Chapter 8 - Day 1, Sunshine and Rainbows

Hi everyone. My name's Tom Allen and I'm just a mostly normal degen in love. I hit a bit of a roadblock on my path towards a wholesome life, though. I had just found out that my job involves pleasuring women. I am expected by the government to Fix Clogs through sex.

"Hey, been-told-to-be-tough guy. What are you standing around for? I suppose you're in a bit of shock, right? Don't tell me you're a virgin?" says Ryan.

I gulped nervously and tried to look at Ryan with indignation, but I'm sure I came off as more like a deer in headlights. He started laughing quietly and said, "Kid, how did you even end up here?"

I got mad and shouted, "I want to be a Fixer! Will I really have to do.. sex work, though?"

Ryan looked at me with some confusion and asked, "Do you have some moral or religious objections to it?"

"I do! Wait.. No. I don't." I replied. "But I'm already in love with someone and trying to get her to be my girlfriend. I have to be honest with her and I refuse to betray her."

Katy leans over, pulls her phone out of her pants, and starts doing phone stuff while ignoring the drama.

Pushing me against the wall, Ryan got up against my face and said, "I have a wife, a son, and two daughters. You've seen me kissing other actresses on the big screen. As long as I love my family, sex work changes nothing. The same goes for you. Got that?"

I nodded once in an unconvincing manner. He disengaged with me and fixed his collar. That was a definite departure from his usual cynical, sarcastic demeanor. Soon, he said, "Since you are clearly uncomfortable and need time to think about this, I won't ask you to get naked today. I will expect you to finger and lick her though."

I sighed and realized that I really was going to do this. My mom expected it of me. My own dreams of becoming as successful as Maria demanded it of me. I was going to touch a naked girl that I don't even know. I walked up to the side of the bed and looked at Katy's naked figure, tapping away on her phone.

"Stop." Ryan said and I froze. "Let me explain to you the basics. I can tell you are nervous, so try to relax in the meantime too. Katy, please present your vagina."

Katy squirms around on top of the blankets and points her legs towards us. We were standing in between the two beds. She then spread her knees and raised them most of the way to her shoulders, giving us a clear view of her tightly closed slit. Ryan didn't seem to mind that she stayed on her phone this whole time.

Ryan removed his accessories and instructed, "Take your mask off. The only people allowed in here are the fully vaccinated. Good. Now, this is the female vagina."

He points to the mound and starts speaking as if he's talking to a baby, "Here we have the labia majora." Then, he points down below, "Here we have the anus."

I interrupted him with mild irritation, "I have taken sex ed. I know all this. Hold on, are you bullying me?"

Ryan put on a mock surprised face and said, "Hah! Maybe that was a bit of an.. asshole move on my part. You just looked so clueless that I had to start from the beginning. Let's skip the anatomical part and go straight to the pleasuring part then. Are you sure you want to wear that sweater, by the way? We will be getting down and dirty over here."

I grunted and took off my formal sweater, shirt, and pants, leaving myself in only briefs and a jockstrap under them. If I left my nice clothes on, the cotton will soak up the scent of sex and I'd hate to smell like sex while driving Maria home. I even planned to shower before leaving work.

Regarding the possibility of popping a boner, I wasn't exactly turned on by the visuals of Katy's body. She was much less attractive than Maria. Most of all, she didn't seem the slightest bit interested, embarrassed, or attentive. If I was her boyfriend and about to lose my virginity, I'd probably be mad enough to throw her phone at the wall. Thankfully, I am not.

I wondered if she views this as merely a job. It had to be humiliating, at some level, to be a live prop for a middle-aged man to teach a young man about sex. Now that I think about it, Katy is sort of impressive to not pay THE Ryan Rinalds any attention. He is the wet dream of millions of women worldwide.

Thinking about the other women involved, I reassure myself that Ryan is happily married. There's no way that my mom and Ryan could have done something, even though they are in the same league of attractiveness. His tone when he said "my ridiculously hot boss" was NOT the kind of tone that someone would talk about a former fling of theirs. I mention this because I had a sudden nightmarish vision in my mind of my mom introducing Ryan to me as my stepfather.

