Can't Bear it Anymore

Yo, why is everyone looking at me like that? You guys were shouting even more creative insults than I had given you credit for.

I almost thought it wasn't even the cultivation world anymore, no one said, 'trash', 'grandfather', or 'sneered', just good old trolling.

Watching the ultimate moves of the two guys gave me nausea for an unknown reason. Just as I drank some water to quench my thirst, the fight was already over and everyone was giving me weird looks.

I looked at the stage where only the violent guy was standing now, holding a golden crystal in his hand. Eh, where did the other one go?

People around me were far too shocked and horrified to answer me. My miserable helpless cousin was bawling like a child, as usual, and my manipulative cousin was wiping her tears as well.

What the f*ck happened in a few moments? Guys, I have FOMO, can anyone cue me in, to the really cool thing that just happened?

Before I could ask anyone, the previous managing elder left and another one came to take his place.

As soon as he appeared, the violent guy pointed his finger at me. I moved slightly to the right, his finger followed me... Shit.

Then after giving the elder a bow, the injured violent guy said, "Elder, this fight was interrupted by that guy in the spectator stand. If it were not for that, my opponent wouldn't have used such a forbidden move. He's also from my sect, therefore, as his senior, can I challenge him here?"

Heh, was this guy stupid enough to believe that he could take the rules of the tournament in his hands?

The elder left the stage and returned soon after. In the meantime, I finally came to realize the amount of bloodthirst this guy had didn't appear out of anywhere.

The pathetic plight of the confident ex-vegetable guy was the biggest warning I could've received. After their fight, the guy's face was as pale as it could be, a sign of Qi drainage, his eyes were bloodshot and his body was trembling.

Yet still, if I still thought I could defeat this guy just because he was exhausted, then there would be no one dumber than me.

Well, I was walking away from the spectator stand but an unknown force constricted me, not allowing me to move from my position. I could only roll my eyes while feeling increasingly helpless.

The elder announced the 'special challenge event' and gave me a creepy smile, indirectly telling me that he was the culprit responsible for making me stuck there.

I didn't know why this guy was hell-bent on killing me. Other than pretending to be his subordinate, I didn't do anything. Oh well, I needed to think of something again in the half-hour buffer time I was given before my execution.

Hmm, let's see, the helpless cute cousin is out, the ex-vegetable guy is de-existed, the manipulative one is hard to... manipulate and use so that leaves me with... Ms. Ice Cube, who secretly likes the violent guy as well.

The elder may have stopped me from moving but my eyes and mouth were still functioning well. I looked around at the crowd and while many of them avoided my eye contact, there were some, that expected me to do or say something stupid and entertaining again.

Sigh, I was risking my life and these guys... anyway I didn't disappoint them.

I looked at the bloodthirsty 'hero' recuperating on the stage and shouted with my hoarse throat, "Hey, why do you want to kill me? Didn't I tell you my real boss loves you and not me? You've already stolen my girlfriend, now you want to finish me, must you be so heartless?"

The ears of the crowd perked up at my accusations. By now, many of them were aware of our cousins' love square, now triangle again.

I pointed at the manipulative one when I said, 'girlfriend'. Actually, she was the girl of the ex-vegetable guy if I inferred her sneaky gazes right but how would he refute my statement now? He's already ex-alive now, hehe.

Even she was startled by how shameless I was being, but who would care about pride and all when facing life-threatening danger.

She couldn't bear the repulsed looks anymore and screamed at me, "LIES..."

I gave her a 'mirthless' smile and replied in a shaky voice, "Yes, I guess is,"

All this time, the violent guy didn't open his eyes at the bulls*it I was spouting, only focused on healing himself.

No one wanted to stand out at a time like this, but someone from the crown finally couldn't hold in his curiosity anymore,

"Who's your real boss, little bro?"

I made myself look as fanatic as I could and answered, "Of course, it's my Goddess, the..."

I looked at my ice-cube swan cousin and saw her peeking at the violent guy again. What was this bi*ch's name again? I forgot.

Anyway, she had a title, so it was enough, "... legacy disciple of the women sect."

"We're called Heavenly Phoenix Sect." A bubbly voice spoke in a dissatisfied tone from the crowd near the women's sect.

Another voice, this time a male, quickly said after her, "This inner disciple of the women sect is right."

I didn't pay attention to such banter. My words had incited the wrath of 'my goddess', but she 'couldn't get angry' so to convey her intentions, she 'coldly' snorted at me, but only I knew that.

I arrogantly shouted at the 'violence enthusiast' again, "Keep healing stupid, did you hear that snort. If you dare touch a hair on my head. My Goddess shall pull out your spine and poke your ass with it."

Ms. Ice Cube was baffled by my shameless words and couldn't control herself anymore as well, "HOW DARE YOU!?" She shrieked.

"YEAH, HOW DARE YOU, YOU LITTLE WIFE-STEALER?" I shrieked along with her... at the brutal dimwit on the stage.

Finally, he spouted a mouthful of blood as his recovery process was forcefully interrupted and stared daggers at both me and Ms. Ice Cube.

She was panicking now, she wanted to explain herself, but all these years of playing the 'frigid cold' character, she didn't know how normal people talked and behaved anymore.

She looked around for help, but everyone she looked at avoided her gaze, afraid of her indifference and high-and-mighty attitude, and so she looked at the enraged violent guy, subconsciously playing her cold character again, and said softly, as softly as she could, "...believe me..."

Before she could say anything else, a howling voice completed her sentence forcefully, "YEAH, YOU WON'T WALK DOWN THAT STAGE WITH TWO LEGS, BELIEVE THE GODDESS."

The savage guy smiled maniacally, "Good, good, good, you two. Planning behind my back. I'll have my REVENGE."

Ms. Ice Cube stopped trying to explain herself and ran towards me in an attempt to silence me first, but how could the dense crowd let her pass like that?

I laughed out loud at the raging brute and told her from far away, "You don't have to unite with me to finish this brute, Goddess. He's already injured. Just blow him away with a fart, Goddess."


"SHUT UP..."

Both of them screamed at the same at me, but in the eyes of the infuriated brute and the crowd, her 'shut up' was clearly directed at the violent guy.

I was about to laugh out loud for real this time. These idiots were watering the seeds of doubt I planted within their hearts themselves. My desperate scheme, which would only have worked on the densest minds, seemed to have worked on these two dysfunctional cousins of mine.

Now, instead of coming straight at me, the guy jumped from the stage and ran towards the girl who secretly had a crush on him with murderous intent and shouted, "You'll blow me away with a fart, huh? Let's see if you're capable, bi*ch."