Spy Games Ch. 17

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Epilogue

(Avenger's Tower, New York)

A couple weeks after the failed launch of Project INSIGHT, I found myself in the Avenger's Tower. I hadn't gotten a chance to talk to Natasha yet so I found an elevator and pressed the button to her floor. The elevator didn't move and a moment later JARVIS' voice came over the comm system, "Apologies, but Ms. Romanoff has ordered her floor be locked off to everyone but those she personally approves. She has also ordered it blacked out in respect to her privacy."

I raise an eyebrow, "Can you send a request for me Jarvis? She may not wish to speak with me, but it can't hurt to check."

I wait patiently, prepared to be told that she either wasn't answering his call or had said no. Instead, JARVIS gets back to me in only a few minutes, "Ms. Romanoff has approved your request. I feel I must advise you against this course though. I detected a desire to cause you bodily harm in the tone of her voice and the language she chose to use."

I can't help grinning and letting out a bark of laughter as I pointedly press the button to her floor again and the elevator begins to move, "I'm not surprised JARVIS. I appreciate your concern, but I'm not worried about it. That said, can you confirm what you said earlier? You will not be observing us while we talk?"

JARVIS is silent for a moment before replying, "No, Mr. Stark has made sure the privacy filters for each floor is only accessible by the floor's occupant. Ms. Romanoff has made extensive use of these filters to ensure her own privacy as I said."

I just keep smiling as the elevator reaches Natasha's floor and opens to reveal her standing about thirty feet in staring at me. She's dressed in workout clothes and I take a moment to admire the way they cling to her sweaty body. I glance up to the ceiling and say, "Thank you JARVIS." And then I step out of the elevator, my eyes on hers now as it closes behind me.

"Hello Natasha."

"Vali. What do you want?" She does an admirable job of keeping her voice calm and level, but there's the smallest snarl in her voice when she says my name that betrays her true emotions. She's upset with me of course.

Spreading my arms I step closer to her, "It's been a long time since we got to talk Natasha. After seeing that you took the same plunge Tony did, I wished to find out the when and why of it."

She steps towards the kitchen off to the side but never takes her eyes off me, putting the kitchen island between the two of us for all the good it would do if either of us wanted to get at the other. She's strung so tightly, she tries to hide it but her body is not relaxed, primed to move at a moment's notice.

She pours herself a glass of water and deliberately takes a drink before answering me, "Why do you want to know? Does it matter when?"

I grin as I place my hands on the counter between us, "Of course it does. Newborns of my race are not usually very calm or collected. You've been making an admirable effort, but you will need guidance moving forward."

She pauses at that for a long moment before replying, "Guidance? Phil hasn't needed you. Tony certainly didn't either."

I smile amicably, but my next words are a verbal attack and we both know it, "Tony has never had a leash and he certainly doesn't need one now. You on the other hand… I worry that you'll be lost without your leash Natasha."

That causes her to stop, her face changing into a very different expression as she stares at me for a long moment. Then, she finally moves. I stay still as she attacks me, interested to see what she thinks she can do. As she grabs me by the lapels, I let her drag me across the room. I'm rather surprised when instead of the wall or the floor, she slams me down into a couch, straddles me and stares into my eyes, "I don't need or want a leash. I know exactly what I want and nothing will stop me from having it.

Then she's leaning in and kissing me. I blink as what I thought was an attack suddenly becomes a vicious tonguing, her hands coming to rest on my shoulders as she aggressively attacks my mouth with her own. My hands instinctively move up to grab her hips as she grinds herself against my crotch. Well damn, I'd known she was wound tightly, but I had honestly expected her to attack me, not pin me down and have her way with me.

That was a stupid thing to expect in retrospect, she still had the sire bond influencing her, and female werewolves and hybrids had always had a difficult time resisting me. Not many had ever had the courage to jump me instead of begging for it though. I lay back and take it as she begins tearing at my clothing, pulling off my jacket and shirt in record time and running her lips down my neck, her hands running over my muscled chest.

My own hands move under her shirt and a moment later she's removing it for me and giving me access to her perfect breasts. I spend my time kneading and massaging the sensitive flesh, while she lets out a moan and then moves one of her hands down to her tight workout shorts. A smidge of effort is all it takes her to tear them off, and then she's frantically undoing my belt and jeans to free my hard cock from its confines.

