Cookie Consumption Conspirators

Right when Lucas becomes bored enough for his mind to wander over to the fact that he could pull his phone out to play around; the not-all-that-long-awaited subway train arrives.

Once it comes to a complete stop, a set of doors slowly open a few steps to the side of where he is waiting.

After Lucas uneventfully minds the gap, he discovers that the only other inhabitants of this particular compartment are a pair of young women who are whispering to each other off to the far right side.

Thanks to how socially spent he is, among other world-specific reasons, he opts for the furthest seat possible from them.

Pulling out his phone before settling in, he resumes his previous sombrero research.

‘Hey, am I gonna lose signal once we leave the station?’

[I’m pretty sure Miss Calculated would take it personally if she knew you asked that question.]

Lucas lets slip a small snerk of amusement.

‘I’ll take that as a no then.’