She was battered (Jefferson's thoughts)

I looked out of the window from the kitchen while starting to go through the motions for lunch. I smiled when I saw the cloudless skies. It seemed like the weather is trying to match how I feel today. 

Light and happy.

I  brought my attention back to the lunch that I promised to serve them. I did not know what came upon me when I invited all them over. I just wanted an extension of my time with Bryanna.

I caught myself smiling again.

I can't believe what has happened this weekend. 

I felt my heart skipped a beat when Lena announced that Bry is coming over for the weekend. It even somersaulted when Lena added that Bry might stay with her for good.

This really confused me. I know I find Bry attractive. Who wouldn't?

She is tall, sexy and beautiful. Breathtaking. That is the word that comes to mind when I think of her. Which seemed to be quite often since I met her at Lena's home.