I'm still focused on the fiery super spy's tits when she lifts herself up and then skewers herself on me, filling her needy wet insides with my cock in one move. Just from how easily I slide into her, and how the walls of her cunt clench down on me, I know she's been horny for quite a while. Looking up at her I release her tits for a moment and grin, settling my hands on the buxom woman's hips once more, "How long have you been bottling this up Nat?"

She snarls in reply and grabs a fistful of my hair, "Since I came back to life. Since Fury faked his death. Now shut up and put that mouth to better use."

She uses her grip on my head to pull me to her breast. Amused, I happily latch on to the nipple, my tongue and teeth doing things that have her moaning as she begins to ride me, starting with a fast pace and only going faster from there. At some point the couch breaks beneath us and I end up lying on the ground as she continues to ride me like a woman possessed, eye's rolling up in her head as she climaxes again and again.

She doesn't stop until she draws my own orgasm out of me, grinding her hips into mine and rotating around on my hard cock as I finally hit the tipping point and cum deep inside of her. Throwing her head back, Natasha lets out a long moan as she feels the hot spurts of seed fill her womb. Once I'm done she collapses on my chest panting, a satisfied grin on her face.

Now it's my turn to gather her hair up in my hand, fisting her red locks and pulling her head around so I can look her in the eye, "Surely you aren't exhausted so soon my dear."

She quirks her lips in a small smirk and cocks an eyebrow, "Perhaps I'm just bored of you."

I feel her start to try to rise off of me and snarl in response, a moment later pressing her face down on the island in her kitchen, bending her voluptuous body over the counter and quickly thrusting into her accessible cunt, hips slamming against her ass as she growls back and then lets out a moan as I enter her again.

From there, things became a blur, quite literally. Her floor on the tower ends up trashed as we fuck on every surface in the place, all the while fighting for control. I'm enjoying her defiance more than I usually do, and so holding back comes naturally, leading to her gaining the upper hand multiple times over the course of our rough rutting.

All good things come to an end though and eventually I have her pinned to a bed that despite a metal frame, has buckled and warped out of its normal shape under our enthusiastic fucking. Natasha is face down on the bed blissed out. I pull out of her sex for the last time and warm sticky cum follows, leaving her laying in a pool of our combined juices.

As I do so, I lean down and bite into her neck. We'd drank from one another whenever we grew hungry and as my fangs sank into her and drained her once more, she groaned into the mattress beneath her. Pulling back and wiping my mouth after a moment, I lean in again and kiss the already healed neck once more, "Mmm, you were right love. You don't need a leash, nor do you need my guidance. Sleep well."

Straightening up, I leave her to her pleasure coma in peace, moving to where my clothes had ended up and putting them on. They'd probably be shredded if they were normal clothes and not my Kemiya armor instead and thus hardier than most of Tony's earlier Iron Man suits. With a satisfied grin on my face I activate the elevator control and step in when it arrives. After a moment of silence, JARVIS speaks up, "It's good to see you again Mr. Masters."

I raise an eyebrow at that, "Interesting choice of words Jarvis."

If nothing else, it was the tone of JARVIS' voice as he answered me that showed just how similar he was to biological sentience, "We did last talk five days ago sir."

While shocking, it's the way he says it that really piques my interest, "… Should I assume that we tripped some sort of alarm at some point?"

He responds entirely too drily, "Yes Mr. Masters. You tripped several alarms several times."

I can't help it I begin to grin now, "Apologies for that Jarvis. I did try to keep things down… at first. That said, now I don't feel bad about asking you to order replacements for the majority of Nat's furnishings."

I time that last sentence for as I step out of the elevator into the lobby of the Tower, but the damn AI with his superior british tone still gets in the last word, "Already done Mr. Masters. Good day."

I look up at the ceiling for a moment and smile before stepping out of the tower.


Daredevil Prologue

(Matt Murdock's Apartment, New York City)

I stood still, not even breathing as I stared at the sleeping form of the man who would one day soon become Daredevil. After a moment, I shuffled a foot at the same moment that I let the disguise of an elderly gentleman in a suit form over me. The most important part of the disguise is the change in voice though, as I don't want the blind lawyer to recognize my voice with his super hearing.

