Ping, No-

While Jonathan watches the rain of noisily bouncing marbles spreading out across a very large portion of the dining area their table is located within, his left eye twitches, and he squeezes the small object in his hand.

"You'd break things if I gave it to you!" As Jonathan angrily yells this, Miss Chievous has, somehow, grown even more excited about the potential gift.

"Whatsit-whatsit-whatsit!? Gimme!" Miss Chievous doesn't even bother trying to rein in her enthusiasm, holding her hands cupped together just under his, discordantly bouncing her legs up and down rapidly from her seated position on her chair.

Lucas snorts out his dissatisfaction, his frown far more of a pout than a scowl. After leaning back in his chair for a moment, his boredom from no longer having the marbles to play with compels him to actually start picking some of them up off of the ground.

"No I wouldn't." Lucas quietly grumbles out in a sulky, downright petulant, voice.