Prized Possession

Before Miss Chievous even has her laughter fully under control, she’s begun distributing boomerangs to everyone present. This includes a small boy nearby who is at the absolute most 8 years old, as well as a man who is most likely his father.

The father had given Miss Chievous a wary look while she was initially approaching them, but it’s hard to feel threatened by a grinning, giggling, idiot carrying an armload of boomerangs. Doubly so when another equally grinning, giggling, idiot is eagerly snatching a few of them away from her and jamming them into the gap between his belt and his pants.

Right after Lucas successfully claims his fifth boomerang from Miss Chievous’s collection, 427 abruptly starts laughing. Before Lucas even has a chance to ask why, he is suddenly lifted off of the sidewalk by a pair of lightly tanned hands casually grabbing him just under his armpits. As he starts flailing around in the air, Miss Masher’s laughter rings out from just behind him.