Speaking of which, that super hearing wakes him up abruptly as I deliberately make noise and finally begin to breath. He sits up straight in bed and a moment later he's 'looking' straight at me, "Who's there?"

Smiling, I stay where I am even as he slides his legs off the bed in preparation to stand and defend himself, "Hello Matthew. You don't know me, but I know you. Just like I know what you've been planning."

The man now stands before me in just his boxers, but his hands are clenched and his entire body is tensed, ready for a fight, "Who are you? Why are you in my apartment?"

"Who I am isn't important. As for why I'm here, I've come with a gift. I'm sure you've heard of the hero Valiant?"

I'm forced to use the annoying moniker, given that at this point very few people actually call me Vali anymore. After a moment Matt nods hesitantly, "Yes, I've heard of him. Who hasn't?"

"Indeed, who hasn't? But something you may not know is that his blood has… certain properties. You see, I have a vested interest in your crusade Mr. Murdock. You plan to start small using the outfit and mask you've bought, but eventually you'll uncover something much larger. You won't be able to walk away from it. It's not in your personality to do so."

He cocks a lopsided grin at that, "If you're looking to sponsor me or something, I'm not really looking to sell advertisement space on that outfit I bought, sorry."

Chuckling, I shake my head, "No Mr. Murdock, I'm giving you something worth far more than money. What you do with it is up to you, but I implore that you at least keep it, even if it's locked away never to be used."

With that said I bring the container full of my blood down onto the surface of the nearby table, the sound immediately drawing his attention towards it and then I finish my explanation, "Bringing the conversation back to Valiant's blood. This is a sealed container of the substance. Valiant's blood will heal you if you drink it, but beyond that it will also enhance you beyond the peak human condition. You will be faster, stronger, all around better in the physical sense."

He's silent for a long moment, "… You aren't lying. Still, you probably aren't telling me everything either. I'm supposed to jump at this chance to heal my blindness, but there could be any number of catches you're withholding from me. I'm not going to just drink blood from a super hero because you tell me to."

I smile at that, "That's fine Matthew. All I ask is that you hold onto it until you need it. It will not expire so long as you do not open the container. And there will come a time when you will need it, when you need to be stronger and faster. When that time comes, I know you'll make the right choice."

Murdock's head cocks to the side at that, "How can you be so sure?"

I could probably obscure the truth from him, but I don't bother, "There is a man at the end of this path you're setting yourself on. This is a man who would set himself up as King of Hell's Kitchen. You will try to stop him, but you will find yourself unable to, as he will be receiving this same gift. In the end, the only chance you will have of saving your home will be the blood."

Matt had been relaxing for a moment there as we talked but now he's tensing up again, his hands curling into fists, "You talked about a vested interest in my… crusade, but you're supporting this 'King' as well?"

Smiling, I step back from the man, preparing to leave, "Yes Mr. Murdock, I am. My interest is purely in what entertainment I can derive from your upcoming struggle. I'll be watching Matthew. Try not to disappoint."

Being the asshole that I am, I flash away before he can get in another word. From here on, it's his decision what he does with the blood. I'm not overly worried about it. Watching him and the Kingpin go at it with upgrades will be more than worth it in my book.

Speaking of which, it was time to pay a visit to the other half of this little game.


Daredevil Prologue

(Wilson Fisk's Penthouse, New York)

I was waiting for Fisk in his kitchen when he arrived home for the night. This time I took on a form that could only be described as made of shadows. Every inch of my body covered in darkness, with a hood and mask concealing my face. As he flicked on the light switch he stopped upon seeing me, his assistant nearly running into his back.

After a long pause he steps further into the room and James Wesley moves along with them, both of them staring at the way the unnatural shadows flicked off of my body. I suppose I looked quite imposing, though no real concern showed on Wilson Fisk's face as he finally spoke, "Who are you?"

My voice is distorted when I reply, "A friend."

Fisk glances at his assistant for a moment before smiling slightly. There's no humor in it, and it doesn't reach his eyes, "My friends don't break into my home and lie in wait for me. And they don't dress like you. I'll ask again, who are you?"

"Perhaps you need better friends Wilson."

That sets him off and a moment later Wesley is handing him a handgun like a dutiful lackey, which Fisk easily points at me before firing repeatedly with no hesitation. The shadows making up my disguise lash out and the bullets disappear into them as if nothing has happened. In reality, the Aether dissolves the small projectiles easily, but the effect this visual has on Fisk and his assistant are what matters.