~ ~ ~

Let me interrupt this line of thought by mentioning that despite my sexual attraction to my mom, I'm pretty sure I'm the only guy in the neighborhood that would be happy to see her getting hitched. She works too hard raising me as a single mom and sometimes she looks lonely. I'm sure she's gone on other unsatisfying flings besides that time with my dad too. The only time she drinks at home is after she dumps a boyfriend for not meeting her high expectations. This happens at least once or twice a year. I've never met anyone she likes enough to bring home to see me.

That's right, readers. I am not in love with my mother in the extremely possessive way that I am with Maria. I know my mother will always love me as a son and I'll always love her as a mother, no matter what kinky shit happens between us. She's not part of some imaginary harem of mine. My mind hasn't been distorted by anime or chauvinism enough to think that all women that I'm attracted to belong to me like some sort of incel. Neither am I living in a wish-fulfillment version of reality.

~ ~ ~

Now that we have that sidetrack out of the way, let me come back to the earlier nightmarish vision. Why can't I imagine Ryan as my stepdad when I idolize him for his acting, you ask? He's fucking ruthless to me! There's a part of me that appreciates his brutally honest humor, but when it's directed at you, it can wear you down. In other words, I'm trying to improve myself from being a total degenerate here and he's not helping.

I exited the bathroom to find Ryan shuffling uncomfortably trying not to look at Katy. Maybe sex work did make him feel uncomfortable? No, it must be Katy's age. He mentioned her age in an uncalled for manner earlier. His daughters are very young, much younger than Katy, but it was possible that he projects his daughters onto Katy. I cannot imagine a rich, famous dad like Ryan would be happy seeing his daughters find a job similar to Katy's.

"Alright!" he clapped, "For the first time, you're on your own. I'll get a baseline of what you know based on this attempt. Guess we'll see how much of the porn you watched can translate into actual skill."

I pulled over the nearby sofa's footstool and sat on it in front of Katy's pussy with a resolute face on. I could have sworn I heard some stifled laughter coming from Ryan, but when I looked, I didn't see any sign of it on his face.

Shifting my attention back to my task, I picked up one hand and placed it on Katy's slit. It was a bit rough and I could tell she recently shaved it clean. I brought my pointer finger and thumb fingers into my mouth, licked them thoroughly, then returned my hand to her pussy, and slid my pointer finger up and down. The vagina opened up a smidge, just enough for me to see her clit. I poked her clit a few times and was about to push my pointer finger in, when I was interrupted.

"Stop, stop." Ryan had his hand on his head. "Oh gosh. Alright, I have a baseline. Thanks, Katy. You can go."

Katy nodded, hopped off the bed, and began to dress. I, for one, was relieved that this portion of the training was over with.

As for what I thought about Katy's vagina? I don't know what to say. It wasn't Maria's so I couldn't bring myself to see it as anything special. Once it opened up, I was reminded of a McDonald's double hamburger. This shit ain't sunshine and rainbows. I'm also not attracted to the loli body type so that didn't help.

Scratching his head, Ryan looked at me and said, "Tell me about yourself, besides what's on the file."

I guessed that he was trying to determine the best teaching method to implement. I explained, "I like to play video games, read webnovels, and watch movies."

He nodded and confirmed, "So you're more of a visual learner." Then he asked, "What motivates you? Why did you pick Fixing and why do you want to Fix Clogs?"

I opened my mouth thinking I had a ready answer, but I stalled. In the end, my motivation towards success was being the best man I could be so I could make my mom proud and Maria happy. I didn't actually give a shit about Clogs.

In fact, I barely cared about anyone other than my mom and Maria. Sure, I treated strangers and friends normally, with basic human respect, but did I empathize with them? Not really. Would I help out if they're in a spot of trouble? Maybe, if I felt like it. Would I risk my life for them? No.

