Sometimes, Good Deeds Pay

While the first bot is still busy with conducting its equipment salvage operations, the second bot walks over upon noticing Lucas putting away his phone.

“Greetings esteemed guest. While our establishment’s owner is not present at this time, he wishes to pass along his heartfelt gratitude as well as an offer to discuss compensation for your efforts at your convenience.” As the bot is speaking, it holds out a business card to Lucas.

Its actions bring Lucas’s attention back up from the confectionary case and he accepts the card.

“Oh, sweet. Hey, couldya pack up everything that’s still fine to eat? As long as it’s not contaminated or got any glass shards in it or somethin’ like that. I’ll buy em all. Not like ya guys should be open till this gets cleaned up anyway, yeah? So, no point wasting perfectly good snacks...” While Lucas is saying this, the first bot rotates its head in the middle of re-assembling the Point of Sale terminal to stare at him.