New Toys

Staring at the marbles for a few seconds longer, Lucas finally releases his grip on the fridge before walking over and picking the pouch up. Crouching over and gathering the few loose scattered marbles before putting away all but one, he then sticks the pulled-shut pouch into his front left pants pocket.

Standing back up, he tosses up the one he kept loose a few times, slightly increasing the height of the toss each successive time.

'So, since I don't want the phone incident all over again, where can I safely throw this thing to test it out?'

[Oh? Hmm, I'd say try to hit the top corner of that five-story building on the other side of the street from the entrance of the alley.]

'Ha! Not gonna make it easy, eh? Well, here goes!'

Gently pinching the small glass marble between his thumb, index, and middle fingertips, he brings his arm back as he adapts a pitcher stance once again.