24th Generation Saintess

After the delusional bi*ch was taken away, we went back into seclusion and enjoyed our final decade of peace in this world.

But it wasn't the same for everyone, unlike us, who had been blessed with comfort after cutting our ties with the deranged family, the family's troubles were only beginning.

The vultures that were eyeing them for a long time finally made their move. Some motivated by a chance to curry our favor, some in it for the monetary reward offered by some organizations that wanted to pry open the duo's skulls for any skills or manuals that the former Saintess might have left behind for them.

In just three days, the hobo and his son were cornered. The hobo spewed nonsense again, preparing to battle to save some time for his son, but now that the protection umbrella of our sect was lifted, the people that chased after him weren't as limited in their options as our kind and wronged elders that couldn't retaliate wholeheartedly.

Now a cripple, the hobo died in a single slap, amusing the rest of the crowd surrounding them except one. It was the second victim, the rumored of the former Saintess. Not being able to save his father gave him a grave shock.

He held the body of his father in his arms and let out a scream towards heaven. As if rewarded by his efforts, suddenly the world around him seemed to have gone into a slow-motion.

He felt the essence of the world more clearly and repressed memories unlocked within his mind. He... had a noble Dragon's bloodline, and he was destined to be the Dragon emperor.

Although the people surrounding him weren't aware of all those new memories he acquired, they were still able to guess that the boy seemed to have unlocked some kind of a special bloodline.

Greed shone on some faces while indifference radiated from others. One of them, a branch Sect Master of one of our sect's subsidiaries, looked at him as if he was looking at a treasure and immediately offered to give his father a proper burial and take care of him for life if he agreed to be his disciple.

Just as the others were about to throw their offers in as well, the young man agreed to the first offer and became a legacy disciple of one of our subsidiary sects.

There too, since his bloodline was hidden from the common disciples, he faces a lot of snide remarks and bullying every day, but only from the Core disciples of their sect. Inner court disciples were simply not entitled enough to see him.

Instead of using his authority as the Legacy disciple and complain about it to his master, this hare-brained idiot decided to act like a dead fish.

No swords or fists were thrown around in that sect, so the only bullying that idiot incurred was words, but if he just stayed within his cultivation abode and cultivated with his master, or just made a simple complaint, all of it could be easily resolved. But did he do that?

NO, even when he was clearly affected by bullying and harassment, he didn't retaliate, he went back to the same spots every day to roam around as if asking to be made fun of and returned with a red face and clenched fist.

Perhaps, that bum father of his ate or sold his brain and filled the gaps with sh*t to make him more like himself. Anyhow, now, the hero was ready.

After holding back for so long, the young man honed his murderous aura and mutilated his opponents in the annual sect tournament.

This action might have led to the removal of their sect from the cultivation world if they weren't our subordinates. Since, we were already known as the tyrants of the cultivation world, to spectators, such actions only seemed natural.

The master of the dude though, the Sect Leader of that sect, was sweating bullets, knowing that his disciple's crazy actions would leave countless repercussions for him.

One by one, the people that went against him were killed before they could even attempt to yell surrender, oh, other than women of course. In front of female opponents, he held his head up high and allowed them to walk off the stage.

This killing spree made him stand out from the crowd, even more people taking note of him and his bloodline. His fellow disciples, those that 'mocked' him were also beheaded without a shred of hesitation when they went to apologize to him.

"You don't deserve my forgiveness, who knows how many people you've bullied. I'm doing the world a favor by removing the likes of you." He said with righteous indignation.

Although the rest of them listened with their head down and continued apologizing, one of them yelled, "...but it was just you, though, that we said anything to... and you could have told us to stop. I thought you liked to be called names. Also, you could've taken a bath. Eh, why is your face red, you holding a fart–"

Before he could complete his sentence, his head fell from his body.

When everything was over, their Sect Leader made his decision and convinced everyone that the murderer merely needed some conditioning, disciplining, and good teaching and he'll be alright.

After that, he was put on house arrest where he was taught by his master.

This went on for many years until one day, he came to visit our sect as the envoy of his sect to present us their annual tribute.

The squad he led comprised of weak external court disciples, whose presence only seemed to indicate that they were filling up numbers.

Other than him, there were a lot more of these envoys that had come that day, so the Elders and disciples were very busy receiving them and making preparations for them.

His dark presence didn't stand out, yet those that knew his identity gave him weird looks. A banquet was arranged for all these envoys and their squads and when the event was over, they left the sect one by one.

Again, it was our sect's hubris that gave our Elders and Disciples the illusion that there was no need to check things twice just because no one would dare to do them

Just like this, taking advantage of no one knowing his moves or cultivation level, the little 'bum' found his mother after torturing some of our disciples secretly.

Over these years, our Elders became familiar with the hypocrisy and self-entitled attitude of their former 24th Generation Saintess, and therefore although she was still given the best quality food, she wasn't given any cultivation resources, no matter how much she pleaded them.

She was assigned a courtyard in a secluded yet peaceful corner of the sect, but since when did this Saintess care about peace anyway?

When the little tramp found his mother in a forlorn state, he jumped up to embrace her. Due to the smell of dead fish, poverty, and junk he emanated, the Saintess identified her son straight away and cried in his embrace.

When the beggarly hero saw his mother's frail and weakened visage and her suffering, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth again. These two parts of his body being the most developed due to this regular exercise.

After promising his mother that he would come back for her soon enough, he left her room and went towards a forbidden area of the tribe, where the exiled criminals of the sect spend their time.

It was a horrid place, with no resources and blazing heat.

Unmonitored, Chaotic.

My son, whose cultivation was prohibited from advancing, had spent his last decade here. At first, I had thought of hiding it but with time, I believed it wouldn't do any good to keep the news from her.

When he came to know that his disciple was alive, he felt profound joy and regret but only extreme shame and grief remained when he came to know of her actions and words.

Already regretting his massacre, the guilt of it all snowballed when the person he did it for condemned him herself, and therefore... he crippled his cultivation and destroyed his meridians after I left, hell-bent on taking responsibility for his adverse actions to the sect.

The little tramp didn't know of this, and in his rage, when he saw the 'Demon' he was taught to fight since young, he attacked with full power, killing him.

After that he sneakily exited the sect, killing everyone who saw him. The news of his rampage within the strongest sect in the world and his killing of the 'Demon' made him a fugitive and a 'Hero' overnight.

The most frightened people found their voices with him and he quickly garnered a lot of support of the down and trodden, those that were incapable of providing him any help, and we the poor old couple that just lost their son, only mourned his passing in silence.