

It was just a normal day in the 8th grade. Three weeks before the last day of school Antonio and Kaden were invited to the annual 8th grade sleepover at the school. The way the school set up beds was about four people per room. As the night went on Kaden and Antonio started spending more time together. Kaden smiles as someone passes him a water bottle with vodka in it. Kaden smoes and drank some then passed it to Antonio. He smiled and drank some “You know what we should play?”Kaden asked. Antonio smirked, “seven minutes in heaven”. Carter smiles “Kaden you’re first” she told them. Kaden nodded and spun the bottle as they all watched.Kaden looked as it landed on Antonio. Kaden smiled and got up and took his hand as they went into the janitor's closet. Antonio smiles,”Close your eyes” he told Kaden. Kaden closed his eyes and trusted him . Kaden waited as Antonio slowly stepped forward and put his hands on Kaden’s face and slowly kissed him. Kaden kissed back for a second then backed up.”What are you doing?”he asked Antonio. Antonio looked “Don’t tell anyone,” he says. Antonio then pushed him hard against the wall and knocked the air out of him hard with a punch.

It was the last day of school and Kaden and Lola’s teacher let everyone go out to play outside on the track and hang with their friends. As the class went by, Kaden laughed and giggled with his friends softly as they walked around the track like any normal outside class period. Kaden smiles as he glanced over at Antonio as Antonio walked over “Hey Kaden can I talk to you?” Antonio asked Kaden. He smiled softly and nodded. “Kaden I’ve been speaking with Lola and she's been telling me that you always think about me and that you are in love with me. So I was wondering if you’d like to be my boyfriend”?he asked. Kaden glanced into his eyes and laughed”are you serious? You’ve been hurting me physically and emotionally since the sleepover. Plus I like Jace” he says “are you kidding me?” he asked angrily”he's way out of your league. You aren’t even in the same universe as him, `` Antonio told Kaden. Kaden looked at him “ Don’t talk to me ever again” Kaden said and stormed off. Just as he did he started a livestream “ hello everyone it's Antonio I just wanted to give the daily news. Todays the last day of school, pool party at my house, oh yeah Kaden Carrington is gay and he likes Jace. Alright bye” he said ending the live. Kaden then went to the locker room to change as he heard a video going on mentioning his name. As he listened he started to tear up, grabbing his stuff he ran to a bathroom and started crying as he heard someone come in he stopped crying. He got up and opened the stall. As he did he was pushed against the wall “ Antonio get out!” he yelled and pushed him back. Kadne then punched him across the face and walked out.

As the last day came to an end Lola got a text.

-Meet me at our place- Antonio

Lola smiles brightly, she had a crush on Antonio since the first time she saw him and knew since Kaden was gonna reject him,he would fall straight into her arms. Lola smiles as she knew Kaden was gonna be busy doing something after school so she just went on her own. Antonio and her had been having “secret meetings” in a treehouse Kaden,Antonio, and her had found as a kid. Lola looked around as she waited for Antonio, she didn’t like being his plan B but, she was so madly in love with him that she honestly didn’t care. She smiled and sat down inside of the treehouse and waited . As the sun began to set she heard a twig break, she then slowly turned as someone blew a powder in her face making her unconscious in a matter of seconds. She slowly began to wake up hours later “Antonio!”she yelled as she tried to move but couldn't because she was tied to a bed. Antonio walked in “ You shouldn't have lied to me and told me that Kaden liked me when clearly he didn’t.”he told her sternly. She giggles “ So what?, you kidnapped me because you got rejected once?”she asked and continued giggling.” Exactly, but as of right nw all he knows is that you left for your summer camp early” he told her as he paused “which buys me a couple of days to find a way to get rid of your phone and to “kill” you so he can suffer the way I did today. So he can feel the loss of his best friend.

PRESENT DAY…… “Lola?” Kaden and Lola’s mom said then she ran over to her and hugged her daughter softly.Lola smiles “ Hey mom “ she says hugging back knowing everything that she missed because Antonio and the council had been keeping tabs on the Carrington family ever since Kaden turned fifteen years old.”Lola what if the council finds out that we saved you”?Kaden asked he was genuinely scared of what they could do. Carter looked “then they will get what's coming to them”she says. Kaden and Lola’s mom looked “ the council?” she asked as when she was a kid she was a vampire but she traded her powers so she could live a normal life and have kids. Kaden breathed in “mom are you bleeding?” he asked as she looked “ Carter can you please help Lola get cleaned up, Kaden and I need to talk”. She asked as Carter nodded, taking Lola upstairs.”Kaden you should sit down” she said. Kaden nodded then sat down. “When I was about twenty years old I gave my powers up so your father and I could have kids. But, after I became pregnant with you the council and I had a meeting. One of the members on the council could see a glimpse of the future, your future.”She paused then started again” They knew ever since I gave my powers up bit’s and pieces of your future. They told me you would get your powers Supernatural and regular powers within the next couple of weeks. Which obviously you have them now considering after you learned how your power’s worked you used them to help save your sister. They also told me you were part of a prophecy, you, Carter, and Lola an unbreakable bond. Separate you three are strong, but together you are unstoppable and the Antonio mission was a test to see how powerful you and Carters friendship were, and just as I predicted she came back for you with back up” she says “ The prophecy is, you, Lola, and Carter when the time comes will have to face something bigger then all of us, and then you three will have to choose, the human world or the vampire world.”she told Kaden. Kaden looked at her believing everything “ So did you have powers?” he asked as she nodded yes. “ Starting tomorrow you, Lola, and Carter will start training after school with me and your father, “ She said. Kaden nodded, still shocked at everything she said as they heard a knock on the door ” Is dad home?''Kaden asked. His mom nodded “ Yes” she answered' ' Take Lola and dad to the closet and don’t say anything” he said as Carter came down. Kaden went to go open the door and looked at the vampire council “ sorry we don’t want your Girl Scout cookies”he said jokingly and tried to shut the door as one of them stopped him. “ You have something that belongs to us” the youngest one says. Kaden looked “ she’s not anyone's property first of all and second, you’re not taking her back”he says. They look abs the youngest one says “ get her”. Kaden giggles “ I don’t think so” he says as he made his fangs come out signaling he’s ready to fight as one of the bigger one came up to Kaden . Kaden then looked “ at all costs protect Lola”he says as the big one looked down at Kaden” what are you gonna do ?”he asked the man. The man ignored his taunting and threw him against the wall” so that’s how it is”he says grunting after he slowly got up. Carter looked as she then punched the younger one across the face. Kaden looked “ shit”he says as he looked at the three people as Lola came down not fully healed but ready to fight. Kaden smiles then punches his man in the face. Him being unphased Kaden ducked under the man's punches then kicked him In The stomach knocking the wind out of him. He smirked then used his shockwaves to make him hit the stairs hard, getting his head stuck between two bars. Lola looked as they all turned towards a portal that was opening up. Kaden looked as a familiar face popped out “ Victoria what are you doing here?”Kaden asked. Victoria giggled evilly “ I’m the Vampire Queen and you three are being put on trial for endangering vampires of your own clan”she says' ' come with me now.``she says as she opens back up the portal. Kaden looked at Carter and breathed softly” we are gonna die”he said to himself as they walked through the portal with them not knowing what kind of hell the vampire world actually is.