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I woke up. I strapped in a hard bed. I can't move or scream. My throat was parched and I struggled to escape. But they were in vain. My whole body ached. Something was protruding out my shoulders. It was soft but very uncomfortable. It was, fortunately, able to open my one eye. It was completely dark. Where am I? What am I doing here?
I was hyperventilating. A doctor came inside and stared at me struggling and suffering. He grinned at me. 'Calm down my dear, it's nothing. The pain might be for a while, but I've given you some painkillers, so it will be all good after some time.' All good? Are you kidding me? This guy kidnapped me here and did something to me. I let a muffled cry, saying that I'll break his pretty face if he didn't let me out here. 'Don't worry it's for all of our own good.' He said calmly as he took out something sharp with his gloved hand. It was a syringe.
Why am I here? I was just going to meet my matchmaker? Am I not worthy of one? I inhaled and exhaled to calm myself down. It wasn't the best course of action. The pain traveled across my body like an airplane traveling over the world. I closed my eyes and cried to let me go. Nothing came out. I closed my eyes and let him prick me. The pain was even greater than breathing. I bit my tongue and let a tear fall. Just one tear. I inhaled again sharply. I have to live, I thought to myself as my surroundings became blurry and my vision even blurrier. I have to...Live.