Pupper Pressure

[...You said something about three rules previously, I take it there are notable differences between those and the six precepts? ...I suppose it’s a good thing you’re starting to realize more truths of this world, without it needing to kill you first.]

‘...Yeah… I just, I dunno. I shouldn’t be surprised, but it still bothers me. The Three Laws from all the sci-fi stuff where I’m from says that very first thing, robots shouldn’t hurt people. Then second they gotta listen to orders and then finally the last rule is to protect itself… The more I think about it, the more the six whatevers make sense for around here, but, fuck.’

[If you were to assign that ruleset to 23, its safety would be jeopardized as soon as people realized it wouldn’t retaliate. ...I suppose you were subconsciously assuming that people weren’t messing with service bots out of social courtesy.]