Big Mood

Snapping his eyes open while leaning against the wall to support himself, Lucas trembles while stabilizing his breathing. Thankfully, Miss Calculated's attention is currently on her sister, just now reaching her arm out in front of her to stop her.

Willy, however, was in the process of scolding Lucas. When he noticed the odd behavior, he ceased his barking.

[Unfortunately, the time given is fairly limited, but at least the damage caused before you had time to react doesn't count against you. You seem calmer than I would expect, did you come up with an idea already?]

'Yeah, actually. When I tripped, I fucked up the wall just trying to get my bearings, right? That damn girlie is causing so much havoc, I don't feel bad breakin' a few walls to stop her.'

[Hmm, indeed. After seeing her lethality, accepting a bit of a penalty for environmental damage in favor of improving your chances of success is a sound course of action.]