Improv Orders

Although Miss Calculated is amused by Lucas’s fuming, she decides to take the initiative to clear things up. Well, to some extent, at least.

“Well, regardless of what titles you’d like to use, yes, I suppose it is fair to say we’re all more than mere acquaintances at this point. And, to further answer your questions, Ji Soo; thanks to you, we found out that the newly released model didn’t include my latest algorithm for call tracing for a more accurate caller ID.

“That was the final data point I needed to determine that the numerous ways with which they cut corners all added together crossed the threshold of acceptable thriftiness. I will operate under the assumption that you heard what I said, and as I wasn’t given a prototype, I had to rely on disassembling Jonathan’s recent purchase to discover some of the multiple ways they didn’t quite live up to my specifications.