Unspoken Rivalry

Lucas slaps his hands against each other a few times to knock any residual dusty bits off of them, then goes to finally start following the patiently waiting bot.

“Heh, anywho, catch ya guys in a bit.” Lucas drops this as he goes to leave, taking one step before Jonathan glances up at him, then the chair he’s leaving behind.

“Um, y-your jacket..?” When Jonathan asks this, Lucas stops and spins in place, bending over to reach out and grab his suit jacket off the back of the chair, then casually draping it over his left arm.

“Right, I should keep the suit together. Totally didn’t just forget about it.” Lucas totally forgot about it, and he didn’t convince anyone of anything otherwise.

Jonathan merely rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone, settling in for a new gaming session to pass the time.

As Miss Masher similarly heads over to follow the guiding service bot, she makes a point of shoulder-checking Lucas, just hard enough to make him stumble a little bit.