23’s Initiative

“Ah, c-certainly. It will take some time to analyze everything that is already in place and to come up with effective-” As Miss Calculated is winding up her response, not entirely able to hide her nervousness, Mark holds his hand up once again, this time around at least attempting to hold back his laughter.

“Now, now, don’t worry. I understand it can’t be done overnight. And, of course, I’ll cover the costs of everything. First things first though, figure out what safety measures you’ll need in place so you can begin work on that reactor in earnest.

“As a prototype, I’m sure you’ll only want to work on just the one at first, but I am very eager to see when you’re satisfied enough to install multiple units with them. If it turns out that you think that a basic standard model is insufficient to house a reactor, I would be perfectly content with ensuring all future models I purchase are of sufficient caliber, assuming you are willing to install and maintain their cores.