength. I had not expected it of her, had not expected to find such silent enduring will in Aerys' battered, bruised, and abused Queen-Sister… and yet here we were all the same, with Rhaella every bit worthy of the small gold circlet she wore even now across her brow.

Though, just as I was thinking that, one of the maidservants takes the crown from Rhaella's head, moving it aside in order to clean up the sweat there. She works around me, my hand still tangled in Rhaella's hair, completely unaware of my presence. Eventually she moves off, and I crouch down at Rhaella's side, bringing myself to eye level with the beleaguered Queen.

"Silly woman… whatever gave you the idea I was going to kill you? I routed an army in order to lay claim to you and yours. You, your son, your soon to be born daughter… you belong to me, understood? And I take care of my things. Viserys, once he's been properly trained up, will rule a city at the very least, if not an entire province of New Valyria. Daenerys might end up doing the same, if she turns out to be as capable as I and my God have foreseen. And as for you… you will be their mother… and my woman."

Rhaella's eyes flash at that, but the anger is fleeting, and she actually quirks a corner of her mouth up a moment later, looking at me with a half-bemused, half-amused expression.

"… I suppose there are worse fates."

I grin and nod along with her.

"That there are."

Before she can say anything more, a cry of agony spills forth from her mouth and I pull back, easily able to tell that she's reached some new stage in Daenerys' birth, especially with how much stronger the scent of blood gets in the air. I move back into the shadows of the room and watch as the women scurry about Rhaella's bed until finally, there's the cry of a newborn girl. Daenerys Targaryen, Daenerys Stormborn comes into this world wailing quite loudly, an impressive set of lungs on her.

When the midwife hands her off to Rhaella, there's a question on the woman's lips that makes me pause and wince.

"What shall we call her, my Queen? What is to be her name?"

Rhaella's violet eyes find my gaze after a moment, and this time she does smile, though it's a tired little thing.

"… I suppose it's destiny. Her name is Daenerys. Or so I've been told."

Oops. I'd kinda spilled the beans on that one, hadn't I? Luckily Rhaella didn't seem overtly spiteful and was willing to go along with things. I could have gotten used to a different name, but that didn't mean I wanted to or anything like that. The lowborn women tending to her all share looks at the Queen's words, but there's a nod, nonetheless. Still, I can see Rhaella fatiguing quickly, her strength fading fast. Much like Lyanna, she's destined to die in childbirth.

… Much like with Lyanna, I'm inclined to tell fate and destiny to both stick it up their collective asses. Moving over to Rhaella's side once more, I look the Targaryen Queen in the eyes.

"Do you wish to watch your daughter and son grow up? Do you wish to be there for them throughout their lives?"

Seeming to have noticed she's dying, Rhaella's breath hitches, tears in her eyes that have nothing to do with the pain.


I smile, and slice into my wrist with a fingernail, before offering her the bloodied cut.


Rhaella hesitates for all of one moment before doing as she's told, drinking my blood despite the coppery, no doubt disgusting taste. Then, she gasps and flushes, even as her wounds heal, even as her health improves dramatically in seconds. The grip on her daughter tightens and strengthens, and she no longer looks to be in danger of dropping her or dropping dead any time soon for that matter.

I pull back again, even as Rhaella looks at me with wide eyes, gazing upon me in a new light. Her expression is wondrous, as well as eternally grateful. Which is good… that's just the way I want her. And yet, unlike with Lyanna, I don't snap her neck. There's no need… not yet, anyways. Instead, I depart, even as little Viserys is let in to see his mother and sister. I'll have my way with Rhaella soon enough…


I was being literal, of course. Normally, it would probably take a woman days to recover from a near death experience during childbirth. Because of my blood, Rhaella is up the next morning, feeling fit as a fiddle and spry as a newly flowered maiden. Her body is completely recovered, and aside from her breasts still being fuller from her pregnancy, she has her pre-pregnancy body back when she comes looking for me… and let me tell you, she is absolutely stunning.

When she steps out into the garden where I await her, I have to admit, she takes my breath away for a moment. The pregnancy had not truly detracted from her beauty all that much to be fair, but it'd also not done her any favors. Now, with her tummy flat, her womb emptied, wearing a gorgeous dress and her golden circlet on her brow once more, resplendent with jewels, she looks every bit the stalwart Queen of a Mad King.

As soon as she lays eyes on me, the Targaryen Queen begins to make her way over, shoulders back and head held high. She'd come to spar, verbally at least. More than likely, she'd come to solidify the promises I'd made to her last night, to make sure that her children were to be taken care of. That was the kind of woman she was, after all.

"Emperor Vali. I-mmph!"

Of course, before she could get much in the way of words out, I met her halfway with a burst of hybrid speed, scooping her up in my arms and kissing her most soundly. My lips press against hers hungrily, my tongue slips into her mouth and duels with her tongue. I feel her up as well, one hand groping an ass cheek as I hold her tight. That's the kind of man I am, at the end of the day.

