At the deep of night - Slavers task drew silent, the only sound heard were the lashes coming from a cottage in the north section of the town.
In the cold, dank, empty room, Elroy let out a squeal to every whiplash tearing out his flesh. Not much he could do even if he wanted to, his hands were shackled together which hung from the ceiling suspending him from the floor, Elroy had endured the torture for five months; the first three months were hell, he cried his eyes out, begging as the whip lashed life from him - the only thing keeping him sane was the thought of killing Orlanda Ramsey; he took each pain as a training to kill his emotions.
"I can see the whips have gotten used to you," Rose spoke with a heavy breath then tosses the whip aside. "That's good," she walks up front to Elroy, "now we can move on to phase five."
Rose punched Elroy several times, it was a different torment entirely, each blow to his face took his breath - sending cold chills to his throat, he couldn't scream or cry out neither could he black out. Rose refused to stop, not even to take a single breath until Elroy's face was all bloody.
"Woo!” she screamed with excitement. “That felt good, see you later baby doll, play time is over." she blew a kiss at Elroy then walked out the room.
A short while later a fair skin man, having short thin brown hair, yet not even a strand of beard, walks into the room holding a bucket and bowl of soup.
"You look like shit boy." The man teased.
Elroy tried to speak but ended up coughing - droplets of blood following each cough.
"You don't have to speak," the man appealed then placed the bowl on the table having different tools, mostly blades.
"I've seen men and boys with a death wish, but you my friend, cannot be explained." He kneels in front of Elroy, "is it really worth it, you've survived in this hell pit long enough," he dips his hands into the bucket and brings out a piece of cloth.
"How long can you hold out." he squeezes the water from the cloth before wiping Elroy's bloody face.
"As long as I can." Elroy mustered the strength, speaking in a dying breath.
"You are still young boy, life needs you." He dips the cloth into the bucket of water, turning it red from the blood.
"And yet," Elroy coughs out, "yet it took away everything I love," he spoke with all his might.
"You are alive because it gave you a second chance," wipes the blood dripping from Elroy's nostril. "Trying to kill your pain and ability to feel won't take you anywhere, it will only release the beast in you."
Elroy gently tilts his head to take a good view of the man with his partially swollen eyes.
"If I am to give you a chance to make things right, what will be your resolve?"
"I'll kill every man and woman exalting themselves above the life of others." Elroy spoke with courage and strength.
"I knew there was a spark hidden within you, all it needed was the right season. You can call me Taven, Taven Scott."
Southern Lands
Kingdom of Vencia
The sun was clouded from sight, making the air unruffled and favourable. Drokan warriors patrol about, some picking up copses and their decapitated parts then loading them on carriages, while others began cleaning up the streets and putting damaged buildings in order.
Along the erratic street Commander Lafiki strolls alone side Covin.
"Kepiye proses renovasi (How's the renovation going?)” Covin asked.
"Imggih Juragan Covin (Well Master Covin.)"
"Pira warga Negara kasebul sing isih urip (How many citizens of this land still lives.)"
"Disregarding those being tracked, the count totaled sixty, including children and adults."
"Make sure they are being taken care off"
"Iya Juragan Covin (Yes master Covin.)"
Suddenly the streets became calm as the sound of trooping men took on, Covin and Commander Lafiki hurried to the Center street leading to the Royal compound were they saw every Drokan Soldier going on their knees with heads bowed. Commander Lafiki immediately joined them alongside Covin. Soon after five troops of Drokan spear-men matched pass followed by four young teens in green cape trotting their black horses, then came seven women on brown horses, wholly covered by green veil. Behind them were seven troops of Drokan cavalry units followed by Kalak.
"Mlaku bareng aku Covin (walk with me Covin,)" he spoke lightly, Covin immediately rose up then followed his father, behind were troops of Drokan swordsmen.
Somewhere in the Southern Lands, along a dense forest, team five of the Seekers squad trots their horses with Elroy and Mira slaking behind.
With every short trot Mira took a glance at Elroy who was focused on a book, after a while Elroy narrowed his eyes towards Mira.
"What?" He asked calmly.
"You've been on that page for a while now, what's wrong?"
"In case you've forgotten, I'll soon be a member of the Seekers squad, I have to know more about Uncle Allas' encounters with demons and how he handled them."
Mira squints at him, Elroy knew there was no hiding it, he sighed.
"What I said about the Behamolt was true?" Elroy came clean.
"I know." Mira was not surprised.
"You don't have to believe.... Wait you knew?" Elroy's voice was loud.
"Keep it down El." Mira glimpsed at her team, making sure no one looked back.
"How did you know I wasn't lying?" Elroy was relived yet troubled.
"Lose of memories, a sign you were a vessel."
"So why I'm I still alive?"
"The Behamolt didn't attack you, I was tracking it, someone had killed it by the time I found the human heads in the sack it carried."
"Blast my senses, I knew that stench was familiar."
,"Nothing serious, so what are you saying?"
"Remain calm, when we get to my father, we'll handle it."
"Fair enough." Elroy sighs.
Karin quickly took a peek at Elroy and Mira then looked forward as soon as Elroy turned to her.
"I have a feeling Karin is into me." Elroy squinted at her.
"What!?" Mira chuckles. "Where did that come from all of a sudden?"
"Why is that funny?"
"She just hasn't put trust in you yet."
"I doubt that."
"Karin is like a junior sister to me, we've known each other for twelve years."
Elroy glanced at Mira in shock, "Didn't see that coming."
"Way back when my father had his team."
"This is going somewhere." Elroy closes the book he held, now interested in Mira's words.
"We found Karin hiding in an underground compartment, her town was scorched and her family slaughtered."
"That explains her insecurity."
"So don't get all comfy because she keeps staring at you, Karin likes observing my friends up close to make sure I'm safe."
"I find that strange." Elroy squints at Mira.
"She's just being a protective sister and team-mate."
"That aside, where are your father's team-mates, are they as bad ass as him."
"They are dead." Mira spoke with a straight face.
"Why are you saying it so causally?"
"What's causal about saying dead, dead is dead." Mira reassured.
"You should sound more like this." He sighs, "they are dead," he spoke softly with a heart contempt.
With a smile Mira spoke, "you did change alot El."
"Like I said, life took a drastic turn."
"That still makes no sense."
"Maybe it will when my memory is recovered."
"Love birds," Lukas called out, "there's a town up ahead, hurry up."
"We'll be there soon." Mira replied.
"Can't wait to see the look on Uncle's face when he sees me." Elroy was expectant, he remembered always taunting Allas back in Urania.
"Just so you know, not every maiden approaching you wants a thing with you and if anyone would be into you it would be me." Mira said with a smile before urging her horse into a canter.
Elroy kept gazing at her, he understood what she meant, but it still stood strange to him.
"Please!! Have mercy." A young lady wailed out as two Soldiers vested in gray-hooded, leather armor dragged her coarsely across the town square.
"Bring her here," a man standing before a pyre ordered, vested in gray robe having a large crest of a white crow. "Let this be a warning to all laborers of iniquity and accommodators of dark arts,” he warned the crowd gathered around. “Lay her on the alter."
"No!" The lady cried in agony as the Soldiers forced her on the pyre, binding her hands and legs to it with chains.
Picking up a flame torch from an erected stick the priestly man turns to the crowd of people gathered. "And now, the cleansing power of God almighty shall purge this worker of iniquity from sin here in this physical realm and in the abyss of Hades."
With his proclamation the man threw the torch into the pyre which burst out in flames then overwhelmed the pyre, the lady screamed out in pain and anguish as the flames tore through her clothes and flesh.
"Amen," the crowd chorused.