I Give A Dime, Boss Loses A Dollar

"All right… Well, since you already know specifically which one you're interested in, that speeds things up quite a bit. Hmm, looks like it's actually past due for scheduled maintenance, how did tha- Oh right, the usual place was down for its own maintenance and they still haven't notified us that they're ready yet. Well, if that's not a deal-breaker for you, I could give you a little extra discount, considering. Fair warning, I'm pretty sure it has a few parts that are nearly worn to the point of needing replacement, for full transparency." After Lorelei had spent a few minutes reading through a handful of files, she turned to face Lucas directly as she began speaking.

'Ha! She said transparency, heh.'


Barely suppressing his chuckle, Lucas clears his throat and takes a moment to put on a show of thinking things over before finally responding.