After a moment, Wilson is smiling again, managing to keep his calm despite the increasingly dire situation, "You have me at a disadvantage. You know my name and I don't know yours. Not something many people can say."

A distorted chuckle precedes my reply, "Who I am is not important. I am here to give you a gift on behalf of my Master."

With that said I place another blood filled container, identical to the one I'd given Matt Murdock on the table before me. Both Fisk and Wesley look at it in confusion, but I continue before they can say anything, "This is the blood of the hero your world calls Valiant. When ingested, it has incredibly healing properties and gives a significant permanent boost to strength, agility, and stamina."

Fisk steps closer to the table, looking down at the container for a long moment before looking back up at me, "If that's true, why does your Master want me to have it? What's the purpose of this gift?"

"Your plans for this city intrigue him. But there will be a man who stands against you. One man can and will bring you and all of your plans to ruin. He will destroy everything you've built and imprison you… unless you are enhanced."

Now Fisk looks incredulous, "One man? And I'm supposed to just believe you? How could one man destroy my work?"

"He was visited first. This gift my Master extends to you, has also been extended to him. My Master is very interested in seeing just what happens when the two of you go head to head. That said you do not have to believe me. Do what you will with this gift, once delivered, my Master cares not what happens to it. He hopes though, that when you begin dealing with a vigilante disrupting your operations, even destroying your operations, you will reconsider and perhaps use this gift."

Fisk's eyes are narrowed now, "It sounds as if this is just a game to the one you serve. I don't appreciate being made a pawn."

I can't help it that gets a chuckle from me, "My Master does not see you as a pawn Wilson Fisk. In this particular chess board, you are the King. When you stand alone, all of your pieces removed from play, he hopes you will not go quietly into the night. He will be watching. Try not to disappoint."

As with Murdock, I don't give Fisk the chance to get another word in, blanketing the room in darkness for a moment as I flash away, the light only returning once I'm gone, leaving behind nothing but the container of my blood. I would watch both Matt and Fisk over the next several months as their game got started. I might even choose a side and help one or the other against each other. At some point, I'd even present the option of turning themselves to get a greater advantage.

It promised to be great fun.


Jessica Jones Prologue

(New York City)

I was dining alone in a high class restaurant when the call came on my phone. Looking at it, I raised an eyebrow and answered, "Darling. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Trish answers promptly, "Mmm, we haven't talked in a while Vali. You haven't visited in months. I'm beginning to think you've forgotten about me."

I smile at that, partially because she's almost right. I had put her out of my mind while I focused on other things. She was a fun toy, but not nearly as fun of some of my more recent playthings. Still, now that she's brought back into my mind's eye I have a use for her, "Well I'm glad you called, I've been meaning to get in touch with you. It's finally time for you to step up. Are you still ready to abandon everything to become a heroine?"

She's certainly easily excited judging from her tone, "I am! Just tell me what I need to do!"

I smile and begin giving her the details on how to get in contact with Darcy and Mark so she can join the Hybrid division of the Avengers. Once done, she turns to other topics, tone becoming sultry, "So Master, why don't you come by my place and we can celebrate? You can do whatever you want to me, as usual."

Opening my mouth to declare that a marvelous idea, I'm stopped when I hear a familiar voice on the edge of my senses. "Jessica, we're leaving. Come, now."

Turning to the entrance of the restraint, I find Kilgrave staring right at me even as he tries to direct a pretty brunette back out through the door. As our eyes lock, his go wide in panic and he reacts poorly, pointing at me, "Everyone in the restaurant attack that man now!"

Then he and his female companion are departing through the door and over a hundred people are standing up from their seats turning to me with blank expressions. With a sigh, I finally answer Trish, "Darling, it looks like I'll have to get back to you on that. Something just came up."

Hanging up on her, I raise an eyebrow as the mind controlled masses begin moving towards me with any weapon they can find. One moment I'm there, the next I'm gone, leaving the restaurant occupants to mill around in confusion with their target gone from their senses. Kilgrave is running now, clenching the hand of the woman he's with and forcing her to run with him. It's not fast enough, and there isn't even a moment to react before I appear at their side and rip off Kilgrave's head as he tries to run past.