Knowing her place, the Targaryen Queen relaxes into my chest. It would not be accurate to say she 'melts' or anything like that, I can feel tension in her body now, even as I hear her mortal heartbeat quickening in my ear. She's excited sexually by what I'm doing to her, spurring me on to do even more to her.

Pressing her up against a nearby tree, I pull back while still kissing her, grabbing the top of her dress and yanking it down off of her shoulders so that her gorgeous, milk-laden breasts might break free. They bounce and jiggle, shockingly perky all the same, even as she gasps into my mouth. I follow that up by hiking the bottom of her dress up next, exposing her gorgeous pale legs inch by inch until the garment is wholly bunched around her waist, leaving her quite exposed.

Lifting one of her legs, my cock is out of my confines in an instant and the head of my member is pressed up against Rhaella Targaryen's moist quim a second later. Only then do I stop and pause for a moment, disengaging from the Queen's lips to draw away and look at her. In this moment, I let her catch her breath, both of us knowing I could thrust forward and claim her at any time.

"You are… a very forward man, your m-majesty."

I chuckle, my eyes sparkling with mischief as I grin evilly.

"When I know what I want, I'm inclined to take it, Rhaella. I've wanted you for a very long time… and now you are finally in my grasp."

Rhaella blushes at that, actually a little embarrassed by my flirtatious language. Perhaps more embarrassed by my words then my actions, despite the fact that I was mere moment away from fucking her up against a tree trunk.

"It's nice to be wanted, I suppose…"

I hum, and then shrug my shoulders, leaning in close again, pressing my forehead against hers and staring into her beautiful violet eyes.

"I am nothing if not a possessive creature, my Queen. You are mine now. Do you debate this?"

Rhaella shakes her head back and forth, biting her lower lip as she answers in the affirmative.

"I am yours, your majesty. My children… you will truly give them so much?"

I simply incline my head.

"If they prove worthy of it."

And then I slide up into her. In the time that we've been talking, the anticipation has turned Rhaella from moist to sopping wet. She gasps as I fill her with my length quite easily, finding her inner passage to be oh so slick. But then, for a woman like her, I supposed that anything less than being beaten would be quite arousing for her. When all of your previous sexual encounters involved what was effectively rape, just being talked to and flirted with and complimented and kissed was probably enough to get the engine revving.

Regardless, I take Rhaella up against the tree, slowly at first, but steadily increasing my pace as time goes on. The gorgeous woman responds beautifully to my cock, her violet eyes growing lidded, her beautiful pouty lips contorting into a small o as she moans wantonly. I fuck her and I kiss her, and I molest her to my heart's content, my lips eventually finding their way to one of her nipples, which I drink from greedily.

Her milk is delicious, of course, and I suckle at her teat for a while as I thrust in and out of her, before eventually turning my full attention back to the matter at hand. Pulling out of Rhaella, I spin her around and press her face first into the tree trunk so that her breasts can no longer distract me. I take her from behind, gathering up her gorgeous silver-white locks in one of my hands, making a makeshift ponytail in order to be able to pull her head back as I enjoy her cunt and body.

"Tell me, Rhaella… what do you think I am?"

As I fuck her from behind, I lick and kiss at her neck, breathing across her nape and across her ear while murmuring to her at the same time. Shuddering in response to my hot breath, Rhaella takes a moment to answer, but answer she eventually does.

"You are… not a man. A-Are you divine?"

I chuckle at that, shaking my head slightly.

"Not quite. As you know, I am a follower of the Almighty One. He and I are two separate entities at the end of the day. But you're right… I am not a mortal man. I am much, much more… and I intend to make you like me."

Rhaella stiffens at that, but then I hit a deep part of her just right and she moans, lashes fluttering for a second as a fresh wave of pleasure washes over her. Once her latest climax is over and she finds her voice again, she speaks.

"What… what does that entail?"

I smile at her, running my fingers across the nape of her neck almost tenderly, even as I thrust into her depths with my cock quite roughly. It's an interesting juxtaposition that she clearly doesn't know what to do with, as she moans wantonly and pushes her hips back against my thrusting member.

"Eternal life, for one. Strength and power, so that no man can ever force you to do anything you don't ever want to do again, for another. You would still belong to me, of course. But the whole world would be open to you… and no one, save for me of course, would control you."

Rhaella shudders against me as I whisper such sweet nothings into her ear. Her inner walls clench around my cock, and a moment later I'm groaning against her neck as I empty myself into her, filling her with my seed. The two of us bask in the afterglow for a moment, before I pull out and she spins around, leaning back against the tree and looking every bit a goddess as she gazes at me with searching violet eyes. Finally, she gives me a nod.

"I think… I think I'd like that."

Chuckling, I step in again and kiss her once more, my hands going up to her face. She kisses me right back, and I get her nice and distracted before sliding my hands down a bit. I snap her pretty little neck a moment later, my blood from the night before still very much in her system. She'll revive as a hybrid soon enough, and even as I gather her currently lifeless body up in a bridal carry, I found myself barely able to wait. There was no denying it… Rhaella Targaryen was one of the finest additions to my collection to date.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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Thanks for reading!