23 Grab

23 has all four of its hands grouped up in front of it and is looking down at them. After letting Miss Calculated delight in her crazed laughter for a few moments longer, it finally speaks up.

“To accommodate storage for retractable components, I suppose I would require new, thicker arms. The power lead currently running through them may still suffice, but perhaps a new one that has the new tools directly hardwired into it would be better. Ah, the power draw on any power tools would be notably higher than what it takes to operate my current hands, so I really would be better off with a new cable, too. Adjusting to the upgraded appendages’ usage shouldn’t be an issue... But, If you were intending on implementing any of your newly developed, limited availability, technologies, improved durability may be necessary..? Also, I believe you mentioned weaponry, earlier?” As soon as 23 began speaking, Miss Calculated ceased her cackling, giving it all of her attention.