Holding the head up, I take a moment to stare at the slack face of the mind controller for a long moment. Perhaps in another world, another path, I would have let him live. When we'd first met, I'd still been entirely unsure exactly whose side I was on besides my own of course. But with Hydra forcing my hand as they had, I'd ended up coming down firmly on the side of those who are ardently against mind control and brainwashing.

This meant I could no longer have poor Kilgrave walking around. I'd let him go despite knowing full well what he would continue to do with his powers, and that wasn't what a 'hero' was supposed to do. I couldn't have him going around and telling anyone about our little encounter. Now that oversight was dealt with. Well, not entirely…

Looking to the girl as I drop his head, I find her on her knees, arms wrapped around herself as she sobs and rocks back and forth slowly. Stepping over to her, I crouch beside her but make sure not to touch, "Hello there darling. Is Jessica your real name?"

After a moment she nods. She's really out of it, but I press on, "Do you know who I am?"

Finally she looks at me, and I'm surprised by the strength of will I see in the eyes despite her tears, "You're Valiant. Everyone knows who you are… my best friend never shuts up about you."

I smile and nod, it seems that Kilgrave hasn't mentioned me to Jessica at all, which means I don't have to kill her as well, "Good, then you know I'm here to help you. Who's this friend? I can take you to her."

She shudders but eventually nods, "Her name is Trish Walker. I can give you her address…"

Blinking, I chuckle lightly, "Ah, no need Jessica. Trish and I are close friends. Let's get you to her alright?"

She nods slowly, still a mix of dazed, horrified, and confused. I straighten up as she stands and place a call to Trish to let her know what's happening. After the call, getting Jessica to Trish's apartment is just a matter of coaxing her into letting me hold her long enough for me to zip over. When we arrive, I set Jessica down and Trish opens the door with eyes wide, "Jessica! What happened?!"

I step back as the two women embrace in a hug initiated by Jessica. A moment later Trish sends Jessica into the apartment to start up a bath and turns to me, "What happened?"

I shake my head, "It's up to her what she tells you. All I can say is that her tormentor is dead. Keep reminding her of that while she recovers."

Trish actually pouts for a moment, biting her lower lip, "You won't stay?"

I raise an eyebrow at her and smile. Even now she's horny. Becoming a hybrid has not been good for her priorities. Shaking my head, I point in the direction Jessica had gone, "Your friend needs you my dear. Go to her. Become whatever she needs to get through this."

With a sigh and a nod Trish steps up and kisses me full on the lips before closing her door and leaving me alone in the hall. A moment later, the hall is empty.


Guardians of the Galaxy Prologue (DUN DUN DUUUUN)

(Greenwich, England)

I sit cross-legged at the exact middle of where the Convergence had originally formed in Greenwich. I had spent years now playing with the Aether and stretching its limits. But I'd never managed to get that teleportation it'd shown me down. It was the first thing I'd seen the Aether do on its own, pulling us from its prison and bringing us back to the Earth.

Part of me suspected that its ability to do so was at least partially due to the convergence at the time. The rest of me was willing to entertain the idea partway, but not actually consider that it might not be possible to use the Aether to teleport more than once every five thousand years. So here I was, at the site of the Convergence that had long gone, once again trying to teleport.

And once again failing miserably at my self-appointed task. My brow furrowed and my eyes closed, I was getting the equivalent of mental error messages from the Aether as I tried as hard as I could to get it to teleport me just a foot to the right. After another moment of failure I opened my eyes and let out a huff of frustration.

Fine, it didn't want to take me where I wanted to go. What about where it might want to go? I was just frustrated enough to try it, idiot that I am. No longer focusing on any particular location, I focused instead on just the idea of teleportation and then began to push more and more of the reality stone's power into it.

Brute forcing my way through things was a long honored last ditch effort as it was, and as I ramped up the energy more and more, I could actually feel something finally happening. The Aether was reacting to the idea of moving it and me somewhere else. At around half of the Aether's vast power, I felt something break and a sudden change in… everything made me open my eyes.

Those same eyes grew wider still as I felt an emotion I hadn't felt in quite a long time. Abject terror. My arms and legs floated as I stared at the endless black before me, pricks of light dotting the vast canvas before my eyes. I was in space.

"Oh fuck me!"


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

Thanks for reading!