Swan Hunter(2)

He took a few steps back. It looked as if he was traumatized by something too.

Whatever, I shrugged my shoulders. "Take me in as your disciple. Robbing, murdering, I would do everything. Teach me how to become a warrior." I gave him a deep bow and said.

I didn't hear anything after that. I looked up. He was still backing away. Eh? He looked around another time and then looked into my eyes, noticing my sincerity.

Then, he laughed and lifted me by my waist. Just as I was about to thank him, I felt a strong jab at the back of my head and fainted.

Now whether I would be sold as a slave or become his disciple, it was all up to fate.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a very dark place. I was tied up with think ropes and my mana was being sucked dry by something. I couldn't cast a magic spell here. It was something related to this place.

Somewhere in the corner of my eyes, I could see a flicker of white light. This made me aware that I had already been out cold for an entire night.

I crawled towards that light. A hand stopped me and held my ankles. It was a big hand. It was that brute.

"Okay kid, let's see how much you can bear.", he said as he threw a light slap at me.

I wanted to duck but I was tied up and injured. His hand stung my cheeks. I was turning red.

I didn't cry. He continued. Eventually, I did.

Crying alleviated my pain.

"Weak...", he called me.

"F*ck your mumma...", I replied and got beaten again...

A few hours later, someone brought me food. It was bland and tasteless food, but nonetheless food. I ate everything I was given.

Then, I was whacked again.

Gradually, we established a bond. Most of my time was spent within that dark cave. I was already a bandit now. There were many other like me, far better, far stronger, and the brute was their leader. They were allowed to go out, rob, pillage, and burn but I was locked in because I was weak.

Everyone had their own cave. It was supposed to be our hideout. The mountain was called Mountain Shu and we... were the Bandits of Mount Shu.

Days passed like that. I dealt with an unimaginable amount of pain each day.

Weeks passed. My body gradually became accustomed to mana. It was far stronger than before. I still wasn't a high-level mage acolyte, but I could beat one. What could be better than that?

I was exhilarated. I kept training. The brute, the big boss of Mount Shu, didn't take me in as his disciple but I was given privileged treatment. I was satisfied.

Months and years passed like that. I had grown up. I didn't miss my parents, not once. Their eyes still haunted me. I wouldn't want them disappointed again. I didn't even want them to be happy. I just... didn't want them.

I didn't want to go back. In the world I was in, I had few friends, other than by necessity, no one talked to me. I was a madman in their eyes.

They had seen me cripple my meridians and reconstruct them, all the while letting out painful screams that woke my 'neighbors' up. I had great results as well.

Usually, a talented mage would only become a low-level mage from a high-level mage acolyte at the age of 16-20. Those that did it before that were monsters.

I was 15 years old now, but due to training as a warrior, I looked like 20. I was a high-level mage acolyte, but I could beat low-level mages, those in a completely different realm than me.

When I turned 16, I was allowed to visit the world and pillage it. It was my time. I had no worries, no regrets, and with power coursing through my veins, I left.

There was one problem though, I didn't know how to do the bandit stuff like speaking in a threatening tone, and ordering people, but when I looked at my cross-eyed, unhygienic, and vulgar seniors, I knew the key to this job.

...which was nothing more than beating people senselessly when they disagreed with me or refused anything I said. After I beat enough of them up, even if I showed a shy and modest smile and asked them for money, they would give me all their fortune.

It wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be since we didn't go to big villages or towns. We had our men in various dangerous checkpoints in the long journeys of merchant caravans and travelers and when some rich caravans passed by, as warriors would be called to threaten and subdue the guards so the rest of our group could rob in peace.

I believe I did a good job in the first few days as even my fellow bandits were flinching and hesitating in my presence.

I wasn't involved in the human trafficking trade at that point, it had a lot of complications and required connections and presence of mind to make quick and dangerous decisions.

The laws of different kingdoms regarding the slave trade differed as well, so in the regions where it was prohibited, one needed to stay cautious and alert at all times.

Yet, despite the dangers, it was the most lucrative trade of our group. My master personally managed most of it.

When I turned 18-years-old, that is two years after I got my on-field job, I was finally allowed to take part in it.

I was very nervous, and considerably so, a trade like this is enough to make anyone question their morals and degrade their character over time and so I did what many refer to as the pro-move... I grit my teeth to drive myself.

Now, I still wasn't allowed to question where people got those slaves from. My only job was to take them from Point A to Point B where trainers would train them to be sold.

I thought I would just need to lie low and finish my job but unfortunately, my very first assignment turned out to be something much riskier than I had expected.