One of my goals was to find someone to care about other than my family and Maria, so that I could be more of a normal person and less of a loner. Ever since high school closed down for COVID, I lost touch with the people I talked to in class. I guess you could say I don't get out much. The other Fixers are my current targets for friendship. Keith and Sagar are really successful guys, and it would be very much worthwhile to be friends with them.

I looked up to him from where I was still sitting on the footstool and said, "Love motivates me. I want to be as successful of a man as I can be to make my mom and the lady I'm crushing on proud. As for Fixing, I joined this program because my mom said I have the ability to succeed."

Ryan nods and says, "Ok, good so far. What about the Clogs?"

I averted my eyes and said hesitantly, "I don't really have any moral sentiments one way another for Fixing Clogs. I guess I have vague political beliefs that Clogs ought to be Fixed, but on a personal level, I don't really care about them."

Snorting in distaste, Ryan said, "That's one hell of a gift you got there. If you can keep your emotions out of your work, you might just succeed at this gig."

"Huh?" I replied. "Isn't it bad that I have no genuine desire to Fix Clogs?"

Ryan raises his brows and says, "Hah.. believe it or not, no. From what I hear, Fixing Clogs is rough work. Not that I've done it before, but I imagine that if you are too emotionally invested, then you'll develop feelings. A Fixer and a Clog are only meant to be in a professional relationship. At most, they can be friends after the fact."

"For a Clog to cling to a Fixer? That usually means that the Fixer's job is not done. For a Fixer to become fixated on a Clog? Sometimes it's fine if the Clog is already Fixed. Sometimes it's a disaster. It could mean that the Clog has outsmarted the Fixer and taken control of the situation. It could also mean that the Clog's inertia to being Fixed is higher than the Fixer's prowess. At that point, the Clog is a lost cause, or ought to be handed off to another Fixer."

"I've seen the files of your Fixer peers. They've been utilizing their methods for most of their lives. They'll have pride in what they do. If they fail to Fix a Clog, it'll be a disaster. Whatever consequences happen to that Clog as a result of their failure, they'll blame their own failure, instead of it being the Clog's fault for not cooperating as well as he or she should have. If you fail to Fix a Clog and unintentionally fuck up their life, you probably won't care that much. It is quite morally degenerate of me to say it like this, but that's how most healthcare fields work."

I guess that makes sense. When ICU doctors see patients dying all the time from COVID, they can't let every death affect them emotionally or else they will burn out and be unable to do their jobs properly, which would lead to less doctors being around to help. Fixers and Clogs are in a similar situation, since it's also technically a healthcare field. Even though we're more on the mental health side. I hope Maria doesn't end up in a disastrous situation like he mentioned above.

"Anyway, even though you don't really care about Clogs, you don't give me the feeling of being a bad person. You just seem.. emotionally stunted? There's a lot of doctors, nurses, and emergency room techs that are in your bucket. Or at least jump into your bucket once the stress catches up to them."

I smiled and mentally offered him my thanks for letting me know that I'm not alone.

Ryan walked over to the entryway and rang the buzzer. I wondered what that buzzer is for. Last time he rang it, Katy came inside. Soon after, the door unlocked and two girls were standing in the hallway. One of them was Katy and the other was a girl with what looked like a high-tech virtual reality device that went all the way around the front of her head, blocking her eyes and ears. This new girl was attractive in comparison to Katy, with blonde hair and a thicker frame. She had B cups with a bit of plump and muscle to her. Her height was 5'6", about halfway in between myself and the loli-sized Katy.

"Thanks Katy, we can take it from here." said Ryan as he unwrapped a wad of citrus-flavored Trident and started chewing.

Katy left the VR girl in the entryway of the hotel room and closed the door on her way out. Ryan said, "Go on, bring her to the bed and strip her naked. Katy is asexual so you were never expected to be able to bring her to orgasm. She's something of a final boss in video game terms. This girl is extra sensitive to let you get a feel for what works and what doesn't."

I deadpanned and groaned. Come on man, it was supposed to end with Katy!

(A/N: So that's what the buzzer is for..)
