Interrogative Speculations

‘...Fuck. It’s one thing for Marsha to believe it, but Maria and Mary..? They’ll definitely figure that somethin’s up with me and Jon.’

[...Yes. Fortunately, as they were only children themselves during the war, it is highly unlikely that they are aware of any of the clues regarding the presence of the Superhero Enhancement System, so who knows what conclusions Miss Calculated will come to. Perhaps she’ll do some research which will lead to her finding out about the system, if any of the relevant information from the war is documented anywhere. Though, I find that rather unlikely. They were always rather secretive about how it functions, on both sides, so I highly doubt it is archived in any accessible way.]

Lucas had frozen in the middle of measuring out the length of his tie before beginning to knot it thanks to Miss Masher’s declaration. After a few moments, he continues going through the motions as if nothing strange happened.